Disc Golf League Association   February 14, 2010 at 12:33am

Local Summer Disc Golf League Point Series - Summer 2010

This is being sent to all local Leagues - Please pass it along to any that are not on DGS or who many not have heard.
Local Summer Disc Golf League Point Series

As someone who is helping to promote the fun, cooperative, challenging and competitive sport of Disc Golf through your clubs and leagues, you are invited to further unite with other local groups to take this even further and with no additional effort or cost.

The power is in the cooperative energy that the Point Series brings through connecting players and groups.

Take a minute to review the Point Series summary documents below. If your interested you just have to let us know and we can link your league and the energy will continue to grow. We look forward to growing this idea with your feedback and that of all the league players. We are founded on Cooperation and a focus on having Fun and Fare activities that promote Disc Golf.

Have a look and let us know if you want to tap into the energy that is generated by an ever growing and organizing group of Disc Golf players.
