Tim Kopacz  › Powder Mill DGC   September 21, 2022 at 7:08pm

NOTICE: I was approached by the Powder Mill property owner due to last weekend's event. For future events, all organizers MUST provide their own insurance including Named Insured Certificates for the property owners. UPDGA is responsible for the Powder Mill, Silver Creek, and Al Quaal courses, and has entered into Land Use Agreement easements with the property owners to provide, construct, and maintain them. The Association maintains insurance policies covering all property owners, as well as the equipment the Association owns and operates. Since UPDGA owns the course equipment and is responsible for replacement and upkeep due to wear and tear, the Land Use Agreements allow fees to be collected for other use of the course. For 2023 and on, any other entity looking to reserve the courses for an event will be required to provide certificates of insurance and pay a reservation fee ($250 per day, $150 per half day, $50 per league night).

Nathan Frischkorn   September 21, 2022 at 10:29pm

You should make sure that non-UPDGA tournament directors are notified directly.

Tim Kopacz   September 21, 2022 at 11:37pm

It's going to be standard process. Just like any township or parks department has a fee to reserve a soccer field for a league, pavilion for a private event, etc. Chocolay Township actually has always had this in place for reserving the Recreation area.

Tim Kopacz   September 21, 2022 at 11:40pm

In reality, it's not even logical to just decide to run an event in someone else's neighborhood, in their park, without getting permission, and most likely paying some fee associated with the reserved/dedicated use. By no means would I just go down to Iron Mountain and run an event at City Park. WTH are some people thinking???!

Nathan Frischkorn   September 21, 2022 at 11:55pm

If you don't say something directly to the offending party, you know it will happen again.

Tim Kopacz   September 22, 2022 at 12:00am

Oh I get it. Yes, anyone who tries to schedule will be made aware. But we cannot tell all potential "outside TDs"