DGLA: MiCPS - Summer 2016 - Starts Sunday April 10th
DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 *** 7th Annual ***
Starts April 10th - This Sunday
16 week Michigan State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series hosted by DGLA
Sunday April 10th 2016 - Saturday July 30th 2016
I'm sure we will beat last summers record participation for the 7th year in a row. Last year we had
64 participating leagues and 1158 players throughout Michigan competing - AWESOME!!!!
**** Critical Dates ****
May 8st 2016 Sunday - DGLA Player level registration cut-off
May 22nd 2016 Sunday - Deadline for adding new leagues to the Point Series.
** Leagues can always run outside the MiCPS dates but MiCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.
May 22nd 2016 Sunday - Deadline for League Admin to request Highlighted Leagues of the Week (HLW) on the comments page.
The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) is proud to bring you the 7th annual, Michigan Cooperative Point Series – Summer, (MiCPS-S) 2016 season.
The DGLA MiCPS brings leagues and players closer together for more fun, to help exchange ideas and grow the sport of Disc Golf. Through the use of Disc Golf Scene all the scores, pictures, videos and chat from all leagues and players come together, enabling all the players throughout the state to see what players are doing, what each league is up to and what is new at each of the courses. Growing the sport of Disc Golf together and coming together to crown the Michigan State Disc Golf League Summer Champion.
Earn points for every round you play in a participating leagues throughout Michigan.
Highlighted Leagues of the Week (HLW) participating leagues must request a HLW: League Admin of the league must request in the Comments section by May 22nd so no one is surprised and has plenty of time to make plans. The request must come from a League Admin listed on the League About page. Dates can range from May 1st - July 30th.
DGLA: MiCPS - Summer 2016 - Starts Sunday April 10th
DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 *** 7th Annual ***
Starts April 10th - This Sunday
16 week Michigan State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series hosted by DGLA
Sunday April 10th 2016 - Saturday July 30th 2016
I'm sure we will beat last summers record participation for the 7th year in a row. Last year we had
64 participating leagues and 1158 players throughout Michigan competing - AWESOME!!!!
**** Critical Dates ****
May 8st 2016 Sunday - DGLA Player level registration cut-off
May 22nd 2016 Sunday - Deadline for adding new leagues to the Point Series.
** Leagues can always run outside the MiCPS dates but MiCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.
May 22nd 2016 Sunday - Deadline for League Admin to request Highlighted Leagues of the Week (HLW) on the comments page.
The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) is proud to bring you the 7th annual, Michigan Cooperative Point Series – Summer, (MiCPS-S) 2016 season.
The DGLA MiCPS brings leagues and players closer together for more fun, to help exchange ideas and grow the sport of Disc Golf. Through the use of Disc Golf Scene all the scores, pictures, videos and chat from all leagues and players come together, enabling all the players throughout the state to see what players are doing, what each league is up to and what is new at each of the courses. Growing the sport of Disc Golf together and coming together to crown the Michigan State Disc Golf League Summer Champion.
Earn points for every round you play in a participating leagues throughout Michigan.
Highlighted Leagues of the Week (HLW) participating leagues must request a HLW: League Admin of the league must request in the Comments section by May 22nd so no one is surprised and has plenty of time to make plans. The request must come from a League Admin listed on the League About page. Dates can range from May 1st - July 30th.
Peace and Enjoy the Rounds