MCCG Indoor Putting 2019-20 @ 5 Star Lanes   February 25, 2020 at 2:35am

February 24th Summary

Week 16 Summary
We had 30 people tonight!

Jay/Krystal took down Michael/Schiller
Schiller hasn't been here all year and came outta nowhere to win it all!

Double Tap:
Shaun Missed both for $156
Kyle missed both for $117

Most Doubles:
Kyle won with 13

Poker Doubles:
Gary won with a Full House

Best Average:
88% - Kyle
83% - Brent & Michael & Scott

Early Bird Special:
Jim over Gary, and Kevin over Brad

I hear some other putting leagues in the area on Monday nights are ending. Why not come out to 5 Star Lanes where we will keep going until March 23rd!