I am thankful to see new faces and some who returned from last season . . . this league needed some fresh faces and new life so thank you to all for coming. i hope you enjoy the league atmosphere presented and if you have any ideas on how you think we can make this league better, please feel free to speak to Tyler or myself about your ideas. I cannot promise they will be included but we will certainly give them consideration.
Because multiple new people attended league this week with little to no experience at Miniwaukan I am going to wait to establish handicaps until after next weeks scores. I have a pretty good understanding of most peoples skill level and where they will be but with a small sample size I do not want that to sacrifice the integrity of this league because it is so reliant on your normal average score . . . so I am waiting one more week to set each handicap.
After next weeks scores are in I will formulate the handicaps and post the payouts for both weeks.
I am thankful to see new faces and some who returned from last season . . . this league needed some fresh faces and new life so thank you to all for coming. i hope you enjoy the league atmosphere presented and if you have any ideas on how you think we can make this league better, please feel free to speak to Tyler or myself about your ideas. I cannot promise they will be included but we will certainly give them consideration.
Because multiple new people attended league this week with little to no experience at Miniwaukan I am going to wait to establish handicaps until after next weeks scores. I have a pretty good understanding of most peoples skill level and where they will be but with a small sample size I do not want that to sacrifice the integrity of this league because it is so reliant on your normal average score . . . so I am waiting one more week to set each handicap.
After next weeks scores are in I will formulate the handicaps and post the payouts for both weeks.