I don't know if anyone knows anybody of the peoples backyards that face the park. But my yellow z buzz went in the persons backyard that is right of the yard with the "beware of dog" sign facing the park. If anyone happens to get it or knows anyone over there that I can get it back I would like it back, not important disc just would like it back. Name and phone number are on the back of the disc.
to add to this I left a sidewinder directly across the soccer field in their backyard, not to mention a beast on a roof hahahah
The only advice I can give is to go ask the homeowners if they will let you in their backyard. They will probably let you just because you asked and didn't just jump over the fence. I had one go over the fence once over by #5 I got lucky because there was about a 6inch gap under the fence and I could reach the disc with a stick:)