Harvest Health and Rehab presents WIFFS #4 Blizzardly Bedford Bash
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Kyle Sterwerf January 20, 2023 at 2:58pm
1 260ft OB circle picnic areas (normal OB play from where it crossed) OB road on L
2 260ft OB circle picnic areas (normal OB play from where it crossed) and road on Left (wall plays in bounds, if not touching rock wall it is considered out) take 1M off wall
3 230ft OB road on Left (wall plays in bounds, if not touching rock wall it is considered out) take 1M off wall. Mando L of marked tree, if missed mando go to drop zone by mando tree with stroke penalty
4 250ft. Be careful on ...
Kyle Sterwerf January 20, 2023 at 2:57pm
The course is set up with paint and some flags. It has the spots where the baskets will go with a painted x and should have flags and paint down at the tee area. The circle for hole 12 will be done today around 4 pm. But has the basic idea payed out now.
Andy Konty January 18, 2023 at 10:07pm
What time does it start?
Kristin Jahn January 17, 2023 at 7:02pm
Are you able to track your WIFFS points if you play in multiple WIFFS series events?
Ian McNamara January 17, 2023 at 5:25pm
This is sanctioned correct?

"All W.I.F.F.S. events are PDGA Sanctioned C-tiers through the Competition Endowment Program, so there is no $10 non-member fee."
Tiffany Soots January 16, 2023 at 2:40am
Hi Kyle - any chance of getting FA2/FA3 added? Thanks!

I can add a the other divisions but there will be no trophies unless it reaches 3 people in the division

The series is also just doing a woman’s trophy not division based one
Evan Mitchell January 13, 2023 at 7:20pm
When will the layout be setup at the course?

That morning. Possibly weds there will be paint but depending on weather and time. The original 9 holes are there all the time
Drew Brown January 11, 2023 at 1:19am
Is this a single round or are there two?
Which holes are being used for the ace? Any ace on any hole?
Which hole is being used for the CTP?