Westside Weekends Spring 2015

April - July 2015 • Mukwonago, Wisconsin
Singles league

Ace pool

as of July 20
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Jul 18, 2015 · Top scores
Miniwaukan Park
Long tees, 18 holes
E 54
David Whiteside$8
+2 56
Mike Harrington$2
+2 56
Dan Gerick$2
-4 50
Morgan Ekern$8
+1 55
Tyler Kollias
+6 60
Josh Chapin$8
+8 62
Mike Gallant
+9 63
Matt Lemke$4
Overall standings
1David Whiteside25
2Tanner Helm21
2Dan Gerick21
1Tyler Kollias18.5
2Morgan Ekern14
3Tim Boville11.5
1Josh Chapin28.5
2Jon Schoof20.5
3Mike Gallant16
1Matt Lemke12
2Adam Larke2
1Tracy England1
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 7/20/15

About this League

Singles league - 28 all-time players - 0 active players
$6.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
No information has been posted.

League News

Mike Harrington   May 30, 2015 at 4:52am

League is Cancelled this week May 30th.

I have made the decision to cancel Westside Weekends for this Saturday May 30th. We already cut our normal attendance in half because of the Eatabrook Open and when you add in 80% chance of rain all day and overnight tonight . . . that would leave us with only. Few people wanting to play. Seems kind of pointless on a double points day. We will either extend the league by one week or offer up a makeup round to be played immediately after an existing schedule league day. Please spread the word to anyone who you know who may have been considering attending tomorrow.


Mike Harrington   May 27, 2015 at 7:34pm

Double Points and Short Tees for everyone this week

I will be running league this week since Tyler is playing in the Estabrook Open. It is the first of the two Double Points Weeks and it will be Short Tees for all divisions.

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