Paavo Stubstad

North Carolina, USA Righty - backhand

Paavo's scores

Paavo has posted 2936 scores at 302 courses.
View Paavo's scoring stats »
+4 70
November 4
Socastee Rec Park, 19 Holes, 19 holes
1 32 23 24 55 36 47 58 39 410 411 412 313 514 315 516 617 318 419 2Out 70 / +4
-4 59
October 29
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 27 28 29 310 311 212 313 314 315 316 217 318 319 320 321 3Out 59 / -4
+8 66
October 13
Idlewild Road Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 55 36 57 78 29 410 311 212 313 414 415 416 317 418 4Out 66 / +8
-4 54
October 12
Winget Park, Default Layout, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 25 26 37 38 39 610 411 312 513 214 315 216 217 318 3Out 54 / -4
-1 62
October 9
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 33 44 25 36 27 38 29 210 311 312 313 214 715 416 317 218 419 220 321 2Out 62 / -1
-9 54
September 5
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 33 24 35 26 27 28 39 310 211 212 213 214 315 216 317 418 319 220 321 3Out 54 / -9
E 58
August 27
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
Found OB long left on hole 5 for the first time in my life. Lol.
1 42 33 34 35 (4)6 47 48a 28 39 210 211 312 313 314 315 216 317 318 4Out 58 / E
+1 55
August 21
Springhead Creek, Springhead Creek, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 24 35 56 37 28 39 310 311 212 213 314 415 316 417 318 3Out 55 / +1
+6 65
August 7
Signal Hill DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
So many mosquitos! Hard to focus.
1 32 43 44 35 46 27 38 49 410 311 312 313 514 415 316 517 418 4Out 65 / +6
-1 54
August 7
Fourth Creek DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
So many mosquitos! Hard to focus.
1 32 33 24 35 26 27 38 49 310 311 312 413 414 215 416 217 318 (4)Out 54 / -1
-3 55
July 30
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 34 35 26 57 38 59 310 311 312 313 314 315 216 217 218 4Out 55 / -3
-2 25
July 25
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 44 35 36 47 28 39 2Out 25 / -2
+4 72
July 25
The Gully, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 22 23 44 35 26 47 58 39 210 511 412 313 314 215 316 317 218 419 520 421 422 3Out 72 / +4
-2 25
July 24
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 (4)5 36 37 38 39 2Out 25 / -2
-3 24
July 24
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 (4)4 (4)5 26 37 38 29 2Out 24 / -3
-3 24
July 24
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 (4)4 25 36 37 38 29 2Out 24 / -3
-2 52
July 24
Springhead Creek, Springhead Creek, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 25 46 37 38 39 210 211 312 413 314 315 316 317 318 4Out 52 / -2
+4 58
July 21
Springhead Creek, Springhead Creek, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 (4)4 35 36 37 38 49 310 311 212 313 314 315 316 417 418 5Out 58 / +4
+3 30
July 7
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 (5)4 35 (5)6 47 28 39 2Out 30 / +3
E 68
July 7
The Gully, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 32 33 34 45 36 27 38 39 210 411 412 313 314 415 316 317 418 319 320 221 322 3Out 68 / E
-3 55
July 3
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 32 33 24 25 26 27 38a 48 39 310 411 212 313 214 415 316 317 318 4Out 55 / -3
-7 52
July 2
Signal Hill DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
Dead center spit-out for par on hole 9. Should have been bogey free!
1 22 33 34 35 36 37 28 39 410 311 312 313 314 315 216 317 318 3Out 52 / -7
-11 44
July 2
Fourth Creek DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 24 25 36 37 38 39 210 311 312 313 214 215 316 217 218 2Out 44 / -11
+4 58
June 27
Springhead Creek, Springhead Creek, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 46 37 28 39 310 311 212 313 414 415 216 417 418 4Out 58 / +4
+2 69
June 27
Brackett's Bluff, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 (3)7 48 39 310 311 512 313 214 215 316 317 418 519 320 321 322 2Out 69 / +2
-6 57
June 21
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
Not the best round but bogey free is cool!
1 32 33 24 35 36 37 28 29 310 311 312 313 214 215 316 317 318 319 320 321 2Out 57 / -6
+5 60
June 19
University of North Carolina, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 54 45 36 37 48 29 610 211 512 213 414 315 316 317 218 3Out 60 / +5
-4 64
June 16
The Gully, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
Stupid double bogey on hole 20. Otherwise a pretty great round!
1 32 23 34 25 26 37 38 49 310 211 412 313 314 315 216 317 318 419 320 521 222 2Out 64 / -4
+4 62
June 11
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
Terrible. :-(
1 22 33 34 25 46 57 48a 38 49 310 311 212 313 314 415 316 417 318 4Out 62 / +4
+1 70
May 30
Renaissance Park, Gold layout, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 45 36 47 38 29 310 511 612 413 614 415 316 317 518 5Out 70 / +1
+1 55
May 30
Renaissance Park, Grey layout, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 45 36 27 (6)8 39 410 211 312 413 214 315 316 317 218 2Out 55 / +1
-3 51
May 30
Renaissance Park Renske DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 26 37 38 39 310 411 212 313 314 315 316 317 318 2Out 51 / -3
E 58
May 29
Winget Park, Default Layout, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 45 26 37 58 (5)9 310 311 212 413 314 315 316 217 318 3Out 58 / E
+6 64
May 29
Idlewild Road Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 45 26 37 78 39 (4)10 311 312 413 414 315 416 217 518 3Out 64 / +6
-5 58
May 28
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 27 38 29 210 311 212 313 414 315 316 317 318 419 320 321 3Out 58 / -5
E 68
May 27
The Gully, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 32 23 34 35 26 27 68 49 310 411 312 313 314 215 316 317 318 319 520 421 222 2Out 68 / E
+13 73
May 26
Stumpy Creek, Blue, 19 holes
1 42 53 44 45 36 37 48 39 310 511 312 513 314 515 316 417 (5)18 319 4Out 73 / +13
+3 57
May 26
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 46 37 38 49 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 418 2Out 57 / +3
+1 55
May 25
Sloan Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 47 38 39 210 211 412 213 514 315 316 417 318 3Out 55 / +1
+3 57
May 25
Lake Corriher, Regular Tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 45 36 47 48 39 310 311 312 313 314 415 216 417 318 3Out 57 / +3
-1 66
May 25
Brackett's Bluff, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 (4)7 38 39 410 (4)11 312 313 214 415 316 217 418 219 420 321 222 2Out 66 / -1
+3 61
May 24
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 37 38 59 310 311 212 413 314 215 516 317 418 5Out 61 / +3
-2 56
May 24
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38a 38 39 210 311 212 313 314 315 416 217 318 4Out 56 / -2
-5 58
May 24
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 210 211 212 313 314 315 216 317 418 319 220 321 2Out 58 / -5
+3 57
May 9
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
Really fell apart after my double bogey on 9. :-(
1 22 33 24 35 26 37 28 39 510 311 312 313 414 415 316 417 518 3Out 57 / +3
-4 53
May 7
Winthrop University, Winthrop Meadows, Main Layout, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 37 38 49 210 311 312 313 414 315 316 317 318 2Out 53 / -4
-9 54
May 6
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 23 34 35 26 27 38 29 (4)10 211 212 213 314 215 316 317 318 219 320 321 2Out 54 / -9
+2 59
April 30
Winthrop University, Winthrop Meadows, Main Layout, 18 holes
Double penalty on hole 10.
1 22 33 44 35 36 47 28 39 310 (5)11 212 313 514 415 316 317 418 3Out 59 / +2
-4 53
April 30
Winthrop University, Winthrop Meadows, Main Layout, 18 holes
1 32 43 44 25 36 27 38 39 310 311 212 313 514 215 216 317 418 2Out 53 / -4
-11 52
April 25
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
Great round, but new hole 17 ruined bogey free for me!
1 32 23 24 25 26 37 28 39 (3)10 211 212 213 314 315 316 217 418 319 220 221 2Out 52 / -11
-6 57
April 17
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 22 23 44 35 26 37 38 39 310 211 212 313 314 215 316 417 318 219 320 221 3Out 57 / -6
+2 65
April 17
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
Why am I so bad at disc golf? New personal worst... again! :-(
1 32 33 34 35 56 37 38 39 (3)10 311 312 313 414 315 316 217 318 319 320 221 (4)Out 65 / +2
-3 60
April 17
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 23 34 45 26 37 (4)8 49 210 211 312 313 314 215 216 217 418 219 320 321 (4)Out 60 / -3
+9 76
April 15
Brackett's Bluff, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 (4)7 68 39 310 311 212 213 414 (4)15 216 317 (4)18 (5)19 420 421 422 4Out 76 / +9
-4 52
April 9
Eastway Park, White tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 36 27 38 39 310 311 212 213 314 315 316 217 418 4Out 52 / -4
-12 51
April 7
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 37 28 29 310 211 312 313 214 215 316 217 318 319 220 321 2Out 51 / -12
E 63
March 31
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
Literally my new personal worst. Terrible. :-(
1 32 33 34 35 26 37 38 29 (4)10 311 312 313 214 315 416 217 418 319 320 221 (5)Out 63 / E
-2 25
March 28
Vietnam Veterans Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 27 48 39 2Out 25 / -2
E 60
March 28
Frank Liske Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 47 58 39 410 311 212 313 414 415 316 317 218 4Out 60 / E
-2 61
March 26
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
So bad.
1 42 23 34 25 36 27 28 39 310 211 312 313 314 415 416 217 318 319 420 421 2Out 61 / -2
-3 24
March 25
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 (5)4 25 36 37 38 29 2Out 24 / -3
+1 28
March 25
Hopewell High School, Long tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 24 45 56 27 28 49 3Out 28 / +1
-4 23
March 25
Hopewell High School, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 46 37 28 39 2Out 23 / -4
-3 24
March 24
Hopewell High School, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 36 37 28 39 (4)Out 24 / -3
-1 26
March 24
Hopewell High School, Long tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 25 46 27 38 49 3Out 26 / -1
+5 59
March 17
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
So terrible. Lol.
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 410 411 312 413 414 415 316 317 418 2Out 59 / +5
-4 23
March 13
Restoring Hope Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 35 36 47 28 39 2Out 23 / -4
-5 22
March 13
Asbury Academy, The Pursuit, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 27 28 49 3Out 22 / -5
-3 65
March 13
The Gully, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 32 33 24 35 36 37 48 29 310 311 412 313 214 315 316 317 318 319 220 221 322 5Out 65 / -3
+2 60
March 7
Winget Park, Default Layout, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 37 48 39 510 411 312 313 314 415 416 317 318 4Out 60 / +2
+17 81
March 7
Elon Park, Pro course, Regular tees, 18 holes
So terrible. Lol.
1 72 43 (5)4 45 86 37 58 49 310 211 412 (7)13 414 315 416 (3)17 418 (7)Out 81 / +17
-2 52
March 7
Elon Park, Main course, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 45 26 37 28 49 310 311 312 313 314 315 216 317 418 2Out 52 / -2
-3 24
March 7
Anne Springs Close Greenway, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 44 35 26 27 38 29 2Out 24 / -3
-7 51
March 5
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
New PB! :-D
1 22 33 34 25 36 27 38 49 310 411 312 313 214 215 316 217 318 4Out 51 / -7
-2 56
March 5
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 32 33 24 35 36 37 48a 48 49 310 311 312 213 214 215 216 417 318 3Out 56 / -2
E 56
March 3
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 (5)4 35 36 37 38 39 210 211 312 413 314 215 216 317 (5)18 4Out 56 / E
E 72
February 26
Glenn C. Hilton Memorial Park, Regular Pin, 24 holes
1 42 23 44 25 36 37 48 29 210 311 312 313 414 215 216 317 318 319 320 321 422 423 324 3Out 72 / E
+11 78
February 18
Brackett's Bluff, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 (6)2 33 44 35 26 37 58 49 310 211 312 413 214 315 316 217 (5)18 (5)19 420 321 522 (4)Out 78 / +11
+6 82
February 9
The Diavolo at New Hope Park, The Diavolo, Blue, 22 holes
1 42 33 34 55 36 47 58 29 410 311 312 513 214 315 416 517 318 319 520 521 422 4Out 82 / +6
+1 56
February 8
Nash Community College, The Community, White, 18 holes
Double penalty on hole 2.
1 22 (6)3 34 25 46 47 38 49 410 311 312 213 214 215 316 217 318 4Out 56 / +1
+1 59
February 5
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 32 43 34 25 46 37 48a 48 39 310 311 212 313 314 315 216 217 318 5Out 59 / +1
+5 61
February 3
Rankin Lake, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 (4)3 34 45 (5)6 37 (5)8 39 410 311 (4)12 (3)13 214 215 316 417 318 4Out 61 / +5
-2 58
February 3
Bradley Center, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 23 54 45 26 37 38 59 310 211 312 313 314 415 416 317 218 3Out 58 / -2
+15 80
January 31
Nevin Park, DGPT - Long, 18 holes
1 52 33 44 45 76 37 38 59 410 311 512 613 614 (6)15 316 517 518 3Out 80 / +15
+3 57
January 26
North Charlotte Regional Park, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 45 46 47 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 416 317 318 2Out 57 / +3
+4 58
January 26
North Charlotte Regional Park, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 52 33 34 45 46 37 58 59 210 211 312 313 314 315 216 317 218 3Out 58 / +4
+1 55
January 25
North Charlotte Regional Park, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 47 48 39 310 211 312 213 314 (4)15 316 217 418 3Out 55 / +1
-3 24
January 18
Eastway Park, Short 9 Loop, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 35 36 27 48 29 2Out 24 / -3
-4 50
January 2
Coyote Point at Lake Casitas, Long tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 44 35 26 37 28 39 210 411 312 313 214 315 316 317 318 3Out 50 / -4
+2 56
January 2
Coyote Point at Lake Casitas, Long tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 36 47 38 39 310 211 312 313 314 315 416 417 318 3Out 56 / +2
E 54
January 2
Coyote Point at Lake Casitas, Long tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 24 35 36 37 28 29 310 411 312 313 314 315 416 317 (5)18 4Out 54 / E
-2 25
December 30, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 (3)4 25 46 27 48 (3)9 2Out 25 / -2
-2 25
December 26, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 42 23 24 25 26 37 38 39 (4)Out 25 / -2
E 27
December 22, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 35 36 (5)7 38 (3)9 3Out 27 / E
+1 55
December 14, ‘23
Lake Corriher, Regular Tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 46 27 38 49 310 311 312 313 414 415 316 217 318 3Out 55 / +1
+4 62
December 8, ‘23
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
Totally fell apart at the end.
1 32 43 34 25 26 27 58 49 410 411 312 413 314 315 216 417 518 5Out 62 / +4
+3 61
December 7, ‘23
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 52 33 24 35 36 37 58 69 510 211 212 313 314 315 216 417 218 5Out 61 / +3
-1 53
December 4, ‘23
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Short tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 24 25 26 37 28 59 310 311 412 413 314 315 316 217 218 2Out 53 / -1
+2 60
December 3, ‘23
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 36 47 38 69 410 411 312 313 314 315 216 217 318 4Out 60 / +2
E 58
November 30, ‘23
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 42 23 34 25 36 27 38a 48 49 410 411 312 313 214 315 316 317 318 3Out 58 / E
+13 67
November 22, ‘23
North Charlotte Regional Park, Blue tees, 18 holes
Terrible! Lol.
1 52 33 64 35 (5)6 67 38 59 310 311 312 313 (5)14 315 316 217 318 3Out 67 / +13
E 54
November 21, ‘23
North Charlotte Regional Park, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 44 35 46 47 38 39 310 211 212 213 414 215 316 217 318 3Out 54 / E
-6 52
November 14, ‘23
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
New PB! :-D
1 42 33 34 25 26 57 28 59 410 211 212 313 314 215 216 217 218 4Out 52 / -6
-9 54
November 11, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
Bogey free!
1 32 23 24 25 36 37 28 39 210 211 212 313 314 315 316 217 318 319 320 321 2Out 54 / -9
-6 57
November 11, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 42 33 34 25 26 27 (4)8 39 310 311 212 213 314 315 216 317 318 419 220 221 2Out 57 / -6
-4 59
November 11, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 33 34 25 26 47 (3)8 29 210 211 312 313 314 315 316 217 418 319 320 321 3Out 59 / -4
-8 55
November 9, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 42 23 34 25 26 37 28 39 210 211 212 313 514 215 216 217 318 419 220 321 2Out 55 / -8
-5 61
October 28, ‘23
Davie DGC, Regular tees, 20 holes
1 22 43 24 35 36 37 38 39 310 411 212 313 414 315 316 217 318 219 520 4Out 61 / -5
E 62
October 28, ‘23
Pudding Ridge Golf Course F9, Temporary - F9, Sasquatch Stomp Layout 2023, 18 holes
1 52 33 24 (4)5 36 37 48 39 510 311 312 413 214 315 316 417 218 (6)Out 62 / E
-2 54
October 25, ‘23
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 (4)2 23 (4)4 25 26 27 38 (5)9 210 311 412 313 214 215 316 317 (5)18 3Out 54 / -2
-4 23
October 17, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 (3)3 24 25 36 27 38 39 2Out 23 / -4
E 27
October 17, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 (6)4 25 36 37 38 29 3Out 27 / E
-5 22
October 17, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 (3)3 24 25 26 37 48 29 2Out 22 / -5
-3 24
October 17, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 36 (4)7 38 (3)9 2Out 24 / -3
E 54
October 13, ‘23
Coyote Point at Lake Casitas, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 27 48 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 416 317 318 3Out 54 / E
-2 52
October 13, ‘23
Coyote Point at Lake Casitas, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 45 36 27 48 29 410 311 (4)12 213 214 315 516 217 218 2Out 52 / -2
+1 55
October 13, ‘23
Coyote Point at Lake Casitas, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 37 48 39 310 211 412 313 314 315 416 417 218 3Out 55 / +1
+1 28
October 11, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 25 36 (5)7 48 39 3Out 28 / +1
-4 23
October 11, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 36 37 28 29 3Out 23 / -4
-4 23
October 11, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 45 36 37 28 29 2Out 23 / -4
-1 26
October 11, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 (4)3 44 25 26 37 38 49 2Out 26 / -1
-3 24
October 11, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
Double penalty on hole 2.
1 32 (5)3 24 25 26 47 28 29 2Out 24 / -3
-4 23
October 11, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 45 36 27 38 29 2Out 23 / -4
-3 24
October 11, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 (4)4 25 36 37 28 39 3Out 24 / -3
E 27
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 (4)3 (4)4 35 26 27 (4)8 29 3Out 27 / E
-2 25
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 42 23 34 35 36 27 38 39 2Out 25 / -2
+1 28
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 (3)3 (5)4 35 36 27 38 39 3Out 28 / +1
-3 24
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
Ace on hole 2!!! My 30th ace. :-D
1 42 13 34 25 26 47 38 (3)9 2Out 24 / -3
-3 24
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 (4)2 23 (3)4 25 36 27 38 29 3Out 24 / -3
-2 25
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 (3)3 (4)4 25 36 27 38 39 2Out 25 / -2
-3 24
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 (4)3 (4)4 25 26 (4)7 28 29 2Out 24 / -3
E 27
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 (4)3 (4)4 25 36 37 48 29 3Out 27 / E
+1 28
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 (4)4 25 36 37 (6)8 (3)9 2Out 28 / +1
E 27
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 (4)2 23 (4)4 25 46 37 38 29 3Out 27 / E
+1 28
October 8, ‘23
Matilija Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 (3)3 (3)4 (4)5 46 47 28 (3)9 2Out 28 / +1
+16 81
October 4, ‘23
Nevin Park, DGPT - Long, 18 holes
Three OB penalties on hole 14, all of them blind. There was new OB I didn't know about in all three cases. Dumb.
1 42 33 54 55 46 37 38 39 310 411 412 613 714 (10)15 416 517 518 3Out 81 / +16
-7 20
October 3, ‘23
Veterans Park, Long tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 3Out 20 / -7
-1 53
October 3, ‘23
Renaissance Park Renske DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 24 25 36 37 38 39 310 211 312 213 414 315 316 417 418 2Out 53 / -1
+10 79
October 3, ‘23
Renaissance Park, Gold layout, 18 holes
1 42 (5)3 44 45 56 (5)7 48 49 210 411 612 413 (8)14 415 416 317 418 5Out 79 / +10
-8 55
October 2, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 22 33 24 25 36 27 28 39 210 211 212 313 214 315 216 317 318 319 (5)20 321 3Out 55 / -8
+11 79
October 2, ‘23
Hornets Nest Park, Gold - 20 Holes, 20 holes
1 32 33 44 45 46 27 5A 5B 48 59 310 611 612 513 314 315 316 417 418 3Out 79 / +11
+14 82
October 1, ‘23
Dry Creek, Long tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on hole 6.
1 52 33 54 55 26 (6)7 68 49 710 211 612 313 814 415 316 317 418 6Out 82 / +14
+8 72
October 1, ‘23
Elon Park, Pro course, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 52 43 54 35 66 27 28 69 510 311 412 513 314 315 416 317 418 5Out 72 / +8
+8 73
September 25, ‘23
Cedarock Park, The Regulator, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 54 (5)5 26 57 48 39 410 511 412 313 414 415 316 617 318 5Out 73 / +8
E 58
September 5, ‘23
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 47 38a 38 29 310 211 212 213 314 315 416 217 318 6Out 58 / E
E 58
August 27, ‘23
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
Lost disc penalty on hole 16... had to re-tee. :-(
1 32 43 34 35 26 27 28 79 310 211 312 313 314 315 316 (5)17 318 4Out 58 / E
-9 49
August 27, ‘23
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
New personal best!
1 22 33 24 35 26 37 38a 28 39 310 211 312 213 214 215 216 317 418 3Out 49 / -9
-1 55
August 23, ‘23
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 24 35 36 27 38 39 610 411 312 413 314 215 216 417 318 3Out 55 / -1
-2 58
August 23, ‘23
Frank Liske Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 45 46 37 48 49 310 311 312 213 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 58 / -2
-1 56
August 16, ‘23
Reedy Creek Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 57 38 49 310 211 512 313 414 215 416 317 318 4Out 56 / -1
+2 56
August 16, ‘23
Reedy Creek Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 46 27 38 49 310 311 412 313 314 315 316 317 218 3Out 56 / +2
-7 56
August 15, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 43 24 35 36 37 (4)8 29 210 211 212 213 214 215 416 217 218 419 220 321 3Out 56 / -7
+6 61
August 11, ‘23
Martin Family DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on hole 12.
1 42 33 24 25 46 37 38 (5)9 310 311 312 (6)13 (4)14 315 216 517 318 3Out 61 / +6
-5 49
August 11, ‘23
Martin Family DGC, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 (4)6 27 38 39 210 311 312 (4)13 314 215 316 217 318 2Out 49 / -5
+3 60
August 8, ‘23
Westminster Park, Long, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 55 46 27 38 39 410 311 312 413 514 415 316 317 318 3Out 60 / +3
-6 12
August 8, ‘23
Westminster Park, Ace Place, 6 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 2Out 12 / -6
-5 13
August 8, ‘23
Westminster Park, Ace Place, 6 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 2Out 13 / -5
-5 13
August 8, ‘23
Westminster Park, Ace Place, 6 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 2Out 13 / -5
-12 43
August 8, ‘23
Westminster Park, Shorts, 18 holes
1 22 23 24 35 26 27 28 39 310 211 212 313 214 315 216 217 318 3Out 43 / -12
-7 20
August 8, ‘23
Carowinds Camp Wilderness, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 38 29 3Out 20 / -7
-4 23
August 8, ‘23
Carowinds Camp Wilderness, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 43 34 35 26 37 28 29 2Out 23 / -4
-4 23
August 8, ‘23
Carowinds Camp Wilderness, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 24 35 26 27 38 39 2Out 23 / -4
-3 24
August 8, ‘23
Carowinds Camp Wilderness, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 25 46 37 38 29 3Out 24 / -3
-4 23
August 4, ‘23
Stardust Cellars, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 35 36 47 38 29 2Out 23 / -4
-4 23
August 4, ‘23
Stardust Cellars, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 45 26 37 38 29 3Out 23 / -4
E 54
August 4, ‘23
Bohemian Cattle Co., Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 45 36 37 38 29 310 211 312 313 414 415 316 317 218 4Out 54 / E
-8 55
August 2, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 37 28 39 310 311 212 313 214 315 216 317 318 319 (4)20 221 2Out 55 / -8
+3 59
August 1, ‘23
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 (4)4 55 46 37 38 29 210 311 412 513 414 215 216 417 (5)18 2Out 59 / +3
-1 57
August 1, ‘23
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 36 27 38 69 410 311 212 313 414 315 316 317 318 4Out 57 / -1
-2 56
August 1, ‘23
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 37 38a 38 49 210 311 312 413 414 215 216 417 218 3Out 56 / -2
+5 59
July 28, ‘23
Hendershot's Haven, Short tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on hole 5.
1 32 (4)3 34 (4)5 (7)6 27 38 29 210 211 (4)12 313 (4)14 315 (4)16 317 318 3Out 59 / +5
+6 62
July 28, ‘23
Hendershot's Haven, Regular tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on both holes 3 and 5... ouch!
1 (4)2 23 (6)4 35 (6)6 (4)7 48 49 310 311 (4)12 313 214 215 316 317 318 3Out 62 / +6
-2 54
July 27, ‘23
The Bear in Hickory, Short Tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 (4)7 28 29 310 311 312 313 314 215 416 517 518 3Out 54 / -2
+2 58
July 27, ‘23
The Bear in Hickory, Short Tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 36 37 38 49 210 311 212 (4)13 514 315 216 517 518 3Out 58 / +2
+8 70
July 27, ‘23
The Bear in Hickory, Long Tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 45 36 37 38 (5)9 310 (5)11 212 (5)13 514 415 416 617 518 (4)Out 70 / +8
+5 60
July 26, ‘23
Badin Inn, Hardaway Point, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 (4)5 36 37 (4)8 (5)9 310 411 312 313 214 415 316 417 318 3Out 60 / +5
+1 56
July 26, ‘23
Badin Inn, Hardaway Point, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 54 25 36 47 (4)8 (4)9 210 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 218 3Out 56 / +1
E 55
July 26, ‘23
Badin Inn, Hardaway Point, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 44 35 56 27 (5)8 39 310 (4)11 312 313 214 215 216 317 318 3Out 55 / E
-1 55
July 25, ‘23
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
First birdie on 15-long! I've now birdied every hole from every tee at Robbins! :-D
1 42 23 34 35 36 37 (4)8 39 310 511 212 313 314 215 216 517 218 3Out 55 / -1
E 27
July 24, ‘23
Sun City Carolina Lakes DGC, Long tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 54 35 36 27 38 29 3Out 27 / E
-6 21
July 24, ‘23
Sun City Carolina Lakes DGC, Short tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 25 36 27 28 29 2Out 21 / -6
-5 22
July 24, ‘23
Marvin Efird Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 24 25 26 37 38 29 2Out 22 / -5
-2 25
July 24, ‘23
Marvin Efird Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 2Out 25 / -2
+4 72
July 24, ‘23
Dry Creek, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 64 35 36 37 (6)8 29 510 311 512 213 814 315 316 217 518 5Out 72 / +4
-3 55
July 23, ‘23
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 22 33 24 25 36 37 38a 38 39 310 311 312 313 414 215 316 217 318 5Out 55 / -3
+1 55
July 16, ‘23
Lake Corriher, Regular Tees, 18 holes
1 (4)2 33 24 25 36 27 48 39 310 311 412 513 314 315 416 217 318 2Out 55 / +1
-7 20
July 13, ‘23
Cotton Belt Elementary, Main, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 25 36 27 28 39 2Out 20 / -7
-8 19
July 13, ‘23
Cotton Belt Elementary, Main, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 39 2Out 19 / -8
-3 24
July 13, ‘23
Cotton Belt Elementary, Main, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 25 36 27 28 39 5Out 24 / -3
+1 56
July 13, ‘23
Winthrop University, Coliseum, Regular Tees, 18 holes
Lost disc penalty on hole 1. Missed mando penalty on hole 11.
1 (5)2 23 34 35 36 37 48 29 310 311 (5)12 313 314 315 316 217 218 4Out 56 / +1
-1 57
July 13, ‘23
Ballantyne Temp, Ballantyne Temp, Regular Tees, 18 holes
1 42 23 44 25 46 47 38 (3)9 410 311 (5)12 (4)13 214 215 216 317 418 2Out 57 / -1
+5 32
July 10, ‘23
Meadow Creek Gardens, Long Long, 9 holes
1 42 23 44 35 36 37 48 59 4Out 32 / +5
+7 71
July 5, ‘23
Wildlife Prairie Park, Long Tees, 18 holes
1 52 33 44 45 56 37 38 79 410 311 312 313 314 315 416 517 518 4Out 71 / +7
+17 85
July 4, ‘23
Northwood Park, Black, 18 holes
1 32 63 54 45 46 67 28 29 510 311 312 (11)13 614 915 416 317 318 6Out 85 / +17
+9 66
July 4, ‘23
Northwood Park, New Blue Longs (2021), 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 46 27 38 49 410 311 412 313 314 315 616 417 618 4Out 66 / +9
-3 24
June 23, ‘23
East Gold St. Wesleyan Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 37 38 49 3Out 24 / -3
+5 61
June 23, ‘23
Wolfman Woods DGC, Wolfman Run, Wolfman Run - Blue, 18 holes
1 32 23 44 (5)5 36 67 38 59 210 311 (4)12 313 514 215 316 317 318 2Out 61 / +5
+5 61
June 23, ‘23
Wolfman Woods DGC, Wolfman Run, Wolfman Run - White, 18 holes
1 22 43 44 (5)5 36 67 58 49 310 311 (4)12 313 414 215 316 217 218 2Out 61 / +5
-2 64
June 22, ‘23
Kilborne, Long Tees, Long Baskets - 19 Holes, 19 holes
1 32 43 44 25 36 47 38 28a 29 310 311 512 213 314 615 416 417 318 4Out 64 / -2
-4 55
June 22, ‘23
Kilborne, Short Tees, Short Baskets - 19 Holes, 19 holes
1 32 43 34 25 36 37 38 28a 39 310 311 312 313 314 215 316 417 318 2Out 55 / -4
-4 8
June 22, ‘23
Starlight On 22nd, Starlight Putting League, Long Putts - All 4 Baskets, 4 holes
1 22 23 24 2Out 8 / -4
+3 71
June 16, ‘23
The Gully, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 27 68 59 210 (4)11 412 313 414 215 316 317 418 319 320 321 322 3Out 71 / +3
-5 22
June 14, ‘23
Van Wyck Elementary, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 37 28 39 2Out 22 / -5
-3 24
June 14, ‘23
Western Union Elementary, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 37 38 29 3Out 24 / -3
-3 24
June 14, ‘23
Rock Rest Elementary, Regular tees, 9 holes
Very windy... and I suck at wind. :-P
1 22 33 34 35 36 37 28 39 2Out 24 / -3
-2 7
June 14, ‘23
Matthews Elementary School, Regular tees, 3 holes
1 32 23 2Out 7 / -2
-8 19
June 13, ‘23
Buford Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 38 29 2Out 19 / -8
+4 58
June 13, ‘23
JAARS, Inc., Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 25 36 37 48 49 210 311 212 413 414 315 316 217 418 5Out 58 / +4
-4 23
June 12, ‘23
Pete Henkel Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 25 26 27 28 39 3Out 23 / -4
-5 22
June 12, ‘23
Harrisburg Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 25 26 37 38 39 2Out 22 / -5
+4 49
June 8, ‘23
Connect Christian Church, Regular tees, 15 holes
1 (3)2 43 34 35 36 37 (4)8 (4)9 (5)10 311 212 313 314 315 3Out 49 / +4
-1 53
June 8, ‘23
Lake Corriher, Regular Tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 34 35 36 27 28 29 310 311 412 313 214 315 316 417 318 2Out 53 / -1
-3 52
June 6, ‘23
Bell and Howard Chevrolet, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 45 36 27 38 29 210 211 312 313 414 315 316 317 318 3Out 52 / -3
-1 75
May 19, ‘23
Glenn C. Hilton Memorial Park, Long Pin, 24 holes
1 32 23 24 35 36 27 38 39 310 511 512 313 414 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 4Out 75 / -1
+2 60
May 18, ‘23
Eastway Park, Gold tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 44 35 36 37 38 39 410 211 412 213 414 315 416 217 (6)18 4Out 60 / +2
-2 25
May 18, ‘23
Eastway Park, Short 9 Loop, 9 holes
1 42 33 34 35 26 27 48 29 2Out 25 / -2
-7 56
May 16, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 23 24 35 46 37 28 39 310 211 312 313 214 415 216 317 218 419 220 221 2Out 56 / -7
+2 58
May 15, ‘23
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 27 (5)8 (5)9 210 411 412 413 314 215 316 417 318 3Out 58 / +2
+1 57
May 15, ‘23
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on hole 1.
1 (6)2 33 34 25 26 27 38 39 210 311 312 413 (4)14 215 316 (6)17 318 3Out 57 / +1
+4 60
May 2, ‘23
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 53 24 35 36 37 38 (4)9 410 311 212 413 414 415 316 (5)17 318 2Out 60 / +4
-3 60
May 2, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 33 24 25 36 37 38 39 (4)10 311 312 313 214 315 216 317 318 319 320 321 3Out 60 / -3
+1 55
April 29, ‘23
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 36 37 38 39 210 411 512 213 414 215 316 317 218 3Out 55 / +1
+7 74
April 17, ‘23
Brackett's Bluff, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 32 33 34 65 46 27 28 49 310 411 412 (4)13 314 315 316 417 318 319 420 421 322 2Out 74 / +7
+12 105
April 13, ‘23
Sugaree, The Full Monty, 30 holes
1 31A 42 33 34 45 3D 4E 46 27 48 39 310 511 412 514 315 316 317 318 319 220 421 422 423 424 425 4A 3B 3C 4Out 105 / +12
-3 24
April 12, ‘23
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 (5)4 25 26 37 38 29 2Out 24 / -3
E 27
April 12, ‘23
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
Double penalty on hole 4.
1 22 23 (4)4 (6)5 26 37 38 39 2Out 27 / E
+14 79
April 12, ‘23
Nevin Park, DGPT - Long, 18 holes
1 62 33 34 55 66 47 38 39 510 411 512 513 614 615 316 517 418 3Out 79 / +14
+2 60
April 12, ‘23
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 53 34 35 36 27 48 59 310 411 312 413 314 315 316 217 318 4Out 60 / +2
-3 60
April 11, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 47 (3)8 49 310 211 212 313 214 315 316 217 318 219 320 221 3Out 60 / -3
+3 59
April 10, ‘23
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 54 35 46 37 48 49 210 311 412 513 314 215 316 317 218 2Out 59 / +3
+7 61
April 10, ‘23
North Cove Disc Golf and Social Club, River Run, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 (6)4 35 26 47 38 49 (5)10 311 312 213 214 315 (5)16 317 (4)18 (3)Out 61 / +7
+19 112
April 9, ‘23
Sugaree, The Full Monty, 30 holes
1 61A 22 23 44 65 3D 3E 66 47 58 39 310 511 312 514 415 416 417 218 419 220 521 222 323 424 425 3A 4B 4C 3Out 112 / +19
+19 112
April 4, ‘23
Sugaree, The Full Monty, 30 holes
1 31A 42 33 34 65 4D 5E 46 37 48 39 410 411 312 814 315 316 517 318 319 220 421 422 323 424 425 4A 4B 2C 3Out 112 / +19
-5 50
April 2, ‘23
Davidson College, 2023 Redesign, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 36 27 28 39 210 211 312 413 314 215 216 317 418 (5)Out 50 / -5
-1 26
April 1, ‘23
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 (3)5 26 57 38 39 2Out 26 / -1
+4 31
April 1, ‘23
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
Very windy round. Double penalty on hole 4.
1 22 33 44 (6)5 46 47 48 29 2Out 31 / +4
+1 40
March 20, ‘23
Squirrel Lake Park, Regular tees, 12 holes
1 52 33 34 45 36 47 38 29 310 411 312 3Out 40 / +1
+5 60
March 20, ‘23
Dry Creek, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 45 36 37 38 29 310 411 512 313 414 615 316 317 318 3Out 60 / +5
+14 79
March 17, ‘23
Nevin Park, DGPT - Long, 18 holes
1 42 33 44 55 56 47 48 39 410 411 512 513 714 515 316 417 618 (4)Out 79 / +14
+2 56
March 14, ‘23
The Horse Course, Short Tees, 18 holes
1 (4)2 23 24 25 36 47 38 39 (5)10 311 312 313 414 215 216 (4)17 418 3Out 56 / +2
+11 66
March 14, ‘23
The Horse Course, The Mane Layout, 18 holes
1 42 (6)3 34 35 (4)6 37 (3)8 29 510 211 312 813 314 415 216 (4)17 318 4Out 66 / +11
+16 84
March 11, ‘23
Hornets Nest Park, Gold - 20 Holes, 20 holes
1 42 23 74 45 56 37 4A 4B 58 69 310 611 412 513 214 415 416 317 518 4Out 84 / +16
+13 77
March 8, ‘23
Elon Park, Pro course, Regular tees, 18 holes
Triple penalty on hole 3.
1 52 53 (9)4 55 36 57 38 59 310 211 412 313 314 415 (6)16 317 318 6Out 77 / +13
-5 49
March 8, ‘23
Elon Park, Main course, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 37 38 49 310 311 412 213 314 215 216 317 318 3Out 49 / -5
+6 60
March 6, ‘23
Renaissance Park, Grey layout, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 56 37 (4)8 39 410 211 212 513 214 515 (4)16 317 218 3Out 60 / +6
-2 67
March 6, ‘23
Renaissance Park, Gold layout, 18 holes
Throw-in for eagle on hole 4!!! :-D
1 42 33 34 25 46 37 38 39 310 411 512 (5)13 514 515 416 217 518 4Out 67 / -2
+8 68
March 4, ‘23
Stumpy Creek, Blue, 19 holes
1 42 73 44 35 46 37 28 29 310 511 312 413 314 515 516 317 318 219 3Out 68 / +8
-1 55
March 4, ‘23
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 55 26 27 38 39 210 411 312 413 314 315 316 (5)17 218 3Out 55 / -1
-1 53
March 1, ‘23
Sloan Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 (5)2 33 34 35 26 47 28 39 210 211 412 213 414 315 216 417 218 3Out 53 / -1
+11 77
February 23, ‘23
Nevin Park, Short, 19 holes, 19 holes
1 42 33 34 45 66 47 38 29 510 411 312 413 514 315 516 417 718 419 4Out 77 / +11
-8 55
February 21, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 33 34 25 36 27 38 39 410 311 212 313 214 215 216 217 318 319 320 221 2Out 55 / -8
E 56
February 20, ‘23
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 (4)2 43 24 25 36 27 28 39 210 311 412 413 (6)14 215 316 417 (4)18 2Out 56 / E
+13 70
February 16, ‘23
Robert L. Smith Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on 5.
1 52 33 44 35 (7)6 37 (6)8 49 410 511 412 213 314 315 416 (4)17 318 3Out 70 / +13
-3 24
February 14, ‘23
Veterans Park, Long tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 35 26 37 48 29 3Out 24 / -3
+3 59
February 14, ‘23
Eastway Park, White tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 36 27 68 29 310 311 212 313 314 215 416 417 418 (5)Out 59 / +3
-2 52
February 11, ‘23
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 25 36 37 48 29 310 311 312 413 214 315 216 317 318 3Out 52 / -2
+8 65
February 11, ‘23
Stumpy Creek, White, 19 holes
1 42 53 74 25 26 37 48 29 310 411 312 313 314 415 316 417 318 319 3Out 65 / +8
+15 70
February 8, ‘23
The Horse Course, The Mane Layout, 18 holes
1 (5)2 (5)3 34 45 36 27 38 39 (4)10 211 712 713 514 315 216 317 518 4Out 70 / +15
-5 49
February 3, ‘23
Renaissance Park Renske DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 46 37 28 39 210 311 212 313 314 315 216 317 418 2Out 49 / -5
+6 60
February 3, ‘23
Webster's Run, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 37 38 49 310 311 212 313 514 415 516 317 318 3Out 60 / +6
+3 57
January 27, ‘23
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Short tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 25 36 37 58 59 410 211 312 213 514 315 316 217 218 3Out 57 / +3
+11 78
January 24, ‘23
Brackett's Bluff, 22-Hole Layout, 22 holes
1 52 33 (6)4 55 36 37 38 59 410 311 212 213 314 215 516 217 318 419 520 321 322 (4)Out 78 / +11
+4 60
January 21, ‘23
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on 16.
1 32 33 34 25 26 37 38 39 410 311 312 413 314 (4)15 316 (8)17 (4)18 2Out 60 / +4
-2 52
January 20, ‘23
Creekside DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 34 25 36 37 28 39 210 211 312 413 314 415 316 317 218 4Out 52 / -2
+4 58
January 20, ‘23
Blair Mill Park, Crooked Creek Crossing, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 46 (4)7 48 49 410 311 312 413 414 315 316 317 218 3Out 58 / +4
-10 53
January 18, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 22 33 34 25 36 27 28 29 210 211 212 313 314 315 216 217 318 419 320 321 2Out 53 / -10
+5 33
January 16, ‘23
Rescue Squad Park, Mike Lind Hickory Creek DGC, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 43 34 55 36 27 (7)8 39 3Out 33 / +5
-1 26
January 16, ‘23
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 35 46 37 48 39 2Out 26 / -1
-1 62
January 13, ‘23
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 42 23 34 25 26 47 38 39 210 311 212 313 314 315 316 317 418 319 (4)20 321 3Out 62 / -1
E 27
October 11, ‘21
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 35 36 67 38 29 3Out 27 / E
-4 23
October 11, ‘21
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 35 36 37 28 29 2Out 23 / -4
+2 30
October 11, ‘21
Rescue Squad Park, Mike Lind Hickory Creek DGC, Regular tees, 9 holes
New personal worst! Hooray!
1 32 43 34 65 36 37 38 29 3Out 30 / +2
-5 58
October 4, ‘21
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 22 23 24 45 26 27 38 39 (4)10 211 512 313 314 315 216 317 318 319 220 221 3Out 58 / -5
+7 68
September 14, ‘21
Smugglers' Notch Resort, Brewster Ridge, Gold Tees (2018 Worlds), 18 holes
Crappy round overall, but hole 15 really ruined it.
1 22 43 34 55 36 37 58 49 310 411 612 513 414 315 (6)16 317 318 2Out 68 / +7
+11 74
September 14, ‘21
Smugglers' Notch Resort, Fox Run, Gold Tees (2018 worlds), 18 holes
Double penalty on 7. Terrible round.
1 42 33 34 (5)5 (4)6 (4)7 (7)8 49 310 311 412 (6)13 214 315 416 (6)17 (4)18 (5)Out 74 / +11
+8 71
September 13, ‘21
Smugglers' Notch Resort, Fox Run, Gold Tees (2018 worlds), 18 holes
1 42 43 34 (5)5 (4)6 37 58 (6)9 (5)10 211 412 513 214 315 316 517 318 (5)Out 71 / +8
E 61
September 13, ‘21
Smugglers' Notch Resort, Brewster Ridge, Gold Tees (2018 Worlds), 18 holes
1 32 43 24 45 26 37 48 49 310 411 312 413 414 415 416 217 518 2Out 61 / E
-5 13
September 6, ‘21
Pyramids, Pink course, Regular tees, 6 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 2Out 13 / -5
+6 65
September 6, ‘21
501 Disc Golf LLC, Long tees, blue baskets, 18 holes
1 32 43 44 45 56 37 48 39 410 311 312 (5)13 414 415 316 317 318 3Out 65 / +6
+1 60
September 6, ‘21
Pyramids, Main course, Gold tees (long), 18 holes
1 42 23 34 45 36 27 48 (4)9 310 311 312 413 414 515 216 317 318 4Out 60 / +1
+8 67
September 6, ‘21
Maple Hill, Gold, Gold tees, 18 holes
1 (6)2 33 34 35 26 37 38 (4)9 310 311 612 413 314 315 416 417 418 (6)Out 67 / +8
+13 84
August 30, ‘21
Iron Hill, Gold tees (long) to long baskets, 18 holes
1 52 33 54 45 66 47 48 69 610 511 412 413 314 315 616 517 518 6Out 84 / +13
+5 76
August 30, ‘21
Iron Hill, Gold tees (long) to long baskets, 18 holes
1 42 43 64 55 46 57 38 49 510 411 412 413 314 315 316 517 518 5Out 76 / +5
-2 25
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 (4)4 25 36 37 28 39 2Out 25 / -2
+3 30
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 (4)5 (6)6 (5)7 38 29 2Out 30 / +3
-2 25
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 (4)5 36 37 38 39 2Out 25 / -2
-6 21
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 (3)5 26 27 38 39 2Out 21 / -6
-3 24
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 (5)4 (3)5 36 27 28 29 2Out 24 / -3
+3 30
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
Double penalty on hole 4.
1 32 33 (7)4 (5)5 26 37 28 39 2Out 30 / +3
-6 21
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 (3)3 24 (3)5 26 27 38 29 2Out 21 / -6
-3 24
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 (4)4 (3)5 26 37 28 49 2Out 24 / -3
+3 30
August 25, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 (5)5 36 57 38 39 2Out 30 / +3
-4 23
August 24, ‘21
Lake Forest Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 27 38 39 2Out 23 / -4
-2 53
August 21, ‘21
Bell and Howard Chevrolet, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 24 35 36 37 28 39 310 211 212 213 514 215 316 417 418 5Out 53 / -2
+4 61
August 21, ‘21
Stumpy Creek, White, 19 holes
1 32 53 44 45 36 37 28 39 310 511 212 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 3Out 61 / +4
-7 47
August 19, ‘21
Davidson College, Regular tees, 18 holes
Amazing front 9. Too bad I kinda choked on the back...
1 22 33 24 25 26 27 38 49 210 311 212 413 314 315 216 217 318 3Out 47 / -7
+9 92
August 16, ‘21
Idlewild, Long tees, 24 holes
Double penalty on hole 22 (listed as hole 16 here for some reason).
1 32 4A 3B 3C 3D 3E 33 44 4F 45 36 67 28 39 210 611 312 313 514 615 516 (6)17 318 5Out 92 / +9
+1 80
August 16, ‘21
Idlewild, 24 short, 24 holes
1 32 4A 2B 3C 3D 3E 33 (3)4 3F 25 46 57 38 39 210 411 412 313 314 215 (6)16 (4)17 318 5Out 80 / +1
+6 89
August 16, ‘21
Idlewild, Long tees, 24 holes
1 32 5A (4)B 2C 3D 3E 43 54 3F 25 56 47 38 39 310 511 312 313 (6)14 415 (5)16 317 318 5Out 89 / +6
-9 63
August 12, ‘21
Lincoln Ridge Park, Long tees, 24 holes
Amazing round!
1 22 33 24 25 36 37 28 29 310 411 312 213 314 315 216 317 218 219 320 421 222 323 224 3Out 63 / -9
-3 53
August 12, ‘21
Johnson Hills Park, Main (18 Holes), 18 holes
1 32 23 44 35 26 27 38 39 410 211 312 313 314 315 416 317 318 3Out 53 / -3
-1 63
August 12, ‘21
Mt. Airy Forest, Regular tees, 20 holes
1 (6)2 33 43A 33B 34 45 46 27 38 29 210 211 312 313 314 215 516 317 318 3Out 63 / -1
+4 76
August 11, ‘21
Lincoln Ridge Park, Long tees, 24 holes
1 32 33 (6)4 35 46 37 38 39 210 311 412 313 314 415 316 417 318 319 320 321 222 323 224 3Out 76 / +4
+2 57
August 9, ‘21
Illinois Central College, Regular tees, Mixed pins, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 45 46 37 38 49 210 311 212 313 414 315 216 317 318 4Out 57 / +2
-3 53
August 9, ‘21
Westwood Park, Megiddo, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 (3)4 65 36 27 38 39 310 311 312 413 314 215 316 317 218 2Out 53 / -3
+21 89
August 9, ‘21
Northwood Park, Black, 18 holes
Double penalty on hole 15. What a terrible round.
1 42 43 54 75 56 67 38 29 510 311 512 713 514 1115 (6)16 317 218 6Out 89 / +21
+1 58
August 9, ‘21
Northwood Park, New Blue Shorts (2021), 18 holes
1 42 23 34 35 36 37 38 49 310 311 412 313 314 315 316 417 318 4Out 58 / +1
+5 63
August 4, ‘21
Westwood Park, Megiddo, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 45 26 27 48 (8)9 210 311 412 413 414 215 316 317 518 5Out 63 / +5
+10 78
August 3, ‘21
Northwood Park, Black, 18 holes
1 42 33 44 45 46 77 38 39 510 311 312 613 514 815 (5)16 (4)17 218 5Out 78 / +10
+5 94
August 2, ‘21
Blue Ribbon Pines, Majestic 2021B, 27 holes
1 32 33 34 65 46 57 38 29 310 411 212 313 314 315 416 317 318 319 420 (4)21 (5)22 423 424 325 326 327 (4)Out 94 / +5
+10 75
July 30, ‘21
Airborn Disc Golf Preserve, Black Bear, Men's Tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on hole 9.
1 (5)2 43 34 45 56 37 68 39 (9)10 311 412 313 314 (5)15 516 417 218 4Out 75 / +10
-8 46
July 26, ‘21
Wooded Palms, White tees, 18 holes
1 22 (3)3 24 25 36 37 28 39 210 211 212 313 214 315 316 317 418 2Out 46 / -8
-3 24
July 24, ‘21
Dorton Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 44 25 36 27 28 29 4Out 24 / -3
-3 24
July 24, ‘21
Dorton Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 44 25 36 37 38 29 3Out 24 / -3
E 27
July 24, ‘21
Vietnam Veterans Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 55 36 27 38 39 2Out 27 / E
-2 25
July 24, ‘21
Vietnam Veterans Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 27 38 39 3Out 25 / -2
-3 57
July 24, ‘21
Frank Liske Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 57 48 49 310 311 312 313 214 415 216 417 318 3Out 57 / -3
-3 6
July 24, ‘21
Carl A Furr Elementary School, Public Holes, 3 holes
1 24 25 2Out 6 / -3
-9 18
July 23, ‘21
Mallard Creek STEM Academy, Regular tees, 9 holes
Perfect round!
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 18 / -9
-6 21
July 23, ‘21
Mallard Creek STEM Academy, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 35 26 37 28 29 2Out 21 / -6
+8 76
July 23, ‘21
Hornets Nest Park, Gold - 20 Holes, 20 holes
1 52 23 64 45 46 37 4A 4B 28 39 310 411 612 513 314 315 316 317 618 3Out 76 / +8
-5 49
July 23, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 53 24 25 26 47 38 59 310 211 312 213 314 215 216 217 218 2Out 49 / -5
-2 61
July 22, ‘21
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 27 (4)8 49 210 311 312 313 214 315 316 217 218 419 (4)20 321 2Out 61 / -2
+8 64
July 22, ‘21
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 45 26 37 (5)8 39 410 411 212 513 (5)14 315 416 417 318 3Out 64 / +8
-5 51
July 22, ‘21
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 44 35 26 27 28 29 310 311 312 413 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 51 / -5
-12 51
July 20, ‘21
Bailey Road Park, Bailey, 21 holes
1 32 33 24 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 312 313 214 215 316 217 318 319 220 321 3Out 51 / -12
E 58
July 15, ‘21
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 24 35 36 27 38 69 310 311 212 213 314 415 416 417 318 4Out 58 / E
-4 54
July 15, ‘21
Bradford Park, Short tees (incl. 8a), 19 holes
1 32 43 44 45 36 37 48a 38 29 210 311 212 213 214 315 216 217 218 4Out 54 / -4
E 56
July 15, ‘21
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 23 24 35 26 27 38 (4)9 310 411 412 413 214 315 316 417 (5)18 2Out 56 / E
-1 53
July 15, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 45 26 37 28 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 2Out 53 / -1
+5 63
July 9, ‘21
Washington County Regional Park, Ditto Farms DGC, Blue - Long to Yellow, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 45 36 47 28 29 410 411 312 513 314 315 416 417 318 5Out 63 / +5
+18 81
June 25, ‘21
Fort Buenaventura, 2021 Worlds - MPO, 18 holes
1 (4)2 (4)3 54 45 (8)6 37 38 39 810 (5)11 412 413 214 (6)15 316 (5)17 618 (4)Out 81 / +18
-4 23
June 21, ‘21
Weber State University, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 27 28 39 3Out 23 / -4
-6 48
June 18, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 25 46 37 28 39 410 311 212 213 214 315 216 317 318 3Out 48 / -6
-3 51
June 18, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 27 28 49 510 211 212 413 214 315 216 417 218 2Out 51 / -3
-7 47
June 15, ‘21
Davidson College, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 27 38 49 210 311 312 313 314 315 316 217 218 3Out 47 / -7
-2 54
June 14, ‘21
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 28 (4)9 310 211 412 413 314 (4)15 216 417 218 2Out 54 / -2
+1 57
June 14, ‘21
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 (4)2 23 44 45 36 37 38 39 310 211 412 413 314 215 316 417 318 3Out 57 / +1
-7 20
June 13, ‘21
Mallard Creek STEM Academy, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 24 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 20 / -7
-3 24
June 13, ‘21
Mallard Creek STEM Academy, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 42 23 24 (5)5 26 37 28 29 2Out 24 / -3
-8 19
June 13, ‘21
Mallard Creek STEM Academy, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 19 / -8
-6 21
June 13, ‘21
Mallard Creek STEM Academy, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 24 25 26 27 38 29 2Out 21 / -6
+10 78
June 6, ‘21
Harmony Bends DGC, Blue Tees, 18 holes
1 (6)2 (7)3 34 35 46 37 38 29 710 611 512 313 414 315 516 217 618 (6)Out 78 / +10
-2 79
June 5, ‘21
Rocky Mountain Village, Thunder Mountain, 2014 27 holes, 27 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 510 211 312 213 514 215 216 317 318 319 320 321 222 323 324 325 326 327 3Out 79 / -2
-1 53
June 3, ‘21
Thunderbird Gardens, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 36 37 28 39 210 411 212 313 (3)14 315 316 417 318 4Out 53 / -1
+1 57
May 31, ‘21
Reno Adventure Park, Tom's Cliff Top Course - Red, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 25 36 37 28 39 210 211 412 613 214 315 316 517 318 4Out 57 / +1
E 55
May 31, ‘21
Reno Adventure Park, Tom's Cliff Top Course - Green, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 37 48 39 410 311 212 413 314 215 316 417 418 2Out 55 / E
-5 22
May 31, ‘21
Reno Adventure Park, Tom's Cliff Top Course - Blue, Long tees, 9 holes
Ace on 9!
1 22 33 24 45 36 37 28 29 1Out 22 / -5
-2 52
May 30, ‘21
Truckee River Regional Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 45 36 27 28 39 310 211 312 313 314 315 216 317 318 3Out 52 / -2
-1 57
May 30, ‘21
Stampede Reservoir, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 25 36 37 38 39 310 311 412 413 414 315 316 217 418 5Out 57 / -1
-9 45
May 29, ‘21
Lake of the Sky, Regular tees, 18 holes
Hole 18 was in a par 4 position, so my actual score for this round was -6 and bogey free. I also birdied hole 5's par 3 placement for the first time in my life during this round AND got an ace on 16... AND shot my new personal best by 3 strokes! Holy crap!
1 32 33 34 35 26 27 28 29 210 211 312 313 214 315 216 117 318 4Out 45 / -9
-5 49
May 29, ‘21
Lake of the Sky, Regular tees, 18 holes
Hole 18 was in a par 4 position, so my actual score for this round was -6.
1 22 23 34 35 36 27 38 39 210 311 212 313 214 215 416 217 318 5Out 49 / -5
-3 51
May 29, ‘21
Lake of the Sky, Regular tees, 18 holes
Hole 18 was in a par 4 position, so my actual score for this round was -4 and bogey free.
1 22 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 211 312 313 314 215 316 217 318 4Out 51 / -3
-4 50
May 29, ‘21
Lake of the Sky, Regular tees, 18 holes
Hole 18 was in a par 4 position, so my actual score for this round was -5.
1 22 33 34 25 36 37 28 29 410 211 212 213 314 415 216 217 318 6Out 50 / -4
-3 51
May 28, ‘21
Zephyr Cove Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 45 36 37 28 39 210 311 312 313 214 315 316 217 318 3Out 51 / -3
-2 52
May 28, ‘21
North Tahoe Lions Club, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 25 36 37 38 39 310 311 412 413 314 215 316 317 218 3Out 52 / -2
-5 50
May 27, ‘21
Donner Ski Ranch, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 37 28 39 310 311 212 413 314 215 216 417 418 3Out 50 / -5
-3 52
May 27, ‘21
Donner Ski Ranch, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 26 27 38 29 310 311 312 213 314 315 316 517 418 3Out 52 / -3
+7 61
May 26, ‘21
Shady Oaks Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on 10. Missed the mando... re-teed and hit an early tree... threw my next shot OB... and then 3-putted! Yay!
1 32 33 24 35 46 37 38 49 410 (8)11 312 313 414 315 316 217 318 3Out 61 / +7
-9 48
May 25, ‘21
The Power House, Regular tees, 19 holes
Two strokes off my personal best!
1 32 33 24 25 36 27 28 39 210 311 212 313 314 215 216 317 318 319 2Out 48 / -9
-5 52
May 25, ‘21
The Power House, Regular tees, 19 holes
Ace on hole 10!
1 32 33 34 25 36 37 38 39 310 111 312 413 214 315 316 317 318 219 2Out 52 / -5
-3 79
May 24, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, 27-hole Layout (2019), 27 holes
Ace on 17!
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 410 311 312 313 214 315 316 317 118 419 320 221 322 323 224 425 326 327 (4)Out 79 / -3
-2 31
May 24, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, Rad Ridge, 11 holes
1 22 33 24 (6)5 (4)6 27 28 (3)9 310 211 2Out 31 / -2
-2 79
May 24, ‘21
Condon Park, 27 Hole Layout, 27 holes
1 42 23 44 25 26 27 28 39 310 211 312 613 414 315 316 (4)17 218 419 320 221 322 223 224 325 226 327 4Out 79 / -2
+1 55
May 23, ‘21
Shady Oaks Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 34 35 46 27 48 (4)9 510 311 312 213 214 315 (4)16 217 318 2Out 55 / +1
-3 51
May 22, ‘21
Shady Oaks Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 34 35 36 27 28 39 410 311 312 213 314 415 (4)16 217 318 3Out 51 / -3
-11 71
May 21, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, 27-hole Layout (2019), 27 holes
New personal best!
1 22 33 24 35 36 27 48 29 310 211 312 213 214 215 216 217 418 419 220 221 322 323 324 325 326 327 2Out 71 / -11
+2 75
May 20, ‘21
Lone Star, Regular tees, 24 holes
1 42 23 34 35 26 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 416 317 418 319 420 321 422 323 424 2Out 75 / +2
+10 103
May 19, ‘21
The Camp, Regular tees, 31 holes
1 32 33 34 35 56 47 58 49 310 311 412 313 214 215 416 517 318 319 320 321 422 223 324 325 226 227 328 729 330 431 2Out 103 / +10
-2 52
May 18, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, 18-hole Layout, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 25 (4)6 37 28 39 210 211 612 313 (3)14 315 316 317 218 2Out 52 / -2
-2 31
May 18, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, Rad Ridge, 11 holes
Double penalty on hole 4
1 22 23 24 (7)5 26 27 38 39 210 311 3Out 31 / -2
-3 30
May 18, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, Rad Ridge, 11 holes
1 32 33 24 (5)5 26 37 28 29 310 311 2Out 30 / -3
-2 52
May 18, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, 18-hole Layout, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 26 37 38 39 210 411 412 213 214 315 416 417 218 3Out 52 / -2
-2 31
May 17, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, Rad Ridge, 11 holes
Double penalty on hole 5
1 32 23 34 35 (5)6 37 28 29 310 311 2Out 31 / -2
-8 73
May 17, ‘21
Condon Park, 27 Hole Layout, 27 holes
1 22 23 24 35 26 27 28 29 310 311 212 213 314 (4)15 316 317 (4)18 319 220 321 322 223 424 225 526 227 3Out 73 / -8
-6 76
May 17, ‘21
Rattlesnake Ravine, 27-hole Layout (2019), 27 holes
1 32 33 44 35 36 37 48 29 210 311 312 213 214 415 216 417 218 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 226 227 2Out 76 / -6
E 54
May 10, ‘21
Evergreen Open Space, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 26 27 38 39 510 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 4Out 54 / E
-6 48
May 10, ‘21
Coyote Point at Lake Casitas, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 25 36 27 48 29 210 411 412 313 214 215 316 217 218 3Out 48 / -6
-11 43
May 10, ‘21
Coyote Point at Lake Casitas, Long tees, 18 holes
Tied my personal best... with a double bogey on hole 4!
1 22 23 34 (5)5 36 27 38 29 210 211 212 313 214 215 216 217 218 2Out 43 / -11
-7 47
May 3, ‘21
Thunderbird Gardens, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 25 36 37 28 29 310 211 312 213 214 315 416 317 318 3Out 47 / -7
+1 55
May 3, ‘21
Thunderbird Gardens, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 45 36 27 38 39 210 211 412 313 314 415 616 317 218 3Out 55 / +1
E 27
April 27, ‘21
Emporia RV Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
Double penalty on hole 5.
1 32 33 34 25 (6)6 37 28 29 3Out 27 / E
-4 23
April 27, ‘21
Flint Hills Technical College, 9 Hole, 9 holes
1 32 23 (4)4 25 26 27 38 29 3Out 23 / -4
-4 23
April 27, ‘21
Hammond Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 35 26 27 48 29 2Out 23 / -4
-4 23
April 27, ‘21
Hammond Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 35 36 27 38 29 3Out 23 / -4
+6 74
April 26, ‘21
Harmony Bends DGC, Blue Tees, 18 holes
1 (7)2 53 24 35 56 37 38 39 610 511 412 413 514 315 516 217 418 (5)Out 74 / +6
+2 62
April 23, ‘21
Stumpy Creek, Blue, 19 holes
1 42 43 44 35 46 37 38 29 310 511 312 313 214 315 316 317 418 219 4Out 62 / +2
+2 59
April 23, ‘21
Stumpy Creek, White, 19 holes
1 32 63 34 45 46 27 28 39 210 411 312 513 214 315 316 317 218 319 2Out 59 / +2
+1 55
April 21, ‘21
Fox Chase, White Tees - Shorts, 18 holes
Lost my drive on 18... had to re-tee for 3. Ended up with a 6p. :-(
1 32 23 34 35 26 47 48 39 210 311 312 313 314 215 316 317 318 (6)Out 55 / +1
+3 30
April 21, ‘21
Kings Mountain Point, Blue tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 57 38 39 3Out 30 / +3
+1 28
April 21, ‘21
Kings Mountain Point, White tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 37 48 39 2Out 28 / +1
-9 18
April 20, ‘21
The Bryce, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 18 / -9
-8 19
April 20, ‘21
The Bryce, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 19 / -8
+2 58
April 20, ‘21
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 (4)4 35 36 37 38 29 310 411 612 413 314 315 316 317 (3)18 3Out 58 / +2
+8 64
April 20, ‘21
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
New personal worst! Wahoo!
1 22 43 34 (5)5 (5)6 37 38 39 (5)10 311 (4)12 513 314 (5)15 316 417 218 2Out 64 / +8
-4 58
April 20, ‘21
Nevin Park, short, 18 holes
The par 3 pin on hole 18 wasn't there so I played to the par 4 pin. Therefore my actual score was -5.
1 22 23 34 35 76 27 38 39 410 311 412 413 214 315 216 317 418 4Out 58 / -4
+1 57
April 19, ‘21
The Bear in Hickory, Short Tees, 18 holes
That 7 tho...
1 32 (4)3 34 (4)5 26 37 28 39 210 311 212 313 314 415 316 717 418 2Out 57 / +1
-10 52
April 19, ‘21
The Bear in Hickory, Long Tees, 18 holes
Wish I didn't get that 6 on 16... otherwise a really solid round. I was BARELY in the hazard on hole 2 and I BARELY missed my birdie putt on 17. It was a 50/50 putt that teetered on the side of the cage before falling out.
1 32 (4)3 34 25 36 37 28 39 210 311 212 313 314 215 216 617 418 2Out 52 / -10
-5 51
April 19, ‘21
The Bear in Hickory, Short Tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 (3)6 37 28 39 210 411 (4)12 213 214 315 216 517 318 2Out 51 / -5
-3 25
April 18, ‘21
Rescue Squad Park, Mike Lind Hickory Creek DGC, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 45 36 27 (4)8 29 2Out 25 / -3
-6 22
April 18, ‘21
Rescue Squad Park, Mike Lind Hickory Creek DGC, Regular tees, 9 holes
Tied my PB!
1 32 23 34 45 26 27 28 29 2Out 22 / -6
-1 26
April 18, ‘21
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 35 46 37 48 29 2Out 26 / -1
-6 21
April 17, ‘21
Jefferson Elementary School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 25 36 27 28 29 3Out 21 / -6
-5 22
April 17, ‘21
Jefferson Elementary School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 25 26 27 38 39 3Out 22 / -5
-7 14
April 17, ‘21
Riverwalk Academy, Regular tees, 7 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 2Out 14 / -7
-5 16
April 17, ‘21
Riverwalk Academy, Regular tees, 7 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 37 2Out 16 / -5
-5 31
April 17, ‘21
Northwestern High School, Regular tees, 12 holes
1 32 23 34 25 36 27 (3)8 29 310 311 312 2Out 31 / -5
-5 28
April 17, ‘21
South Pointe High School, Regular tees, 11 holes
1 32 33 24 25 26 27 48 39 210 311 2Out 28 / -5
-9 18
April 17, ‘21
Southtown Wake Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 18 / -9
-3 6
April 17, ‘21
McKee Road Elementary, Regular tees, 3 holes
1 22 23 2Out 6 / -3
-1 8
April 17, ‘21
McKee Road Elementary, Regular tees, 3 holes
1 32 33 2Out 8 / -1
-6 21
April 17, ‘21
Saluda Trail Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 37 28 39 2Out 21 / -6
E 28
April 16, ‘21
Kings Mountain High School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 37 38 39 (5)Out 28 / E
-5 23
April 16, ‘21
Palmer Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 35 26 27 28 49 3Out 23 / -5
+1 29
April 16, ‘21
Crest High School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 56 47 28 39 3Out 29 / +1
-4 50
April 16, ‘21
Gardner-Webb University, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 24 35 26 37 38 39 210 311 312 313 214 315 316 317 218 3Out 50 / -4
-3 24
April 15, ‘21
South Piedmont Community College, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 45 36 37 38 29 3Out 24 / -3
-6 21
April 15, ‘21
South Piedmont Community College, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 21 / -6
-6 21
April 15, ‘21
South Piedmont Community College, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 25 36 27 28 29 3Out 21 / -6
-3 24
April 15, ‘21
South Piedmont Community College, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 37 38 29 2Out 24 / -3
-7 20
April 15, ‘21
South Piedmont Community College, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 27 28 39 2Out 20 / -7
+1 57
April 15, ‘21
Wingate University, Main regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 67 48 39 210 311 312 313 314 315 316 417 318 4Out 57 / +1
+5 60
April 15, ‘21
Dickerson Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 47 38 49 410 411 312 313 (4)14 315 316 317 318 3Out 60 / +5
-8 47
April 14, ‘21
Boone's Cave Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 24 25 26 27 38 39 310 311 312 313 214 215 216 317 218 3Out 47 / -8
+9 66
April 14, ‘21
Richfield Park, Goose Landing, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 44 45 36 37 38 49 310 311 512 413 314 315 416 (6)17 318 3Out 66 / +9
-4 24
April 12, ‘21
Cameron Yards, Long tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 35 36 37 28 39 3Out 24 / -4
-4 23
April 12, ‘21
Cameron Yards, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 43 24 25 26 27 38 29 3Out 23 / -4
E 56
April 12, ‘21
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 45 (6)6 27 38 29 310 411 312 413 314 215 216 (5)17 218 3Out 56 / E
-8 19
April 6, ‘21
Springdale Rec Center, Regular tees, 9 holes
Shoulda had another perfect round. Choked on a 20-foot putt on the last hole. Oh well...
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Out 19 / -8
-8 19
April 6, ‘21
Springdale Rec Center, Regular tees, 9 holes
Almost got the perfect round again! Missed a circle's edge putt on 7.
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 38 29 2Out 19 / -8
-9 18
April 6, ‘21
Springdale Rec Center, Regular tees, 9 holes
Definitely the best "perfect round" of my life. I've shot -9 on some really short elementary school courses, but this one actually has some real shots mixed in with the short ones. Nice! :-D
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 18 / -9
-7 20
April 6, ‘21
Springdale Rec Center, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 35 26 27 28 29 2Out 20 / -7
-8 19
April 6, ‘21
AR Rucker Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
It looks like I choked at the end... but I actually started on hole 7.
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Out 19 / -8
-7 20
April 6, ‘21
AR Rucker Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 37 28 29 2Out 20 / -7
-6 12
April 6, ‘21
North Elementary School, Public holes, 6 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 2Out 12 / -6
-5 13
April 6, ‘21
North Elementary School, Public holes, 6 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 2Out 13 / -5
-4 14
April 6, ‘21
North Elementary School, Public holes, 6 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 3Out 14 / -4
-7 53
April 6, ‘21
The Almighty Providence 18, White Tees, 20 holes
1 22 23 24 25 36 27 38 39 410 311 212 313 214 (4)15 (4)16 317 218 219 320 2Out 53 / -7
-14 46
April 6, ‘21
The Almighty Providence 18, Red Tees, 20 holes
Ace on hole 6!
1 22 23 24 35 36 17 28 29 210 211 212 313 214 315 316 217 318 (3)19 220 2Out 46 / -14
+4 62
April 6, ‘21
Cane Creek Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 36 57 48 49 310 211 312 413 414 515 516 317 318 3Out 62 / +4
-2 26
April 5, ‘21
Redwood Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 42 33 34 25 36 37 38 29 3Out 26 / -2
-4 23
April 5, ‘21
Hudson Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 25 26 37 38 39 3Out 23 / -4
-2 70
April 5, ‘21
Glenn C. Hilton Memorial Park, Regular Pin, 24 holes
1 32 (5)3 44 35 26 27 28 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 416 317 218 219 320 221 322 323 324 3Out 70 / -2
+7 61
April 5, ‘21
Sawmills Veterans Memorial Park, Blue Tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 24 35 26 57 58 49 310 311 212 313 414 315 316 317 418 (5)Out 61 / +7
-2 52
April 5, ‘21
Sawmills Veterans Memorial Park, Red Tees, 18 holes
1 (5)2 33 34 35 (5)6 37 38 29 210 311 312 213 314 315 316 217 218 2Out 52 / -2
-7 20
April 5, ‘21
Sawmills Veterans Memorial Park, Orange Course, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 20 / -7
-1 53
April 4, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Short tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 24 25 36 47 38 39 310 311 412 213 314 315 316 317 318 2Out 53 / -1
-2 52
April 4, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 24 35 46 37 38 39 310 311 212 313 414 315 316 217 318 3Out 52 / -2
-3 51
April 4, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Short tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 24 25 36 27 28 59 310 311 212 313 314 415 316 217 218 2Out 51 / -3
-3 57
April 3, ‘21
Bradley Center, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 36 37 28 49 310 211 (6)12 313 214 415 416 217 318 4Out 57 / -3
-2 58
April 3, ‘21
Bradley Center, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 55 36 37 38 39 310 211 412 413 214 415 316 317 318 4Out 58 / -2
+6 63
April 2, ‘21
Fox Chase, Blue Tees - Longs, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 26 (6)7 58 59 410 211 312 413 414 (3)15 216 317 318 5Out 63 / +6
+5 59
April 2, ‘21
Fox Chase, White Tees - Shorts, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 37 38 59 210 (4)11 412 413 414 315 316 317 318 4Out 59 / +5
+8 70
March 29, ‘21
Lindsey Park, Dogwood, Long pins, 18 holes
1 42 23 44 45 46 37 58 49 310 611 412 613 414 415 316 317 418 3Out 70 / +8
+2 60
March 28, ‘21
South Springs Baptist Church, 2021 Texas State Championships - Long, 18 holes
1B 42G 43G 24B 55G (5)6G 47B 38G 49G 310G 311G 312B 413G 214G 315G 316G 317G 318B 2Out 60 / +2
+3 57
March 27, ‘21
U.T. Tyler, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 311 412 813 314 215 216 317 318 2Out 57 / +3
-2 55
March 26, ‘21
The Roc, 19 Holes - Short Tees, 19 holes
1 42 33 34 35 36 27 48 39 310 211 212 313 214 215 316 217 518 319 (3)Out 55 / -2
-9 46
March 24, ‘21
Ellis Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Missed pretty close birdie putts on 10 & 13, and then missed a really easy par putt on 15. Still an amazing round. :-)
1 32 23 24 25 26 27 48 39 210 311 212 313 314 215 416 217 318 2Out 46 / -9
+1 56
March 24, ‘21
Ellis Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 25 36 37 58 49 310 311 312 313 314 315 416 317 318 3Out 56 / +1
-6 21
March 24, ‘21
Kelsey Scott Park, Long tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 35 36 27 28 29 3Out 21 / -6
-8 19
March 24, ‘21
Kelsey Scott Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 19 / -8
-2 25
March 24, ‘21
Catawba College, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 (3)3 34 35 26 37 38 39 3Out 25 / -2
-1 26
March 24, ‘21
Kelsey Scott Park, Yellow "B" Tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 25 36 37 28 39 4Out 26 / -1
-3 24
March 24, ‘21
Kelsey Scott Park, Yellow "A" Tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 37 28 39 3Out 24 / -3
-5 22
March 24, ‘21
Kelsey Scott Park, Long tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 26 27 28 39 3Out 22 / -5
-5 22
March 24, ‘21
Kelsey Scott Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 27 28 39 3Out 22 / -5
+2 60
March 22, ‘21
City Lake Park, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 44 35 46 37 48 29 210 411 512 313 314 415 416 317 318 4Out 60 / +2
E 54
March 22, ‘21
City Lake Park, Red tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 411 312 313 414 315 316 217 218 3Out 54 / E
+4 60
March 21, ‘21
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1-5 played on March 17th. 6-18 played on March 21.
1 42 23 34 25 46 (5)7 48 49 310 411 212 313 (4)14 315 316 417 318 3Out 60 / +4
+8 71
March 19, ‘21
Winthrop University, Gold Championship, Non-USDGC layout, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 55 (6)6 47 38 49 510 411 (6)12 513 314 215 516 217 318 4Out 71 / +8
-6 48
March 14, ‘21
Davidson College, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 24 25 36 37 28 39 210 (5)11 312 213 314 215 316 317 218 2Out 48 / -6
-6 48
March 14, ‘21
Davidson College, Regular tees, 18 holes
Ace on 17! Started on hole 5, so was +1 with 6 holes to play, then aced and birdied out to finish at -6. :-P
1 22 23 24 25 36 37 48 39 210 311 312 413 314 315 316 317 118 2Out 48 / -6
-3 53
March 12, ‘21
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 25 26 27 38 29 310 311 412 413 414 215 216 (4)17 318 (4)Out 53 / -3
+8 79
March 7, ‘21
Iron Hill, Gold tees (long) to long baskets, 18 holes
1 52 33 44 35 56 57 68 59 310 511 612 513 314 315 416 417 518 5Out 79 / +8
+8 72
March 6, ‘21
French Creek State Park, French Creek, Gold baskets, 18 holes
1 32 43 54 45 76 47 28 49 410 411 412 413 414 215 516 417 518 3Out 72 / +8
-9 18
March 2, ‘21
Hildebran Community Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 18 / -9
-6 21
March 2, ‘21
Hildebran Community Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 27 38 29 2Out 21 / -6
E 54
March 2, ‘21
Jacob Fork Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 37 38 29 310 311 212 313 314 415 316 317 318 3Out 54 / E
-1 59
March 2, ‘21
Jacob Fork Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 52 43 34 35 36 37 38 29 310 311 312 313 414 215 316 517 318 4Out 59 / -1
-4 23
March 2, ‘21
Bethel Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 36 27 38 29 3Out 23 / -4
-2 7
February 28, ‘21
Carl A Furr Elementary School, Public Holes, 3 holes
1 24 35 2Out 7 / -2
-7 20
February 28, ‘21
Highland Creek Sports Club, Highland Creek, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 37 28 39 2Out 20 / -7
-3 24
February 28, ‘21
Highland Creek Sports Club, Highland Creek, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 35 36 37 38 29 3Out 24 / -3
-2 25
February 27, ‘21
The Gully, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 46 37 38 29 3Out 25 / -2
+1 28
February 27, ‘21
The Gully, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 (5)4 35 46 37 38 29 4Out 28 / +1
-4 23
February 27, ‘21
The Gully, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 36 37 28 29 3Out 23 / -4
+2 29
February 27, ‘21
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 44 25 36 57 28 39 4Out 29 / +2
-6 21
February 27, ‘21
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 26 37 28 29 2Out 21 / -6
+1 29
February 27, ‘21
Rescue Squad Park, Mike Lind Hickory Creek DGC, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 43 54 45 26 37 (4)8 39 2Out 29 / +1
-1 27
February 27, ‘21
Rescue Squad Park, Mike Lind Hickory Creek DGC, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 55 26 37 28 39 4Out 27 / -1
-1 53
February 25, ‘21
Wooded Palms, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 32 (3)3 34 35 36 37 28 39 510 211 512 313 214 (4)15 216 317 218 2Out 53 / -1
+2 60
February 24, ‘21
Bradford Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 47 38 79 310 211 212 313 414 315 316 217 318 5Out 60 / +2
-5 71
February 23, ‘21
Yadkin County Park, 24-Hole Layout, 24 holes
1 32 33 24 35 26 27 28 49 410 311 312 513 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 221 322 423 324 2Out 71 / -5
-5 49
February 23, ‘21
George Sappenfield DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 37 38 29 210 211 312 313 214 215 416 217 218 3Out 49 / -5
-3 12
February 21, ‘21
York Preparatory Academy, Regular tees, 5 holes
1 32 23 24 35 2Out 12 / -3
-4 23
February 21, ‘21
West End Baptist Church, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 44 25 36 37 28 29 3Out 23 / -4
-2 25
February 21, ‘21
Castle Heights Middle School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 24 35 46 37 38 29 2Out 25 / -2
-7 20
February 21, ‘21
Rock Hill High School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 25 36 27 28 29 2Out 20 / -7
-2 16
February 21, ‘21
Westminster Catawba School, Regular tees, 6 holes
1 32 33 34 25 36 2Out 16 / -2
+2 30
February 21, ‘21
Cameron Yards, Long tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 54 35 36 47 38 39 3Out 30 / +2
-1 26
February 21, ‘21
Cameron Yards, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 (4)4 45 26 37 28 29 3Out 26 / -1
+3 31
February 21, ‘21
Cameron Yards, Long tees, 9 holes
1 32 43 44 (5)5 26 67 28 39 2Out 31 / +3
-3 24
February 21, ‘21
Cameron Yards, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 25 26 37 28 39 3Out 24 / -3
-2 34
February 21, ‘21
Rawlinson Road Middle School, Regular tees, 12 holes
1 22 23 34 35 36 47 38 39 310 311 312 2Out 34 / -2
+4 60
February 16, ‘21
Torma Town, Long tees, 18 holes
Double penalty on 7.
1 22 23 34 35 36 47 (6)8 29 210 311 512 313 414 415 316 317 418 4Out 60 / +4
-3 24
February 8, ‘21
Catawba College, Regular tees, 9 holes
Hit a basketball backboard off the tee on 8 and landed in the court. Where I crossed was terrible, so I re-teed for 3 and promptly threw into the thickest bush in the world that required a punch-out shot. And bam. 6p! Good times...
1 22 23 24 25 26 37 38 (6)9 2Out 24 / -3
+5 71
February 8, ‘21
Davie DGC, Regular tees, 20 holes
1 32 43 24 45 26 37 38 59 310 411 312 413 414 315 616 217 518 319 520 3Out 71 / +5
E 56
February 7, ‘21
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 27 (4)8 39 210 311 312 413 314 415 416 417 218 (5)Out 56 / E
-1 55
February 7, ‘21
Robbins Park, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 (3)4 35 26 37 28 39 310 311 212 513 414 415 216 (5)17 218 3Out 55 / -1
+3 57
January 29, ‘21
Wooded Palms, White tees, 18 holes
1 22 (3)3 (4)4 35 36 27 38 (5)9 310 211 312 313 314 (5)15 316 217 418 (4)Out 57 / +3
-6 48
January 28, ‘21
Davidson College, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 24 25 36 37 38 39 210 411 212 313 214 315 316 317 318 2Out 48 / -6
-3 24
January 27, ‘21
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 25 26 37 28 39 4Out 24 / -3
+10 70
January 27, ‘21
Stumpy Creek, Blue, 19 holes
1 (5)2 73 34 55 36 37 38 29 210 911 412 513 214 315 216 317 318 219 4Out 70 / +10
-9 45
January 23, ‘21
George Sappenfield DGC, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 37 38 29 210 211 212 213 414 315 216 217 218 2Out 45 / -9
+5 81
January 23, ‘21
Yadkin County Park, 24-Hole Layout, 24 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 47 28 59 410 211 212 413 414 515 516 317 218 319 320 321 522 323 (4)24 2Out 81 / +5
-6 48
January 23, ‘21
George Sappenfield DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 35 36 37 38 29 310 411 412 313 214 215 216 217 218 2Out 48 / -6
+7 61
January 23, ‘21
Wooded Palms, Blue tees, 18 holes
1 22 (4)3 (5)4 35 36 47 38 39 310 411 312 313 314 (4)15 316 317 418 (4)Out 61 / +7
-1 53
January 23, ‘21
Wooded Palms, White tees, 18 holes
Ace on hole 10!
1 (4)2 (4)3 34 45 36 27 48 39 310 111 312 413 314 215 316 217 318 2Out 53 / -1
+3 59
January 22, ‘21
Robbins Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 (4)2 23 24 45 (5)6 47 38 (4)9 210 311 412 413 314 215 316 517 218 3Out 59 / +3
-8 19
January 20, ‘21
River Street Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 2Out 19 / -8
-7 20
January 20, ‘21
River Street Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Out 20 / -7
E 55
January 20, ‘21
Goat Island, White tees (short), 18 holes
1 42 43 34 35 36 27 38 39 310 311 312 313 (5)14 215 316 317 218 3Out 55 / E
-2 25
January 19, ‘21
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 35 46 37 28 29 3Out 25 / -2
-4 23
January 19, ‘21
Beatty's Ford Park, Short tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 36 37 28 29 3Out 23 / -4
-4 24
January 19, ‘21
Rescue Squad Park, Mike Lind Hickory Creek DGC, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 45 36 27 28 39 3Out 24 / -4
-3 24
January 18, ‘21
Clover Community Park, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 42 33 24 25 26 37 28 39 3Out 24 / -3
+6 70
January 18, ‘21
York Middle School, 20 Holes - Long, 20 holes
1 22 53 44 25 (6)6 27 38 59 210 511 312 413 214 615 416 217 318 319 420 3Out 70 / +6
+4 58
January 16, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 45 56 37 48 39 410 311 512 213 214 315 216 217 318 4Out 58 / +4
+3 57
January 16, ‘21
Cornelius Park, The Bridges, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 47 48 29 410 311 412 413 314 315 216 217 (4)18 2Out 57 / +3
+7 68
January 14, ‘21
Elon Park, Pro course, Short tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 34 65 46 37 48 69 310 311 412 313 214 415 416 317 318 5Out 68 / +7
-12 42
January 14, ‘21
Elon Park, Main course, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 37 28 29 210 311 212 313 214 215 216 317 318 3Out 42 / -12
+3 57
January 13, ‘21
Winthrop University, Lakefront, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 26 47 38 39 310 (5)11 412 (4)13 314 315 316 217 218 3Out 57 / +3
+2 60
January 13, ‘21
Winget Park, Default Layout, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 46 27 48 39 410 311 312 513 414 515 216 217 218 4Out 60 / +2
-6 30
January 11, ‘21
Wedgewood North, Regular tees, 12 holes
1 22 23 24 25 36 27 38 39 310 211 312 3Out 30 / -6
-5 31
January 11, ‘21
Wedgewood North, Regular tees, 12 holes
1 22 23 (4)4 25 26 37 28 49 210 211 312 3Out 31 / -5
+8 81
January 11, ‘21
Hornets Nest Park, Long - 20 Holes, 20 holes
Got stuck in the rough bad on 17...
1 42 33 54 45 46 37 6A 2B 28 49 510 511 412 413 314 315 316 517 818 4Out 81 / +8
+7 72
January 11, ‘21
Hornets Nest Park, Medium - 20 Holes, 20 holes
1 42 33 34 35 36 37 (5)A 3B 48 29 310 311 412 413 414 415 (5)16 517 418 3Out 72 / +7
E 54
January 6, ‘21
Sugaw Creek Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 (3)2 (4)3 34 35 46 37 48 (4)9 310 311 212 313 314 215 216 317 318 2Out 54 / E
+7 62
January 4, ‘21
Oakboro District Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 24 45 36 47 48 39 410 311 312 213 414 415 316 317 418 5Out 62 / +7
-8 46
January 4, ‘21
Oakboro District Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 25 36 27 38 29 210 311 212 213 314 215 316 217 318 3Out 46 / -8
-6 21
January 3, ‘21
Sunset Park Elementary School, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 25 26 27 38 39 2Out 21 / -6
-9 51
January 3, ‘21
Fewell Island, Canaan Sand Hills, Regular tees - 20 Holes, 20 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 27 28 29 210 211 312 213 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 3Out 51 / -9
+4 62
January 3, ‘21
Fewell Island, Canaan Riverbend, White 18, 18 holes
1 42 43 24 35 36 47 28 (3)9 410 211 312 413 614 415 416 317 418 3Out 62 / +4
-1 62
January 2, ‘21
Hornets Nest Park, Short - 20 Holes, 20 holes
1 42 33 54 (4)5 36 27 4A 3B 38 49 210 311 212 313 314 315 216 317 318 3Out 62 / -1
+1 56
December 30, ‘20
Torma Town, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 45 46 27 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 417 318 4Out 56 / +1
-4 53
December 28, ‘20
Stumpy Creek, White, 19 holes
1 32 63 44 35 26 37 28 29 310 311 212 313 314 315 216 217 318 219 2Out 53 / -4
-2 52
December 27, ‘20
Davidson College, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 25 46 37 48 29 210 411 312 413 314 315 416 217 318 2Out 52 / -2
E 54
December 22, ‘20
Richfield Park, Goose Landing, Short tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 24 35 26 37 3