Veterans for Vets @Widefield DGC

Saturday, February 20, 2021 at Widefield Park in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Disc golf singles tournament

Veterans for Vets @Widefield DGC graphic

About this tournament

*This event is a flex start. You can tee off any time from 10 to 2*
Following in the footsteps of the Trilogy Challenge, Veterans for Vets is a new event designed to meet three goals. First, it gives disc golfers a chance to play in an organized event during the winter months. Second, it provides an awesome environment for a disc golfer without any tournament experience to play in an organized event. Finally, it provides an opportunity for a local disc golf community to raise money that gets returned to that same community to organizations tasked with serving veterans!

Refund policy

Nathan Winfield is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Widefield Park
Colorado Springs, CO   Get Directions


Final Results

Round 1: Widefield Park - Pro tees to short pins, 18 holes, par 54
1Erin Hausch5959
2Audra Nelson9999
3Jessie Kudin-0
Round 1: Widefield Park - Pro tees to short pins, 18 holes, par 54
1Christian Volcic4949
2Joel Binford5050
3Aaron Kelly5151
3Brian Galinato5151
5Jacob Struif5252
6Drew Norkoli5353
6Dustin Telford5353
8Ethan Bailey5555
8Tim Bennett5555
8Zachary Struif5555
11David Russell-Kunz5656
11Neil Nelson5656
13Jim Klingensmith5757
14Josh Rosa6161
15Dave DeSantos6262
16David Baker6464
17John Kramer-0
17Tempe Krieger-0
Round 1: Widefield Park - Pro tees to short pins, 18 holes, par 54
1Lorraine Austin6969
2Lady Fiber7878
3Maliya Hurd-0
Round 1: Widefield Park - Pro tees to short pins, 18 holes, par 54
1Jacob Guthrie5050
2Brent Rathbone5454
2Josh Kolbaba5454
4Brandon Samora5555
5Mason Kendall5656
5Will Kern5656
7Daniel Samora5757
7Joseph Craig5757
9Tanner Keiley5858
10Evan Strait5959
10Shawn Rogers5959
10Trevor Dooley5959
14Chase Meneely6060
14Elijah Prezie6060
14Micah Hausch6060
14Sean Fogarty6060
18Michael Doman6161
18Nate Helmuth6161
18Ryan Dunneback6161
18Steven Kordziel6161
18Stewart Helmuth6161
23Bryan Bahena6262
23James Bear6262
25Aidan Sanabria6363
25Brody Keiley6363
25Jack Schauer6363
25Kyle Newkirk6363
29Justin Monroe6464
29Kevin Cho6464
29Mark Erck6464
29Ron Onley6464
33Dominic Bahena6565
33Eric Onley6565
33Pete Tellers6565
36Charlie Jeffords6767
36Nate Samora6767
36Phillip Shroyer6767
36Red Carlson6767
36Ruth Ballentine6767
36Trey Savory6767
36WiL Smith6767
43Ivan Robles6868
44Dan Maples7070
45Daniel Cicotte7171
46Skyler Kline7777
47Visual Fiber7878
48Jake Crary8282
49Caleb Ballentine8383
49Connor O’Neill8383
51Chase DesBouillons-0
51Christopher Coles-0
51Ian Sanabria-0
51John Kramer-0
51Shane Prezie-0
Round 1: Widefield Park - Pro tees to short pins, 18 holes, par 54
1Ky Kline6161
Round 1: Widefield Park - Pro tees to short pins, 18 holes, par 54
1Bryce O4949
2Richard White5353
3Jimmy Alexander5454
4Ryan Gentges5555
5Aaron W5858
5Chris Blaschak5858
5Kevin Bauer5858
5Scott Homstad5858
9Brent Haney6060
9Brian Scovern6060
9Justin Shoemaker6060
9Ryan Lape6060
9Tim Fallon6060
14Jonathan Rowell6161
15Joseph Dougherty6464
16Christopher Cereo6565
17Ryan See6767
17Travis McConkey6767
19David Warner7676
20Frank Cereo8181
21Aaron McKinney9191
22Ivan Hurd-0
22Nick DesBouillons-0
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