Lot of important topics to discuss! If you haven't already done so, seek out potential sponsors for our jersey campaign and bring any collected donations to the meeting. Also, if you have not paid your $20 membership dues for this year, please bring that so we can mark you off as paid.
K-State Disc Golf Club October 3, 2013 at 3:50am
Club Meeting | Thursday, October 3rd
We will be meeting in Hale 401B (William T. Kemper Foundation Room) which is located on the 4th floor of the library. Meeting starts at 6:30pm. Here is a map if you need help finding it: https://www.lib.k-state.edu/sites/default/files/Embedded_Images/room401.png
Lot of important topics to discuss! If you haven't already done so, seek out potential sponsors for our jersey campaign and bring any collected donations to the meeting. Also, if you have not paid your $20 membership dues for this year, please bring that so we can mark you off as paid.