Welcome to the 2024 Pittsburgh Ladies Open!
Since 2012, the PDGA’s Women’s Global Event (WGE) has enabled women from all over the world to participate in one unifying event. The WGE gives women and girls the chance to compete with their peers, ones that share the same love of the game, no matter the distance between them. It reminds us that even if we are playing in a division by ourselves or are the only woman in the tournament, we are not alone.
More info on the Women's Global Event can be found here: https://www.pdga.com/women/global-event
WGE-Pittsburgh Ladies Open is a PDGA C-Tier and part of the Western PA Series (see below). There is a $1000 added value to the event. The goal of this event is to keep entry as low as possible while still providing a valuable experience. Player packs are optional to aid in the low entry fee. The entry fee you pay will go solely to payouts, all other tournament expenses are covered thanks to Greg Belles' WGE Super Bowl Block Pool.
2 rounds at Deer Lakes DGC
Ace Pot
100% Payout to the top 50%
Trophies to divisions of 3 or more
Pizza Party and Social
A free clinic hosted by Grow Your Game with Andrew "Tree" Greenslade. (Date TBD)
Register by April 21st for a chance to win a private lesson with Grip It and Rip Its J. Gary Dropcho or a Caddy for the round by Andrew Greenslade with Grow Your Game!
Optional Players Packs:
2 Innova premium discs (IT, Rollo)
XL Logic putter (Discmania)
Disc Golf Pin with the WGE logo
Mini with the WGE logo
Disc golf lie-sized towel
Sticker book with logos - 12 pages w/ statistics from each continent, collectible stickers
All Junior’s divisions include a WGE player pack sponsored by Grip It and Rip It Disc Golf!
No lunch will be provided, but we will have snacks for before and during the rounds! And a pizza party in the afternoon while we do the award/trophy ceremony.
FJ06, FJ08, and FJ10 will be one round per PDGA guidelines. All Juniors must have a guardian accompany them during the round.
Tee Assignments
White Tees - FPO, FP40, FP50, FA1, FA40 (subject to change based on propagators)
Red Tees - All other divisions
pending propagators
The Western PA Series will consist of several events over the course of 2024. Anyone who enters one of the events this season will be entered to win their division's WPAS Trophy at the final event of the season. The series works by allotting points based on the percent of the field you beat in your division at each event plus additional points for podium finishes. The WPAS Finale will count as DOUBLE POINTS. At the end of the season, per division, the individual with the most points in their division will be crowned winner with a WPAS Division Championship Trophy and additional payout collected from the events prior. NOTE: If you play multiple divisions, either playing both days or changing divisions between events, we will track both, but you will only be eligible to win a single division at the end of the season (whichever is the more advanced of the two)
They will set Wednesday. I'll post in here when baskets are set :)