Disc Golf League Association

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Ypsilanti, MI

Whitmore Lake, MI

Ann Arbor, MI
Recent News
Foz Miller
April 7, 2011 at 6:17am
DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2011
The new Mi Summer Point Series has been added. A summary of the improvements is in the Overview.
Here are the Top ten from last year - CONGRATS!!!!!:
2010 MiCPS-S Overall standings
Player Points
1 mike raley 2006
2 Jacob "Two Putts" Quiton 1625
3 Run-In- Tell-That 1587
4 Aaron "Da Hawk" Birdsall 1442
5 Smitty the a ...
Foz Miller
March 17, 2011 at 3:35am
MiCPS-W 2010/11 Grand Finale - Date: March 26th 2011 - Reg closes 3/19
Do you have your Mi State Championship berth yet???
There are four up for grabs at the MiCPS-W Grand Finale. And so far there are only eight players registered. I like those odds….
Wow – warmer weather. We can actually see grass in the fairways. A sign that the Winter Leagues are winding down.
This Saturday (Mar 19th) is the last day of the regular season for the Michigan Cooperative Point Series – Winter. After this ...
DGLA Newsletter 001 – May 2012
DGLA Mission Statement
The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) is an organization that promotes disc golf by supporting: disc golf leagues for all levels of players, course creation and improvements, and the growth of local clubs and leagues. We foster a cooperative effort to achieve greater things for the players and organizers of disc golf. The DGLA also keeps an eye on the bigger picture: working for sustainable environmental practices and a strong local community.
Greetings Disc Golfers, ... more
DGLA Mission Statement
The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) is an organization that promotes disc golf by supporting: disc golf leagues for all levels of players, course creation and improvements, and the growth of local clubs and leagues. We foster a cooperative effort to achieve greater things for the players and organizers of disc golf. The DGLA also keeps an eye on the bigger picture: working for sustainable environmental practices and a strong local community.
Greetings Disc Golfers,
Welcome to edition 1 of the Disc Golf League Association newsletter! Thanks for reading. We plan to issue this newsletter on a monthly basis just to update the members on all of what is happening in the world of DGLA.
Let’s start this off by talking about the big update to DiscGolfScene and the Michigan Cooperative Point Series (MICPS). Recently you may have noticed that the leaderboards have expanded to track many different stats. Before we just had the overall points battle, but now we have: weekly, monthly, and overall points as well as separate leaderboards for number of wins, number of rounds, and number of unique leagues played. Your discgolfscene profile may get some extra bling by added achievements that are tied to these new leaderboards. We also plan to use these new leaderboards to award discs, berths and other prizes (more on that later). Please take a minute to recognize Pete Crist, who made all of this possible through his programming wizardy and hard work. Thanks Pete.
One other new addition to DiscGolfScene is the “DGLA Members†only leaderboard. Are you a member yet? Wait, what does that even mean? Why would I become a member of DGLA? Hold on, let’s address these one at a time:
What is a DGLA Member?
Membership is open to everyone. We offer three levels of membership:
Player Member ($30 annual investment) – This is the main option for a player who wants to compete for prizes in the point series.
• Eligible for prizes in all competitions of the Michigan Cooperative Point Series for the current year.
• Member’s package including a DGLA disc and mini
• A portion of your investment goes to the DGLA Course Improvement Fund (more on that below) and you have voting rights in the selection process.
• Access to member’s area on DGLA website, and ability to post course improvement projects and disc golf vendors.
• Lifetime DGLA# (Hurry up, those low numbers are going quick)
Contributing Member ($15 annual investment) – This option exists primarily for those who wish to support our projects but are not interested in the league point series prizes.
• A portion of your investment goes to the DGLA Course Improvement Fund and you have voting rights in the selection process.
• Access to member’s area on DGLA website, and ability to post course improvement projects and disc golf vendors.
• Lifetime DGLA#
Supporting Member (No Cost)
• Access to member’s area on DGLA website, and ability to post course improvement projects and disc golf vendors.
• Lifetime DGLA#
So why would I become a member? Well, if you play a league on a regular basis, then you can win stuff! You also get a nice members package each year that you renew. A membership in DGLA shows that you are showing support, and numbers speak loudly to others, especially sponsors and parks and recreation decision-makers.
How do I sign up?? Here is the link for all membership information and to sign up:
…and here are a few more initiatives we want to mention here today:
Course Improvement Fund
Through our member investments we will be funding a course improvement fund. Here’s how it will work: We will take submissions from people who have a need for a new course or a new course improvement. All of the eligible projects will be displayed on the DGLA website. All paying members will have a single vote, and the top vote getters will be awarded cash to fund their project! Sounds simple, no? If you have a project in mind please contact us or check out the website to find more information on how to win funding.
DGLA Resource Directory
Our goal with the DGLA resource directory is to make one spot to find information for all of those disc golf retailers and equipment manufacturers out there. Feel free to go on there and search for a vendor, or even better submit a vendor that we don’t have.
DGLA Partners
To wrap up this first newsletter we would like to recognize our partners, who have contributed in many ways to get us as far as we’ve come.
DiscGolfScene – www.discgolfscene.com
Pete Crist and DiscGolfScene (DGS) is the heart of the point series. DGS “really ties the room together†so to speak, and makes everything possible. The partnership between DGLA and DGS is essential in linking players and leagues together to give birth to a state-wide point series.
Gateway Disc Sports - http://gdstour.com/
Gateway has been a great help for us in rolling out our member’s package. Check out the awesome custom stamped Wizard’s, and also look for some Titan baskets to be awarded by DGLA in the near future.
Michigan Disc Golf Organization (MDGO) - http://www.mdgo.org/
The MDGO is where all of the individual clubs in the state come together for a common purpose. Without their support we would not be able to offer all of these berths to the best tournament in the world – the Michigan Disc Golf State Finals in Ludington, MI. If you have never been to this tournament it is a must play.
Throwshop Ypsilanti - http://www.throwshop.us/
Throwshop contains the largest selection of golf discs in the SE Michigan area. Go check them out at Lakeshore Disc Golf Course.
Our other partners over the past few year include: Original Gravity Brewing, DiscgolfersR.US, 24 Cha!ns, Freeland Disc Golf, Metro Detroit Disc Golf League, Washtenaw County Glow League, and Ypsi Dubs League.
Thanks for checking us out, hope to see you out on the course throwing discs! .. Often!
-DGLA. May 8th, 2012