Youngstown Urban Disc Golf Experience
Comments 110 following
About this tournament
Brad Silvers Sticky August 30 at 4:58pm
Sponsors and vendors you are welcome to come set up at any time tomorrow after 7:00 a.m.
Based on how long it took for us to complete our league round yesterday The players will most likely start to finish their rounds at approximately 11:30 so if you want to ensure you are there and set up by then to maximize your availability. The main vending opportunity will still be approximately for hours in the middle portion of the day.
Brad Silvers Sticky August 28 at 2:13pm
Volunteers: I will reach out individually before event for job assignments, most likely will be spotting and navigating to next holes. A few of you I have already spoke to.
Brad Silvers Sticky August 16 at 2:25am
Just a reminder you will want at least a few discs that you won't mind skipping off of concrete or asphalt, especially on the Pure Flight City Course. there are at least 6 Holes that are 100% either parking lots or roads.
Brad Silvers Sticky August 6 at 2:35am
We will be using UDisc for scoring so if you do not have UDisc please download app and setup at least a free account.
James Smith August 31 at 11:04am
Hey Brad! Can you please move me to MA2
Brad Silvers August 31 at 9:55am
Check in begins at 7:30 a.m for all players volunteers vendors sponsors. Volunteers I ran out of time and did not get a chance to reach out individually I do have your course and hole number assignments. I will give you a crash course on the location description and job duty when you check in
Vinny Montanari August 30 at 9:08pm
Hey Brad looks like I won't be able to make it tomorrow I got diagnosed with lymes this week and it doesn't look like I'll be able to throw tomorrow.
Brad Silvers August 30 at 12:22pm
For anyone who did not get a chance to come to our preview night and would like to practice today, The NEODGA Wean Park course is still set up and you will be able to play every hole except 16 and 18. Those holes are still playable I just didn't leave those two baskets set up
Brian Stang August 30 at 10:58am
What’s the likelihood of me getting in being #1 on the waitlist?
Ok my buddy got in off the waitlist already so I will just show up and hope for the best thank you!
Troy flavian August 30 at 2:26am
Brad can you switch me to MA50 please.
Casey Gardner August 29 at 9:31pm
Soooo is it urban course first park course second? Prob missed it just says wean park for both on main page
Course Assignments MPO, MP40, MA1, MA40,50,60 Round 1 Downtown Pure Flight Round 2 Wean Park NEODGA MA2,3,4, Women and Jr's Round 1 Wean Park NEODGA Round 2 Downtown Pure Flight
Scott wilson August 28 at 4:30pm
Address or closest to where check in is?
Please an thanka
Matt lambert August 28 at 12:32pm
Unfortunately I’m going to have to drop from playing due to a lower back issue, I would love to still volunteer though if you need 1 more.
Larry Bright Jr. August 25 at 4:01pm
Any suggestions on parking for this event?
Greg James August 9 at 5:54pm
Brad, I just signed up for mp50. Can you automatically save me a spot in mp40 if NOT enough mp50s sign up? If not, can you change me to mp40 now before it fills? Thx.
Skip Slaven August 9 at 1:31pm
Is there a way to add the clinic to my existing registration?
Yes just go in and update registration and you will be able to add it
FYI - I've found that to make a registration change, you need to access your reservation through the "Registered Players" and not by selecting Register a second time.
Aaron Snanigan August 6 at 2:13pm
Is there any way to get additional discs or will the secondary choices be for sale at the event? Currently you can only select one.
Nikki King July 30 at 1:01am
What time would volunteers need to be there?
Matt Dartanion Schultz July 12 at 5:10pm
My friend Gannon Buhr asked me to make the request that you put him on my card. It would mean the world to him.
Jeff Amorose July 12 at 2:51am
Hello! If possible, can Blake Wargo and myself be placed on the same card for round one? Thanks!
I promise I didn't forget about you guys I just haven't had the opportunity to sit down and send you guys individual emails yet