Leaguers Anonymous 2013   June 16, 2013 at 9:12am

Ch ch ch ch changes..!

So with my obligations with grad school and all that jazz, I'm going to get Matt D more involved in running things. As of now, he is in charge of the league schedule and course rotation. We've talked quite a bit about a schedule format that rotates between local courses and courses that aren't as close. Also, there will be some changes to the scoring format after the tournament. I'm thinking that with so many changes coming, we will declare a "first half winner" following the tournament and then points will start fresh with the updated system. Also, if anyone is interested in other leadership roles, let me know. I would like to start posting flyers and having cards to hand out with league info by the time we play the tournament in order to attract more players. I've been really happy with the success we've had thus far and would love to see things continue. Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated.

Patrick Jouppi   June 17, 2013 at 10:07am

Obviously, we're all grateful for the work you've done to keep this thing running smoothly. I think splitting the year into 2 'seasons' with the tournament in the middle is an excellent idea. I'd be happy to work with Matt to make any necessary changes or help promote the league.