3rd Annual Baskets in the Blossoms PDGA C-Tier
This event has partnered with the Paul McBeth Foundation to assist them in funding their course development initiatives. PMF focuses on developing and introducing sustainable disc golf experiences in underserved locations with limited or no access to the sport. We thank you for your consideration to contribute during registration. To read more about PMF, check out their website:
Directions and Parking
From the south: I-94 W to exit 59B. Turn right onto 67th St. and continue for 3 miles to a left onto Richards Dr. Drive for .5 miles and make a right onto Hayes Dr. Park on Hayes Lakeshore parking lot (1971 E Hayes Dr.).
From the north: I-94 E to exit 58B. Continue straight onto Well St. and drive for .5 miles to a left onto Marquette Rd. Drive for 3.3 miles to a left onto Richards Dr. Drive for .5 miles and make a right onto Hayes Dr. Park on Hayes Lakeshore parking lot (1971 E Hayes Dr.).
Check-in will be near the first tee, by the parking lot (1971 E Hayes Dr.).
Contact: Hyde Park Disc Golf
This document is meant to provide you with all of the information needed involving Hyde Park Disc Golfs (henceforth mentioned as HPDG) and its Tournament Standards for the 2023 tournament season (January-December 2023). This document will cover HPDG events sanctioned as C tiers by the Professional Disc Golf Association. We at Hyde Park Disc Golf want to provide the best tournament experience possible to all competitors involved. We pledge to follow all PDGA rules and regulations as well as enforce them to the best of our abilities. Creating the best possible atmosphere for the fair competition is our number one priority. If you have questions regarding any of the tournament standards we have put into place, please email [email redacted]. We appreciate our patrons, our supporters, our competitors, our sponsors, and the entire Disc Golf community.
Hyde Park Disc Golf, LLC. Non-Liability waiver
Participants hereby hold blameless and fully release Hyde Park Disc Golf, Chicago Park District, Jackson Park Advisory Council, Chicago Parks Foundation, the Professional Disc Golf Association, the tournament directors, local and state park services, and all tournament partners/sponsors and individuals or parties associated with Hyde Park Disc Golf from all liability of personal damage or injury which I may incur before, during, or after my participation in this event. I accept full and sole responsibility for any damage I may cause through negligence and/or malice, including damages or injuries caused by my own throws in practice or competition. I also recognize that Hyde Park Disc Golf, Chicago Park District, Chicago Parks Foundation, event staff, the PDGA, and any other media outlets covering the event have the right and responsibility to record the event and participants via video and still photography. Such photography and/or video may be used for event publicity, public information or any other promotional use that falls within event activities.
3rd Annual Baskets in the Blossoms C Tier Standards
1 round of 23, flex start.
Tee Off: 9 AM - 3 PM. No one will be allowed to tee off after 3 PM.
The cost per player is $10 if the participant is a current PDGA member.
Any person may compete in a sanctioned HPDG Flex tournament. Competitors must be current PDGA members or pay an additional $10.00 fee to become temporary member for each event sanctioned by the PDGA. Participants are then eligible to compete in any division for which they qualify based on age, rating, gender and class (professional or amateur). The $10.00 PDGA fee for non-members is waived for youth competitors in any Junior division for C Tier events. Amateur divisions do not award payouts nor do they offer a player’s package, division winners will receive a trophy. Pro divisions will receive 80% for 1st and 20% for 2nd place of division player pot.
Scores and registration are uploaded to PDGA.com periodically throughout each sanctioned event so competitors and the general public alike may follow ratings, participation, and final results.
Tournament Registration
Registration for Baskets in the Blossoms can be done onsite the day of the event or online through DiscGolfScene.com when applicable.
There is no waitlist and no minimum participation for any division. The cost of the event is the same for all divisions unless specified otherwise for a specific event.
Withdrawals and Refunds
Once a player begins their round, no refunds will be given for any reason. If a player has to quit due to injury, illness, or an emergency during their round, a score of 999 will be assessed for not finishing the event as long as the Tournament Director is notified. If a player walks off the course in the middle of their round and fails to tell the Tournament Director or any of the tournament staff, the player will receive an 888. Communication is critical so HPDG can better serve you.
Event Check-In
Check-in for Baskets in the Blossoms is complete once a competitor registers onsite or verifies their pre-registration on DiscGolfScene.com with the Hyde Park Disc Golf staff onsite.
Grouping and Sectioning of Divisions
Basket in the Blossoms do not have a set minimum of participation for any division. Players in different divisions may compete on the same card. The minimum number of players needed to start a round is THREE (3) and the maximum is FOUR (4) unless otherwise specified by the Tournament Director before the event begins.
Rules of Disc Golf/Competition
Please refer to the Professional Disc Golf Association’s Competition Manual and the Official Rules of Disc Golf for all sanctioned events hosted by HPDG. These rules will be enforced to the fullest extent at each sanctioned event. For the safety, fairness, and integrity of the sport, it is necessary that all competitors are accountable for their own actions. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
PDGA Official Rules of Disc Golf:
PDGA Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events:
PDGA Tour Standards:
Hole Sponsorship: Your name or business will be posted on a tee sign at a hole which will be seen by all the players. We will also recognize your sponsorship on our website and other event materials.
There will be a players meeting at 9:00am and we will go over rules for players that arrive later for the flex start. The tee signs indicate OB areas as well as the pdga scorecard
Each group gets a players meeting prior to starting.
Thank you! Looking forward to it.