Sunday Snow Throwers
Singles league
Mar 24, 2013 · Top scoresValley View Park Short tees, 18 holes | |||
Open (970 and above) | |||
-9 45 | Scott Slauson | $4 | |
Intermediate (900-934) | |||
-7 47 | Jeromy Morgan | $10 | |
-6 48 | Mike Harrington | $8 | |
-4 50 | Aaron Schultz | $6 | |
Recreational (<900) | |||
-5 49 | Mike Wright | $10 | |
+1 55 | Greg Weber | $6 | |
+4 58 | John Reisweber | ||
Unrated (No PDGA Rating) | |||
+6 60 | David Whiteside | $4 | |
Junior (<15 Years) w/o Rating | |||
+3 57 | Sam Doebert |
Overall standings | ||
Player | Points | |
Open (970 and above) | ||
1 | Paul Johnson | 36.5 |
2 | Steve Held | 21 |
3 | Casey Connors | 19.5 |
Advanced (935-969) | ||
1 | Peter Ralph | 2 |
Intermediate (900-934) | ||
1 | Mike Harrington | 56 |
2 | Jeromy Morgan | 54 |
3 | Matt Atherton | 33.5 |
Recreational (<900) | ||
1 | Pat Brah | 35 |
2 | Greg Weber | 22.5 |
3 | Steve Harmeyer | 18 |
Women | ||
1 | Sondra Kirkland | 1 |
Unrated (No PDGA Rating) | ||
1 | David Whiteside | 10 |
2 | Matt Walczak | 6.5 |
3 | Sean Puffer | 3.5 |
Junior (<15 Years) w/o Rating | ||
1 | Sam Doebert | 4 |
2 | Miles Sinkey | 2 |
We had a long long winter but that is what kept this league going for 12 weeks total. My plan is to do the same 12 weeks next year but move it back to the first week in December so we can finish before the tournament season kicks off.
Here are the divisional winners:
1st Place: Paul Johnson
2nd Place: Steve Held
1st Place: Mike Harrington
2nd Place: Jeromy Morgan
3rd Place: Matt Atherton
1st Place: Pat Brah
2nd Place: Greg Weber (the only perso ...
I played Valley View yesterday, put some salt down on a handful of tees that had some snow pack. After today they should all be clear and we should be in great shape for Sunday's Finale'. I am excited to bring this league to a close and move on to better weather! Don't forget Monday 3/25 is the kick-off of Manic Mondays at Valley View. I hope to see many of you there. We will be headed to Quaker Steak and Lube afterwards to announce the winners and handout the trophies.
I was happy and surprised to see 18 people for league this week with it being a last minute change of plans (due completely to weather and course conditioning). Dineen might actually be my least played course within 20 miles of my home and it is actually the closest to my home. However I have come to appreciate its value as a good late winter course when we lose Dretzka and Estabrook. I actually only played 1 round in the last 2 years prior and it was a doubles get together, so I didn't rea ... more
I am headed to Dineen tomorrow hopefully with the man chasing me only 4 points behind Jeromy Morgan. We are going to analyze the tee situation and if they are worth cleaning we will do so. If they are currently too much work to get clean we will simply spray paint a line somewhere with flat snow and no frozen slushy footprints and perhaps put flags in the ground. I just can't trust that all the flags would stay put. EITHER WAY League is at Dineen this week no matter the conditions because ... more
Sunday Snow Throwers has been relocated to Dineen Park on 65th and Keefe Avenue (Just east of Appleton) because Estabrook baskets have been pulled for the spring thaw. Thank Greg Klein for his effort to pull those baskets to protect the course conditions and be happy that course has someone dedicated to preserving it.
Dineen on the other hand is one of the best courses to play in the late winter early spring because it has such good surface drainage, concrete teepads, and ...
i had to tackle some thug to get my disc back there about a month ago dude grabbed my eco star boss and went down on the ice ',dineen can be rough
Well . . . what more can I say. 11 people and myself still showed up for Sunday Snow Throwers this week. There were two GLDGC board members who were out playing before we started and I heard a couple people out there behind the league.
I do not expect many more rounds to be played at Dretzka this year but I know there will be a lot of people out looking for their lost discs.
In Open we only had one player this week Brad Rathkamp who had a really solid (-9) for the conditions or anytime for ...
I will be at Dretzka at 8 AM tomorrow to start league at 9 AM . . .don't forget to set your clocks forward because daylight savings time takes place tonight.
Despite the 8-12" of snow on the ground (I honestly thought it might be around 4-6" by now) we still had 21 people show up for league this week. The Open points are becoming more plentiful as we have had more pros show up the last few weeks. We also have had a few players move up from Unrated to Recreational after remaining in Unrated for 3 weeks to establish their approximate scores. Recreational and Intermediate remain good sized divisions each week and the division contenders are be ... more
Just a reminder too . . . with the 12 week season we will be allowing you to drop your 3 lowest point totals to be considered for the division. I mentioned this in the beginning of the league if we were able to play all 12 weeks instead of just the 9.
I am considering a final week PREPLAY for the final week of Sunday Snow Throwers to be allowed on Saturday. I will be there to take peoples money and check them in and I will be there at the end of the round to collect scorecards . . . the reason for this is that there is a big tourney at Rollin Ridge on Sunday the 24th and I do not want to keep those interested in completing this league from finishing in week #12.
Please check out my facebook page and vote . . . I will listen to your votes and my decision will be based completely on your votes.
The date would be 3/23 that people could preplay for 3/24
I don't do Facebook but i vote yes and i am playing rolling ridge so I'll do saturday
Anyone wanting to receive automatic notification when I have posted news and scores here and also to have your scores posted to your own profile please send me your email address that you login to your account of disc golf scene.
You guys and gals are awesome . . . we keep setting attendance records and you have definitely given me the enforcement needed to run another winter league in 2013-14. I am even enjoying the turnout I am going to find a way to make this league the full 12 weeks even if we are unable to get back to Dretzka again on 3/10.
Let me first get the Ace Pool out of the way . . . Paul Johnson stood behind the tee on #11 joking about running for aces since he had just missed his birdie putt on the shor ...
Its too bad the Valley View on 3/24 is on the same day that the Rollin Ridge tournament is on, I will most likely miss the last week.
Yeah . . . I actually thought about offering a preplay round on Saturday . . . I will let everyone know as we get closer.
It wouldn't matter for me since I will miss three of the next for league days due to other commitments.
I have to say thank you's again to Mike Ellery, Scott Slauson, and Matt Atherton for covering for me while I went travelling around the country. I literally put over 6000 miles on my new car. I was able to play 93 courses in 20 states along the way including one of my goals by hitting a course in each of these states that I hadn't played in before: MD, NJ, DE, PA, CT, MA, NY, RI. That brings me up to 30 states played and 553 courses played. I do have a serious goal of having played all ... more
Please go to the Facebook Event page and vote on how you would like to wrap up this league?
I promised 9 weeks but we have the potential to play 3 more weeks if the weather is cooperative and the courses remain in the ground.
If you do not use facebook, please send me a message here:
Right now we should be just fine playing Week 7, 8 and 9. Week 10-12 would be taking us all the way until March 24th. Should we make this a 12 week schedu ...
Well everyone, I am leaving Norwich, CT at 5:30 PM tomorrow, spending one night on the road and then I will be home late on Saturday. I am hoping the weather is nice so I can get in a few more courses to round out my 32 days on the road. I am excited to return home and to this league. Right non I am sitting at 87 courses played with 2 more tomorrow for sure. I had realistic expectations of 60-75 courses for this trip but was able to play a lot more early on. It's a good thing because the la ... more
Well the weather wasn't much better for me while you were suffering through 10-15 degrees this week. I had 25 degrees and some light snow to deal with, oh and the 35 MPH wind. Either way this is the last week I will be gone. Next week 2/10 is an off week due to THE BIG FREEZE being played. Please support the local club and play in the event if it isn't already sold out.
In Open Scott Mushall shot a very solid round of 77 (-4) on the 27 hole layout followed by newcomer Casey Connors ...
We had another good turnout of 17 people show up this week for Estabrook under moderate temperatures but some icy teepads. I appreciate your loyal attendance to this league, and look forward to coming home to compete for the final weeks of the league.
In Open we saw 7 people play:
Bob Bawden (-6) won the tiebreaker for the extra 1.5 points over Scott Slauson and Paul Johnson. Scott Mushall (-4) attended this league for the first time and took home the last cash. Scott Slauson also won the Di ...
Apparently I am unable to edit these posts . . . I forgot to thank Scott Slauson for running the league in Week #5. He got me the scores on Sunday evening, but I did not have time to post them Sunday Night, then I was out all day playing 5 new courses between Raleigh and Durham, NC.
Have fun tomorrow everyone. I heard there is a little bit of snow . . . which seems necessary for the Sunday SNOW Throwers league. I hope the teepads are in good condition, but saw that Ben Lynch was also planning to bring along some salt to help out. It will be 22 when I wake up in Raleigh, NC ( I thought this place was supposed to be warmer), but I still plan to play at least 3-4 courses. My 2nd course on the day will be my 500th course played, a milestone I am really proud of considering I ha ... more
It was 39 degrees when I was headed to my first course this morning, when I received a text from Greg Klein asking if league was still on. He informed me it was 9 degrees there today. I told him Mike Ellery would be there to run league because I was in Georgia.
I wish I could have been there, but I did get out to 3 great courses today and have played 18 courses since I left town, all but 2 of them have been really good courses. Yesterday was my round at Flyboy Aviation in Whitesburg, Georgia ...
After a couple of scoring errors on my part, I have updated the scores to properly reflect what happened this week. I apologize for the errors, but sometimes it is hard to read the writing and if scores are written over the top of others it is sometimes even harder to read. That happened on one scorecard, and somehow I also miscalculated my own score. I thought I had a +4 I read the score wrong I had already made a mistake earlier in the round. Just so everyone knows, I always double check the s ... more
Well I had a heck of a day if you didn't already know. I had completely forgotten that I had a pre-arranged family weekend in Chicago (including a visit to the Blue Man Group) when I decided to do my league on Sunday. SO when I was reminded by my lovely and understanding wife 2 weeks ago we would be leaving on Friday and coming back on Sunday morning I freaked out. I had not discussed anyone covering for me for this week and didn't feel it was right to throw someone under the bus unpre ... more
Hello everyone,
As I prepare for my month long roadtrip to play a minimum of 50-60 different courses around this country, I wanted to make an announcement to make sure everyone understands what to expect on the 3 weeks of league while I am gone.
1/20 will be at Valley View and Mike Ellery will be running the league
1/27 will be at Estabrook and Scott Slauson will be the league director
2/3 is at Dretzka and Matt Atherton will make sure things run smoothly
Mike, Scott, and Matt will p ...
I was afraid we were going to have iced over tee-pads today when I heard the forecast on Saturday but when I went to bed it had only snowed a little bit and when I woke up everything looked ok, so I didn't rush to get to Estabrook to shovel or salt the tee-pads. I am lucky enough to have two extremely disc golfers who have been very loyal to my leagues including Discin' In The Dark and Sunday Snow Throwers. They sent me a text at 7:30 asking if I wanted the tee-pads salted. I didn' ... more
I played Estabrook today and I have to thank Greg Klein and all the others who help to keep those teepads clear. Those are by far the best concrete tees to play on in winter because of their rough finish.
I will be at the park between 8:00-8:30 at the latest to allow for early checkins and funny money redemptions. If you have funny money coming from Discin In The Dark or last weeks league it will be available.
We will do a CTP or other contest this week. I forgot about that last week so th ...
19 people attended the first Sunday Snow Throwers League and I am ecstatic with that number. Mark Olver regrets not being able to make it to league because it would have given us an even 20. He apologizes. I had no idea that so many of you wanted a winter league. Let's keep building on the attendance and see if we can get a few more each week.
Because I forgot about doing a CTP or anything I put those funds right back into the payout for this week instead of a separate contest. I will re ...
Dan Sinkey and I put a little effort into some of the teepads at Dineen. I marked temporary teepads with orange paint within about 30' of most of the teepads. We did get #4 clear of snow/ice, we cleared a spot on the walkway for #8 and marked it with paint and flags, We also got #9 cleaned and ... more
Dan Sinkey and I put a little effort into some of the teepads at Dineen. I marked temporary teepads with orange paint within about 30' of most of the teepads. We did get #4 clear of snow/ice, we cleared a spot on the walkway for #8 and marked it with paint and flags, We also got #9 cleaned and put a little salt down. Then we found and cleaned #15 and #17 took no effort and it was clean. I could use some help in the morning if someone is willing to go back to #18 because we got it started and decided it needed salt to get through the ice so that one could use some attention in the AM.