Just a reminder tonight is The Disc Golf Stores Friday Night Lights League. We will be playing random doubles starting at 8:00 PM so please try and show up around 7:45 PM and depending on the amount of people that show up. It is $2.00 to play and an optional $2.00 Ace Pool which is now at $44.00 not including the money that comes in tonight also we have an optional $1.00 CTP held on holes 12 and 24. If you chose to play everything it will cost $5.00. So come on out and be sure to bring your glow discs and LED lights if your do not have any make sure to stop in at The Disc Golf Store because they have just got in new LED lights that have all the colors of the normal LED's in them and then also cycle threw all the colors they will be open until 7:00 PM and are right down the street from Brys Park. Hope to see everyone there. If you have any questions please message me and I will answer them.
Jason 7-L Ward › Brys Park October 17, 2014 at 9:02pm
Just a reminder tonight is The Disc Golf Stores Friday Night Lights League. We will be playing random doubles starting at 8:00 PM so please try and show up around 7:45 PM and depending on the amount of people that show up. It is $2.00 to play and an optional $2.00 Ace Pool which is now at $44.00 not including the money that comes in tonight also we have an optional $1.00 CTP held on holes 12 and 24. If you chose to play everything it will cost $5.00. So come on out and be sure to bring your glow discs and LED lights if your do not have any make sure to stop in at The Disc Golf Store because they have just got in new LED lights that have all the colors of the normal LED's in them and then also cycle threw all the colors they will be open until 7:00 PM and are right down the street from Brys Park. Hope to see everyone there. If you have any questions please message me and I will answer them.