Alaska PDGA Winter Series #13   November 17, 2020 at 8:23pm

Week 3 (Westchester) Clarification

Not sure if I had it right before; at the very least I was ambiguous:

If you JUST want to play in the morning, in the Winter League, either $8 OR a frozen turkey is the entry fee. Tell me if you're doing a turkey (bring it to Davis Park in the afternoon). Both the money and the turkey will go to the ADGA Frozen Turkey donation.

If you want to play in the afternoon in the Frozen Turkey Bowl, a frozen turkey is required. So if you're playing in the afternoon, you may as well come out for the morning, since you'll have donated the required turkey. But if you want to do both an $8 donation and a frozen turkey, I'm sure the charities will appreciate it.

If you've already paid $8 and you want to do a frozen turkey instead, let me know and I'll refund your $.

Dave Donaldson   November 19, 2020 at 12:40am

Found a 2020 Nikiski Open disc at Westchester. Hole/color and it's yours. No ink.