Hudsonville League of Champions - 2016
Doubles league
Mar 27, 2016 · Top scoresHughes Park Regular tees, 18 holes | |||
-16 38 | Zachary Vaughn Mike Wolters | $125 | |
-16 38 | Brent Steenstra Nate Mihos | $125 | |
-14 40 | Nick Vourlitis Ken DeBoer | $80 | |
-13 41 | Jon Cusack Jeff Kuehle | $50 | |
-13 41 | Matthew Lavarier Dennis DeBoer | $50 | |
-12 42 | Brian Fitz Lightning John | $20 | |
-9 45 | Shane Robinson | $10 |
Overall standings | ||
Player | Points | |
1 | Zachary Vaughn | 220 |
2 | Rian Smith | 208 |
3 | Jeff Kuehle | 167.5 |
4 | Lightning John | 156.5 |
5 | Todd Tracy | 112 |
6 | Mike Wolters | 81 |
7 | Nate Mihos | 78.5 |
8 | Nick Vourlitis | 78 |
8 | Scott Scholten | 78 |
10 | Brent Steenstra | 76.5 |
Congratulations to Zach, Mike, Nate, and Brent for winning yesterday with scores of -16! The weather was so nice I'm surprised we didn't see better scores. An additional congratulations to Lightening John for winning the ace pool throw-off and $13.
Thank you to everyone for playing this year, it was fun as always!
Year end Power Rankings:
Rank Player Power Index
1 Zachary Vaughn 1.5
2 Jeff Kuehle 4.5
3 Rian Smith 4.75
4 Lightning John 7.5
5 Mike Wolters 8.75
6 Rob Buit ...
So Travis and Ken were paired up again. Apparently their familiarity with one another helped them in the one disc challenge showing us that they are the best casual players of the bunch with a -14. A gang of 4 teams tied for 2nd at -13.
This Sunday is our league finals. If you're not on the qualified list, you won't be able to compete for the week. As for those affected by Easter plans, I apologize for the scheduling conflict.
Qualified List:
Zachary Vaughn
Dennis DeBoer
J ...
This Sunday marks our last wacky Sunday as we play the casual way with only 1 disc. This is also our last league day in which visitors and non-qualifying members will be able to play. Here is a reminder of the 3/27 qualified members and the almost qualified:
Zachary Vaughn
Dennis DeBoer
Jeff Kuehle
Nate Mihos
Nick Vourlitis
Lightning John
Jason Butch
Mike Wolters
Todd Tracy
Rian Smith
Brent Steenstra
Shane Robinson
Brian Fitz
The following members need to play next week in or ...
Member Rankings:
+ rising players
- falling since last ranking
Rank Player Power Index
1 Zachary Vaughn 1.67
2 Rian Smith 3.67 +
3 Jeff Kuehle 4.00 -
4 Rob Buit 6.33 +
5 Rex Loveless III 7.00
6 Lightning John 8.33 +
7 Todd Tracy 10.67
8 Shane Robinson 15.00 +
9 Travis Prueter 16.33 -
10 Jason Butch 16.67 +
Rank Player Power Index
1 Randy Singletary 4.00
2 Scott Scholten 10.67
3 Ryan VandenBosch 11.00
4 Craig Pluger 12.00
5 Connor Gortsma 16.67
Rainy day Scott was at it again as he and Toren cruised to the win with a -15. 2 rainy days this year and 2 Scott Scholten wins. Congratulations to Lightning John as he aced hole #4 with a hyzer shot earning him $33.
Only one week remains which means that our league finals participants are becoming more clear. The following members are qualified for 3/27:
Zachary Vaughn
Dennis DeBoer
Jeff Kuehle
Nate Mihos
Nick Vourlitis
Lightning John
Jason Butch
Mike Wolters
Todd Tracy
Rian Smi ...
"I like disc golfing in the rain because no one can tell when I'm crying."
Did you spring your clocks forward?
For the next few weeks I will feature the top 15 players in the LoC Power Rankings. Power Rankings are determined by Money avg, scoring avg, and adjusted scoring avg. These are the guys you want on your team!
Rank Player Power Index
1 Zachary Vaughn 1.33
2 Jeff Kuehle 2.67
3 Randy Singletary 4.33
3 Rian Smith 4.33
5 Rex Loveless III 8.33
6 Jeff England 9.00
7 Lightning John 9.33
8 Rob Buit 9.67
9 Todd Tracy 11.00
10 Ryan VandenBosch 11.67
11 Craig Pluger 13.00
11 Scott ...
Motivation? Adjusted scoring - projected team score minus actual, money earned per week, avg score per week.
I may make a couple tweaks for next week's rankings. The numbers are close but not perfect.
Despite the wonderful conditions (except the back 9 teepads) only 1 team shot -16 which was the hot round of the day. Team Jeff held on to win a cool $60, nice work gentlemen!
Scott was our lone ace taking half the ace pool $14. Nice shot on #8!
Only 2 weeks of play remain before finals. Here is the breakdown of qualified members and eligible members. There are 12 qualified for 3/27 with 9 more who still have a chance to qualify.
Player # of Weeks needed
Zachary Vaughn Qualified ...
Hughes park was showing her teeth Sunday as it was the windiest day of the year and perhaps the windiest day in LoC history. 3 teams took home top honors with -14 scores - Zach/Bryan, Todd/Jason, and Jeff/Nick. Nice work gentlemen! The man of the day was Todd Tracy as he nailed a headwind ace on the triple mando #17 for a $61 payday!
There are just 3 weeks remaining in the regular season which means there are several members that have to play each of the remaining weeks to qualify for fina ...
Wacky Sunday #2 brought a lot of drama along with a wide variety of scores. Lightning and Dennis navigated their way to the top by posting a -14, very solid considering the difficult format.
We're 7 weeks in and we have 3 members qualified for finals. This list will likely grow in the coming weeks.
Qualified for 3/27
Zachary Vaughn
Jeff Kuehle
Lightning John
Added Cash for 3/27 - $377
Ace Pool - $36
Greetings to you on this 60 degree day!
This Sunday will be our second wacky Sunday which will be "Alternating Worst Best Beast Bonanza". In other words, holes 1-6 will be played using the alternating shot format holes 7-12 will be played using the worst shot format, and holes 13-18 will be played using the best score format.
I will go into more detail on Sunday to help you understand the rules and quirks.
It was cold on Sunday but not cold enough to cool off Zach and Jon's hot round of -15. We had light attendance which could be attributed to all of the Valentine's day romantic plans everyone must have had. There are 5 weeks left before finals...
Added Cash for 3/27 - $372
Ace Pool - $13
Hudsonville has just 1"-3" of snow on the ground. See you tomorrow!
We were surprised to see 27 players show up this week despite rain! The rain and slippery conditions couldn't keep Scott and Zach from shooting perfect for the first time in LoC history! They took home $62.50 for their efforts on the day and Zach has staked his claim on a portion of the perfect pool. Rian added to the excitement by acing hole #6 for $99! His ace pool earnings alone are enough to lead the money scoring race. Add in his weekly earnings and he has lapped the field earning ... more
We were surprised to see 27 players show up this week despite rain! The rain and slippery conditions couldn't keep Scott and Zach from shooting perfect for the first time in LoC history! They took home $62.50 for their efforts on the day and Zach has staked his claim on a portion of the perfect pool. Rian added to the excitement by acing hole #6 for $99! His ace pool earnings alone are enough to lead the money scoring race. Add in his weekly earnings and he has lapped the field earning ... more
Hello - sending this as a reminder that Sunday 1/31 is the last day that we will be accepting league members. If you want to get in, remember to bring the $15 member fee along with a new disc.
Here is a look at the scoring leaders in relation to par this season. These figures only include those whom have played each week.
Player Under par Score
Rian Smith -54
Jeff Kuehle -51
Zachary Vaughn -50
Lightning John -47
Jason Butch -42
Dennis DeBoer -40
Todd Tracy -38
Nate Mihos -37
Nick Vourlitis -34
Patrick Boon -32
-16 is the high water mark so far. If the season ended today, the payout would look like this:
Payout Current Perfect Pool Payout
$26.00 Jeff Kuehle
$26.00 Rian Smith
$13.00 Brian Fitz
$13.00 John Bentling
$13.00 Rex Loveless
We had 35 players today which set a new attendance record besting the previous best of 23! The added players showed a strain on the accounting as this time I failed to pay out $10 of the total purse. So those shooting -15 today - Randy, Jason B., Jason R., Nate, Zach, Shane, Ryan, and Todd I will deduct $1 off your next entry to make up for it. I'll also pay back $0.50 to each team to bring your total earnings to what it was supposed to be, $10 and not $7.50.
Congratulations to the 3 ...
For the first time in League of Champions history, we have a team over par! Yes, we were playing the super mando course, experienced -4 wind chills, 10-15mph winds, and had the pleasure of playing on the back 9 ice pads...but...all 9 other teams managed par or better. Nate and Nick, thanks for being the first to shoot over par!
Wacky Sunday Super Mando Island Gap Triangle Challenge winners today were teams Zach/Jason and Lightning/Rex shooting -9...nice work overcoming the elements and rude ...
Anne Hyzers mobile disc golf store will be on hand at league today and each league Sunday. Bring some cash so you can pick up that disc that you've been meaning to buy. $1 of every sale goes to help fund our end of year added cash!
Greetings to you. Sunday will feature our first wacky day of disc golf with the Super Mando Island Gap Triangle Challenge. In short, expect some sort of mandatory shot on every hole combined with the encouragement of rude golf. If you take yourself too seriously and don't enjoy a side of fun with your disc golf, we recommend you stay home.
Course conditions:
5-8" of snow
Teepads are shoveled
The wind chill of 3 degrees didn't keep the majority of players away as we tied the league record with 23 players. The course was considerably harder with the wind blowing and cold temperatures. The winning score was -14 shot by Rian and Ezequiel. Rian is a perfect 2 for 2 in wins this year showing that drawing him as a partner (and his blue discs) are a good draw.
A reminder that overall standings represent cash earnings for the league. It is merely bragging rights as what is shown ...
Instead of random wacky Sundays, this year the wacky days will be set using the following formats:
1/17 - Super Mando Island Gap Triangle Challenge
2/21 - Alternating Worst Best Beast Bonanza
3/20 - Casual Sunday
Offering a reward of 25 dollars for lost Champion Boss Autum Color with green writing inbox me
We had a great turnout for the first week with a record 23 players, nice! Brian Fitz got the winter season started right with an ace on hole #4 netting him $23 for his efforts. Rian and Jeff paced the way with a -16 earning them $30 a piece and setting the target for the perfect pool. I read the payout table wrong and accidentally paid out $10 extra for week #1 so I've reduced the added cash for 3/27 by $10 to make up for it.
Reminders: Players have until January 31st to join as a ...
Check out the league page and get ready for 2016!
Saw the baskets planted at rush creek. Already voting up Hughes to "best" status.
9 more baskets to come and if I get my way, a total redesign. Hoping Hughes stays in the worst status.
Most of the "tee pad" boards are lined up at a 45u00b0 angle to the basket. Pretty sad looking. Redesign, here's to hoping.
It is a bit moist outside.