Mike Harrington
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+14 84 May 5 '24 |
Agape Farm Retreat · Shirleysburg, PA White, 18 holes |
+6 71 Feb 10 '24 |
Kayak Point Disc Golf Resort · Stanwood, WA Red course, Regular tees, 18 holes |
-8 46 May 25 '23 |
Oakwood Community Park · Delafield, WI One Regular (White), One Forward (Red), 18 holes |
Drew Dobbeleare November 19, 2022 at 2:33am
Hey Mike, I signed up for the Ace race in January, the singles event Friday night. I'm friends with Tyler Kollias and he said you could probably also use some volunteers. I didn't sign up for the Saturday event because I didn't have a partner, but I would be more than willing to volunteer Saturday if you still need any help for that day. If it's easier you can email me at [email redacted], or my cell is 913 375 3050, fell free to text me.
Eric Huffman January 6, 2019 at 2:09pm
Hey mike, I signed up for the doubles ace race and the complex but forgot to add my pdga number, can you fix that for me? My pdga number is 73912

Will do. Thanks for signing up and see you in aa few weeks
Tyler Boone February 28, 2015 at 2:40am
I was at league last Saturday. I am guessing my score actually went to the other Tyler...

Yes, sorry I just saw this, I saw that you fixed it, too. Thanks.

Nick wrote you down as Tyler Hamrick who wasnt there so it was resolved.
Dan Sinkey July 11, 2013 at 8:57pm
I was blown away by your article on the PDGA website your an asset to the discgolf community " we need you Mike' thank you

Thanks Dan . . . I am working on a second article as we speak . . . they will be coming out every 3-4 weeks for as long a sI have topics to discuss on sustainability. I appraoched them when I saw they were looking for contributing writers. i told them I have no formal writing skills, I simply love t ... more
Dan Sinkey March 24, 2013 at 5:00am
Today was really fun what a great group of guys

What sucks is I'm working next Monday , really look forward to next league day I can play
Dan Sinkey March 23, 2013 at 5:23am
Hey Mike, turns out I have to work Monday but I'll be at vally view tommarow afternoon I'll bring the 4$ I o u for disk in case u show if not I'll be sure to hit second session of leagues (and more!

I'm thinking of getting there around 1 pm and staying till around dinner

sounds like a glorious wonderful day . . . I am sure I will see you there then at some point. No worries if we dont meet up . . . I trust you to pay me when I see you next.
Dan Sinkey March 14, 2013 at 12:51am
Hey Mike, I went to Dineen today and my findings are that the vast magority of tee pads are " ice covered and hard to even locate " there in requires some maintenance / excavation work ( salt, ice pick , jackhammers, ect. ) . I live with in 4 miles of Dineen and could salt them saturday

If you are willing to make an effort on them I can meet you there on Saturday , . , however I am honestly feeling like maybe we just need to come up with a temporary tee position on every hole where the snow is flat and there are no slushy footprints.
Mike Harrington March 13, 2013 at 2:04am
Sunday Snow Throwers has been relocated to Dineen Park on 65th and Keefe Avenue (Just east of Appleton) because Estabrook baskets have been pulled for the spring thaw. Thank Greg Klein for his effort to pull those baskets to protect the course conditions and be happy that could has someone dedicated to preserving it.
Dineen on the other hand is one of the best courses to play in the late winter early spring because it has such good surface drainage, concrete teepads, and ...

My reply does not partain to this comment. I was late last week to Delafield and I am not sure if I missed a very important conversation about the league. Did I hear it was going to get relocated to wales because there has been only about 10 people going to delafield on Thursdays. My phone number is 262-392-4325. Call my number if the league ever gets relocated for one thursday.
Dan Sinkey February 25, 2013 at 8:55pm
Having you post our scores on d g scene is verry fun and makes the page cool as well(a lot of Wisconsin league directors don't bother and your that Mutch cooler for the effort ) in the big picture it doesn't effect ratings or anything hugely important so it's nothing to sweat if you can fix cool if not we will still live long full happy lives and the sun is still shining down on a beautiful day go throw some plastic
Dan Sinkey February 23, 2013 at 2:28am
Hey you mentioned hitting up northern wi courses and since your nutty enough to go on a month long discgolf bing every winter " you the man for these kind of missions I discovered there is a course in Trego that has 600 foot wooded fairways with elevation that sounds delightfully treacherous its 24 holes and in the middle of noware pretty ( it could be heaven) it is a private course but heartwood sounds like the shit what do you think about an early June run .as for me I m obligated to see this place by the divine powers of my own obsessive short comings !!

All of the courses I have not played in WI are north and west of eau claire. I am going to have to make a few weekend trips up that way but I wont be able to know for sure when those will be yet. I will be hittiing it this year though, if I am able to accomplish my goal. I only have 50 courses left ... more
Dan Sinkey February 21, 2013 at 5:06am
You needed to see my scores since I don't have a rating yet and my pdga number was yust activated today #57578 now you can see my scores after a 3 round period that's probably the most prompt way you can go . I'm happy about it cos I don't ever want to be unfair this is about fun , and friends , thank you Mike

Oh I know you are not dominating Unrated on purpose . . . I have seen you around the courses quite a bit actually, but you cannot be punished and throw into advance or intermediate just becausr you dont have a rating so I give everyone a chance to prove their ability to start out. Yours is clearly f ... more

I have a few hot rounds a lot of good ones and then I can flat out suck ( sometimes all in the same round ) but I m workin on it this is the first year I've signed up for tournements so far the big freeze and rolling ridge and the flip open in Michigan I don't expect to win but I go into competition trying not to care about that shit ( I want fun ) is my aditude
Dan Sinkey February 14, 2013 at 9:52am
hey MIKE do you have any reservations about a 12 year old playing leagues with us sunday my son Miles really wants to join us at the vally and most the holes are in his range hes well versed in safety and ed . yust didn't want to asume without asking or make other players uncomfortable.

NOT AT ALL DAN . . . $3 for juniors ($2 goes to payout) and the optional $1 ace pool if desired. I will make sure you play together if you prefer . . . most of the league players are cool about it however, in fact I would venture to guess they would enjoy seeing some kids out there learning the game.
Dan Sinkey January 28, 2013 at 7:13pm
One more thing if your hitting up eastern Pa nockamixon , south mountain, and Jordan creek all have there pins up . (friend Tony yust played them all in the past week or so

I might be able to his a few in PA, but it will depend on how much snow and how cold it is when I get there. I will play every day, but I might be limited to just a course or two. Thanks for the recommendation.

I did get in Nocakmixon actually . . . with one of the guys who helped put it in and I played with the designer of Nocky that night at South Mountain Glow League
Dan Sinkey January 28, 2013 at 6:55pm
League stuff right, don't know if I've met you before ( bad with names) but anyone who goes on a month long dg course bing is my kind of people , a blast!!

Not a problem, I am also bad with names. Next week 2/3 is Dretzka and then 2/10 we have off. I will be back on 2/17 at Valley View if you want to come to that week also.
Matt atherton December 31, 2012 at 4:20am
Good job on getting everything posted right away
Greg Weber April 27, 2012 at 11:38pm
hey Mike, do you know anything about acourse at Grant park in south milwauke. I saw 3 baskets there today.
Matt atherton July 22, 2011 at 7:24am
so where were you finaly took down joe with a 10 hole play off got him on the last on i shot 10 down for ten
Matt atherton July 19, 2011 at 3:45am
so you should be all good now let me know that it worked
Fil Lopez August 17, 2010 at 1:15am
disc golf scene has estabrook park set as esterbrook park idk y..it was a cool ace tho Kevin put a mando on the hole
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I caught that already thanks Grant! Sometime I type the under par number instead of the actual score :)