2013 CNYDGA Wednesday Night League   July 18, 2013 at 3:10pm

Wednesday League Week #14

A steamy night kept all but the hardcores away. Mark Falinski was the new guy and got teamed up with Luciano. 22 showed and the top spots were:

Dylan/Fran - 44 - 48$
KC/Laufer - 46 - 28$
Crowley/Guerdon - 47 - 12$
Jarad/Nate - 47 - 12$
Westy/*D* - 47 - 12$

A pool was Dylan on hole 3 for 7$.
B pool was Salisbury on hole 5 for 8$. I hear his shot was an ace, but those JVB baskets spit it out...bummer.
C pool was Cady on hole 6 for 7$.

Big news of the night was Fran Daher's ace on his first shot of the night on hole 11. The shot got him 215$ and depleted the ace pool! Nice!

Thanks for coming out, same time same place next week.
