WC GLOW FALL/WINTER 2020-2021   October 13, 2020 at 4:08pm

It is Hoodie Season!

I had a player ask me about hoodies last week. So lets talk hoodies.

Who is interested in getting a WC Glow Hoodie? I have a few made up already. I will bring some hoodies as examples tomorrow night for league. If you are interested, bring some cash and we will get started on yours ASAP.

Depending on the hoodie material and size needed, cost will be between $25 and $35.

I even have some Glow Vinyl that looks really good on darker color items.

Bill Chapman   October 13, 2020 at 6:05pm

I will def take a glow vinyl hoodie if they are they sport fits like last year

Drew "Orange Andy" Herron   October 14, 2020 at 11:19pm

Orange hoodie with glow vinyl?! Sounds wonderful!