Sunnybrook Spring Fling
Comments 22 following
About this tournament
Chris Leo Sticky April 27, 2015 at 6:24am
Scores are posted both here and on the PDGA site,, thanks again to everyone that came out. Big help to Nick Cooke, John Minicuci, Justin Hundich, Mike Cook, B Man and Aaron Nitz for helping out today to really make things that much smoother.
If there are any errors I need to know ASAP since this has to be submitted no later than Monday before I head to leagues for it it count in the next ratings update wave.
Chris Leo Sticky April 24, 2015 at 11:41pm
As of right now the only person that needs to pay the $10 PDGA fee is:
Mike Dodd
Chris Leo Sticky April 8, 2015 at 2:54am
I pulled some strings and talked the TD for the USADGC into allowing us to be a qualifier for this year! In order to qualify you have to play AM1, Advanced, and place in the top 15% of the field. There is NO trickle down effect even if the person ahead of you has already qualified.

I need to change my registration to MA1. How do I do it? Can I just pay you the extra $5 at the tourney?
Brandon Redmond June 4, 2015 at 4:06pm
I will be planning my recovery mission for next week Tuesday. Please reply here if you have a specific, uncommon spot you might need me to look. If you have a name and number on it YOU WILL BE CONTACTED. If not then describe what I'm looking for so I can set it aside.
Stuart Agranove April 28, 2015 at 7:19am
Anyone going fishing in the river at hole 4 and hole 7 anytime soon, because I have a couple in there that I would really love to have back?

give me a couple weeks when the weather gets better...I spend a few hours out there, it's not fun with the way it is now. I'll make a note though and so long as they are marked, you'll be notified
John Minicuci April 27, 2015 at 7:27am
A huge Thank you to everyone who helped pull this event off this weekend. Sunnybrook and Discraft first. Chris Leo, who already posted the scores. You players. Ryan Herzog, Mat Stivers, and Damon Evans and Mike Cook who helped construct the course, Nick Cooke, Louis Caponi, Junstin Hundich, and B Man for the behind the scene assistance. Now to squeeze in a nap in between a 9 hour day tomorrow and league immediately following.
Tom Black April 27, 2015 at 5:43am
Thanks for a great tourney. I had a lot of fun and that's all that matters to me. Everyone who helped out today did a great job and made me feel very welcomed. Definitely worth the 2 hour drive. Thanks to all.
Joshua Ballinger April 27, 2015 at 4:29am
This wasn't all today but I have a couple out there. Red bottom stamped destroyer, Two green star destroyers l, 11x tee bird, green crystal challenger
Kevin McCarthy April 27, 2015 at 3:16am
Hi, at the spring fling I lost a purple g* Valkyrie on hole 7 in the pond, and a black G* leopard in the river on 5. Thanks
Nate Buban April 27, 2015 at 12:47am
Anyone find a green champ pf boss or a black Clearwater stamped wizard holes 4, 5 & 7 if they drifted a bit? Cash rewards for both!! Thanks guys!
John Minicuci April 26, 2015 at 9:01am
These are all set on the long tee pads:
Stuart Agranove April 25, 2015 at 6:45pm
Crap. Got hone from the Tigers game too late last night to sign up. What's the chances of getting a spot tomorrow?

registration starts at 8, but I think you should be fine if you got there later
Shaun Adkins April 25, 2015 at 4:36pm
ATTENTION!!!! There is a thief playing this tournament. His name is Chris Vanscoy. Please make him feel unwelcome. Keep an eye on him and your belongings. He robbed mike rabin back in the day. Thank you.

How are you going to accuse me of being a thief when you robbed a Wendy's....lmfao you honestly make me laugh man! You're pathetic for making up all these lies about me! I talked to Jeff Hollinger and he never said I punched him for accusing me of stealing discs..Lmao you seriously need to ... more

oh and to bad im not playing spring fling lmao...youre only making yourself look like the idiot!
Andrew Hercula April 25, 2015 at 9:30am
I thought i registered earlier today but it must not have went through. Am i still able to play if i pay on sunday?
John Minicuci April 25, 2015 at 3:56am
I see a layout for the event to run like this:
All Open and AM 1: Longs both rounds.
AM2: 1 round long, 1 round short.
AM3 and Women will have their own layout similar to the shorts at Stony or a ShortShort and they will play it both rounds.
We will let the AM Masters decide but their options are similar to AM2, both rounds short or 1 round on the shortshort layout.
Chris Leo April 24, 2015 at 7:24pm
Registration closes tonight at 8 make sure to sign up before it is to late. Signing up day of will incur a $5 penalty.

Not calling you out Chris. That $5 stuff started up in the early 2000's. It's not at all seen by players as a "discount". That's all I'm saying.

If you can save $5 pay if ahead of time, I am not quite sure why nobody would not consider it a discount. Nonetheless, call it what you want, pay ahead of time and you save $5.
chris vanscoy April 22, 2015 at 9:30pm
I just registered and have a pending PayPal transaction on my credit card but I dont see my name on the registration list?

Hi Chris, I do not see your name on the event summary log. Did you receive any kind of registration completion memo?

This happens from time to time just re submit and if two come through we can refund you.
Douglas McIntosh April 22, 2015 at 7:51am
where the length of the holes changed last year? I was wondering if there was a current list of shorts and long tee distances.

On the "about" section click on Sunnybrook and the first picture is the score card. It's an older one but gives you a pretty good idea.

I thought the course was shortened a couple thousand feet since that picture was made

We toyed with the idea but so many people opposed the idea. We can always add shorter tee pads for other divisions tho.
B Tier posted already, what?
Good job guys! Thank you! That 2nd round layout was different than the first round. Maybe one stroke harder. Looks like you used the same layout for both. Thanks again had a great time.
way to get scores posted so quick.