DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2015/16 *** Sixth Annual ***   March 6, 2016 at 12:28am

DGLA: MiCPS - Winter 2015/16 - Champion is.......

Ok the week grace period is up, hopefully all leagues had time to post all rounds and the last Double Points rounds got requested. Here is the break down of the leaderboard and our new Winter Disc Golf League Champion.

DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2015/16 *** Sixth Annual ***

14 week season 28 possible Counted Rounds
Sunday Nov 15th 2015 - Saturday Feb 16th 2016
27 leagues
583 Total # of Players
3886 Total Rounds Played
72,198 Total Points awarded

Compare that to Last Winter:

14 week season 28 possible Counted Rounds
Sunday Nov 23rd 2014 - Saturday Feb 28th 2015
18 leagues
363 Total # of Players
2359 Total Rounds Played
46,329 Total Points awarded

Another great view is the year to year trend:

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
#leagues 14 15 29 31 18 27
#players 361 349 475 450 363 583

I like to look at how many rounds players actually played and what it takes to make it into the top spots. Now given we cap the weekly rounds at Two rounds per week to try and balance things out it's always interesting to look at number of rounds and player pt average per round to try and identify the sleepers who if they could just get a few more rounds in at their current pt/round average they would be up near the top - but you just never know unless you actually played more rounds.....

I normally first remove all the players with less than 3 rounds to avoid the one round wonders but this year I found it interesting to keep the very highest Average points per round with only one round played. That was Kevin Morgan. I had expected with all the comments about Fallsburg singles league being so big that this would have been one of their rounds but Kevin's one round was at Kensington Jan 24th a round where they had 86 players and together with George Beno they won that round. I'm sure there was a large Ace pool but it shows you there are more than one league pulling in more than 60 players which is our Cutoff for points calculation to try and balance out things. We'll look at that more later.

Here are the rest of the top 20 players by Point/Round Avg with more at least 3 or more rounds. and 8 of them are from the top ten overall. The rest should have played a few more rounds - note the average # of rounds for the top 10 players was 20.7, so 6.7 rounds at another league would have had you in the top ten if you could have stayed consistent for the season.

Current position, Player, Pts, # of Rounds, Average PTs/Round

309 Kevin Morgan 61 1 61
16 Randy Rosendall 509 9 56.55555556
5 Sebastian Dobry 676 12 56.33333333
4 D TREE 698 13 53.69230769
3 Aaron Westers 712 14 50.85714286
7 Victor Wahl 652 13 50.15384615
64 TJ Kilmartin 293 6 48.83333333
6 Eric Crandle 657 14 46.92857143
9 Tim Wood 602 13 46.30769231
31 Greg Festian 413 9 45.88888889
8 chad reneau 641 14 45.78571429
33 Sancho Valdez 403 9 44.77777778
25 Jerry Stoken 440 10 44
76 BEN KOSTER 259 6 43.16666667
29 Tialor Byrne 420 10 42
12 Eric Wieck 587 14 41.92857143
30 Luke Balcer 415 10 41.5
1 Chad Hutchison 949 23 41.26086957
32 Nick Gill 411 10 41.1
157 Jamie Mosier 163 4 40.75
19 tom lang 482 12 40.16666667
220 Bryce Balcer 118 3 39.33333333

So it shows that you have to get out and try to get your two rounds per week in if you really want a chance to be in the top ten.

What else helps. Wins, Aces and Double Points

OK let's take a quick look at what it takes to make it in the top Ten of 583 players during the Michigan Winter - First lets look at the average of the key stats of the top ten players:

Average stats for the Top Ten Players
700.1 Points
20.7 # of Rounds 1.5 Avg Rounds / week
17.1 # of Rounds Counted 1.2 Avg Rounds / week
42.246 Average Points per Rounds
44.261 Average Points per Counted rounds
4.2 Wins
0.4 Aces
2.3 Rounds with Double Points (This stat was definitely impacted by Fallsburg as there was only 1 round reported for double points - probably was much closer to 6-8 qualifying rounds but no one posted in the comments.

Min Point to be in the Top ten: 599 (almost exactly the same last winter, 529)
Max points 949 (846 last winter)
so 350 points separated tenth place from first place. (317 last Winter)

It's always interesting to see how much Aces come into play with 25 points per Ace which can be equivalent to an extra round in many cases.
What..... Ok this is crazy. I wrote this last year and I don't have to change anything but the players name:

"The average was 0.4 and that was because only one player in the top ten had any aces at all, but he had 4 and even two in one round. Got to love that Glow at Bandemer. Really nice shooting Sam Smith for an extra 100 extra points for the season."
Ok just replace Sam Smith with Jay B this year. Nice shots Jay. What is it with Glow Aces. Jay's 4 aces were also all Glow Aces, Two at Bandemer Park, 2015/2016 Bandemer Glow Doubles & WC Glow Fall/Winter 2015-16 and Two at DGS Friday Night Lights Glow League (Winter) @ Brys Park.

Ok how about WINs - in the top ten the most wins was by Jay B with 15, followed by Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common with 10 and then Chad Hutchison with 7. Double points help, especially if you play smaller leagues - Now small leagues get a boast ensuring the winner get 20pts for the win and points count down. Remember that for the large leagues winner points is capped at 60 but that still leaves a gap if your unable to get to the larger leagues. So you hope for Double points and Aces... to maximize your point total. Phil played 9 rounds when it was either 15 degrees or below or had 2" of snow fall during the round. Jay B had 6 double point rounds. Everyone else in the top ten had 1 double point round according to what is posted.

Ok so the final result is that Chad Hutchison with 23 counted rounds, 1 double point round, 7 wins and 949 toatl points for the season is our 2015/16 Michigan Winter Disc Golf League Champion - Congrats!!!!! Chad.

And congrats to all the players in the top Ten for great consistent play throughout the whole season.

Leaderboard Position, Player, Points, Total Rounds, Counted Rounds, Dropped Rounds, Total Rounds Ratio, Counted Rounds Ratio, Wins, Aces, HLW / Double PTs. Rounds
1 Chad Hutchison 949 23 23 0 41.26086957 41.26086957 7 0 1
2 Jay B 815 53 28 25 15.37735849 29.10714286 15 4 6
3 Aaron Westers 712 14 14 0 50.85714286 50.85714286 0 0 1
4 D TREE 698 13 13 0 53.69230769 53.69230769 3 0 1
5 Sebastian Dobry 676 12 12 0 56.33333333 56.33333333 2 0 1
6 Eric Crandle 657 14 14 0 46.92857143 46.92857143 2 0 1
7 Victor Wahl 652 13 13 0 50.15384615 50.15384615 1 0 1
8 chad reneau 641 14 14 0 45.78571429 45.78571429 0 0 1
9 Tim Wood 602 13 13 0 46.30769231 46.30769231 2 0 1
10 Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common 599 38 27 11 15.76315789 22.18518519 10 0 9

11 josh schulte 590 29 20.34482759
12 Eric Wieck 587 14 41.92857143
13 Scottie Reslock 535 37 14.45945946
14 Brian Crouch 530 27 19.62962963
15 John Hamel 521 35 14.88571429
16 Randy Rosendall 509 9 56.55555556
17 Lightning John Bentling 494 19 26
18 Rich Mcpherson 485 30 16.16666667
19 tom lang 482 12 40.16666667
20 MO PETE 472 23 20.52173913

On the DGLA players leaderboard Chad is also at the top and then Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common with 599 pts takes 2nd.
Those are our two Discraft Michigan State Championships berth winners - Congrats guys. I have your berth packages and will submit your names to MDGO in July so you can register for the event.

Note there are two players who do not show up on the leaderboard but they are in for Winter, listed below, and all are automatically in for the summer season as well. Since there are less than 40 players all players who played rounds get awards - watch your emails for messages to claim your awards.

1 Chad Hutchison 949 23
2 Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common 599 38
3 Scottie Reslock 535 37
4 Brian Crouch 530 27
5 Jeff "Hep-A-Ler" Hepler 399 29
6 Jerry "Chilly" Chilson 188 13
7 Foz Miller 156 13
8 michael howard 152 9
9 Brooke Plantz 128 6
10 Robert Smith 116 9
11 James Forgy Jr 50 4
12 Ron Moberly 10 1

Summer season starts April 10th. Make sure your local Michigan league has been added.
DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 *** 7th Annual ***

4 more Discraft Michigan State Championships berth to be awarded for the summer season to DGLA player members who do not already have a berth.

16 week Michigan State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series

April 10th 2016 - Saturday July 30th 2016
May 8st 2016 Sunday - DGLA Player level registration cut-off
May 22nd 2016 Sunday - Deadline for adding new leagues to the Point Series.
** Leagues can always run outside the MiCPS dates but MiCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.

Enjoy the Warmer Spring Rounds.