Beauties Battle for Buck Creek

Saturday, May 7, 2022 at Chain Out DGC in Lyons, Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament

Beauties Battle for Buck Creek graphic


Tournament DirectorStormie Morris
Assistant Tournament DirectorRachel Terryn
Event StaffSteve Hedstrom
Event SupportChad Shine

About this tournament

-Welcome all Beauties to the Second Annual Beauties Battle for Buck Creek. Brought to you by HomeTeam Disc Golf and Chain Out DGC.
-We will be playing a modified layout of this course. As the event comes closer, I will add layouts to the photos section of this event.
-One day, two rounds of 18 holes each
-This year we are only offering prepaid registration to help keep things organized.
-Last year, player registration had $5 deducted due to the BlueGill course fee. We are going to be raising funds to cover this cost for all of you Beauties so more money will come back to you in all cash payouts for all divisions.
-ACE Pool: $3-There will be a CTP flag on the course all day in case no one hits an ACE.
-50/50 Pool: $2- There will be a CTP or LP flag on the course all day for this. Winner will receive cash money!
-Multiple CTPs, LPs and maybe even "CTT"s (closest to the teepad) some will be division specific.
-There will be a raffle at the event and tickets will be available all day. $1 each. Details on items included in the raffle to come soon.
-Bruce's Badass BBQ will be onsite again this year to sell lunch! $5 a meal.

Buck Creek Policies: Pack it in pack it out, meaning there are no trash cans so keep any trash or cans you may accumulate during your round in your bag! This is a beautiful piece of property and must be treated with utmost respect. ANY TRASH OR CIGARETTE BUTTS LEFT AND FOUND ON THE COURSE THAT DAY WILL RESULT IN A $5 DEDUCTION FROM THE ACE POOL PER PIECE OR BUTT, THAT WILL GO STRAIGHT BACK TO BUCK CREEK. We surely do not want to have to do this but we really take pride in being able to come to this course and we take the trash issue very seriously. The course is beautiful and is an absolute treat to walk and play, all we ask is you help us keep it that way. I will have a large trash bag placed at tournament central.

I will post very specific instructions on how to get to the course and to tournament central from the parking as DGS map does not take you to it.

Keep checking back for more information.

Refund policy

HomeTeam Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



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