2014 Friday Night Discin @ Stony   March 29, 2014 at 7:19am

Week 1: Chef Starts Off Cookin!

Josh (Ace Hole) Schulte kills it in the season opener. Wins the open division, hits an ace and ties team Sicora/Nowicki at -4 to take the Singles vs Doubles side bet. He walked away with over $170 boom!

38 players total tonight came out to battle the 11 hole "Glacier Loop". It was tight but we pulled it off before dark with some help from Hamel, J Ride, Herzog, 2J. Thanks guys!

Team Stony CTP was won by Ted Stoebling winning a TS Glow Champ Roc 3, club mini, Microfiber towel, Free TGIF food and a bunch of free 7-11 drinks and league 1 point.
50/50 TOC CTP was won by Slick Willy G Fretz for $29 and 1 league point
Longest Putt was won by Brian Frawley. He won 1 league point, a DX Aviar and a CryZtal Flex Drone that was donated by Jeff Meldrum.
Ace pool was taken down by Chef Schulte for $99 and 3 league points. It started at $15, GREAG HART ADDED $20 then $64 added tonight = boom!
Singles vs doubles was won by Schulte and team Kink/Nowicki at -4. They split $58

Thanks to everyone for coming out tonight! Off to a great start this year.