DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 *** 7th Annual ***   April 15, 2016 at 3:10pm

DGLA: MiCPS - Our first HLW April 29th >> Double Points!!! <<

Our first Highlighted League of the Week (HLW) April 29th Double Points!!!

The DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 *** 7th Annual *** session is under-way.

Note the Leaderboard will be updated shortly with the correct point system and adding the DGLA Players along with the weekly and monthly leaderboards for extra Disc Golf Scene Bling - Cha Ching!

There will be some new leagues added through May 22nd which is the deadline to add leagues. Last year we had 64 participating leagues and 1158 players.

Currently we have 16 participating leagues

- 12:00 SATURDAY DUBS Spring /Summer 2016
- 2nd Annual Tuesdays At Wags
- Club Kensington Summer Dubs 2016
- Eastside Ace Run League
- Huron Valley 2016 PDGA Sanctioned Summer Singles
- Metro Detroit Discgolf League 2016
- Night Moose Spring/Summer 2016
- PTP Sunday Single League
- PTP Tuesday Random Doubles
- Sanford Lake Leagues
- Saturday Vienna Dubs
- Thursday Night Doubles at Da Creek 2016
- Thursday Starr Dubs
- Ypsi Dubs 2016 Summer League - The Original - Tuesdays
- Ypsi Dubs 2016 Summer League -={Church}=- Sundays

If you play other Michigan disc golf leagues just send the link to the league page to have it added - anyone can request a league to be added. It's Free

Current Leaderboard standings - top 20:

Overall standings
Player Points
1 Tom Mannebach 37
2 Austin N 36
3 Joshua N 26
4 John Blomberg 16
5 Nate Wegryn 15
6 Ryan Marohnic 14
7 Will Meek 12
7 Barry Hutton 12
9 Sean Morgan 10
10 Jon Kind 9
10 George Beno 9
10 Brandon Johnson 9
13 kevin loosa 8
13 Scott Ransley 8
15 Ryan T 7
15 John Dishaw 7
17 Mike Rivamonte 6
17 Joe Paczwa 6
19 Douglas McIntosh 5
19 James Mayes 5
19 Cullen Pasquesi-Hill 5

During the season each league can have a Highlighted Leagues of the Week (HLW) and players receive DOUBLE POINTS for that round. Some league do special things and some it's just a regular round with double points for the MiCPS. We try to highlight the league, course, format and details so players see what other leagues are doing throughout the state and maybe take the opportunity to travel and check out the league, the course, meet new players while getting Double points to Boast their total.

How do leagues request a HLW?

The league Admin must request the HLW to ensure the people who put in all the hard work week after week to ensure the local players have a league to play are aware and prepared for a few extra players. The league Admin post a comment under MiCPS indicating the date desired. The date must be at least TWO weeks out so other players have time to make plans. Last day to request a HLW is May 2nd. Any question league Admin can send Foz a message.

To see all currently planned HLW just look at the schedule and you will see the league round highlighted in Green and it indicates Double Points!



Friday April 29, 2016 5:00pm Sanford Lake Leagues
Sanford Lake Park >>>> Double points! <<<<

So our first HLW is currently April 29th. Sanford Lake Leagues, Sanford Lake Park. Note this is a New Club and League and Chris Blackhurst wanted everyone know to everyone is Welcomed. Come out and help kick off this league with DOUBLE POINTS.

Sanford Lake Leagues
Doubles league • April '16 - December '18 • Sanford, MI
Part of DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 *** 7th Annual ***

Get direction:

Doubles league
$5.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool
Also a $1 Ctp each week


Kick off the season with some Double points to give your points a boost.

Enjoy the Rounds!!!
**** Critical Dates ****
May 8th 2016 Sunday - DGLA Player level registration cut-off

May 22nd 2016 Sunday - Deadline for adding new leagues to the Point Series.
** Leagues can always run outside the MiCPS dates but MiCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.

May 22nd 2016 Sunday - Deadline for League Admin to request Highlighted Leagues of the Week (HLW) on the comments page.