Louie Orozco  › Wednesday Night Lights   January 9, 2014 at 11:41pm

More people than usual questioned last night's payout. Allow me to break it down:

19 of you showed up to play. That means $76 was up for grabs ($4 per entry fee goes towards the payout). First place received $50, second place received $26. So yes, I paid out 4 of 19 people. Most of you know I have a spreadsheet that I created. I set it up to where it pays out in a 2:1 ratio. For instance: Say there were 21 people there. That would be an $84 pot. The 1st place team would get $42 for the team. 2nd would get $28. 3rd would get $14 to split. See how that works? From 3rd to 1st it would be $7/person, $14/person and $21/person. So the winners would get 3:1, 2nd would get 2:1 and 3rd would get 1:1. Sure it's not always gonna work out that perfectly but you should hopefully get the point. I'm pretty sure that some of you were glad to see 19 there. I know I was. Maybe you were comparing it to WND at Kincaid where we averaged 25+ per league. At that point you can definitely count on me paying out 3 groups. In fact, we paid out 4 groups a couple of times last year.

Another thing: if there are 3-10 people it's winners-take-all, 11-20 and I'll pay 2 teams, 21-30 for 3 teams and 31-40 to pay 4 teams. 41 or more and I gotta figure that out myself. I look forward to that day :-)

So, I hope some of your feeling weren't hurt. I know we all like to win (some more than others). The average winning score so far at the Goon is 42.25, let's round that to a 42 or a -12.

I'll leave you with this: we all play to win. If you want to avoid being left out of the cash... turn in a -13 or better and you should have a good chance to at least get your money back. I love playing for free and you should too. Anything else should be a bonus.

Thad Murgatroyd   January 10, 2014 at 4:12pm

Its a testament to the skill of Anchorage players when you need to throw 13 down to cash, lovin it

Louie Orozco   January 10, 2014 at 4:46pm

I agree. And in the dark...