Koczan Pro-Rec Classic
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Mickey Anderson Sticky September 7, 2017 at 7:19pm
We will be meeting in the Main lot near hole 1 off Lakeshore. We will use pavilion if not in use!!
Mickey Anderson September 9, 2017 at 10:06pm
Oh and congrats to all who won ctps and raffle items, and Dave Hotchkiss and Bob Way for winning their divisions!!
Mickey Anderson September 9, 2017 at 10:03pm
I really want to thank all who showed up and played, donated and helped us to raise 1009 dollars in cash and 50 dollars in gas cards for Duane and his family. I am proud to call you ALL friends. Donations from Bob Drabik, Rollie Rush, Tim Kaihlanen, Larry Bright, Sean Barnes, Joe Michelini, Bill Savage, Jeff Stanek, Mickey Anderson, Becky at Lakeshore lounge, Dan and Matt Cogan, Kevin and Duncan Lewis for Breakfast, Ryan Kimbro, Rick Gzesh, and again all who played and donated to raffle! Thanks ... more
duane koczan September 9, 2017 at 4:01pm
It was nice seeing everyone today! Pro - Rec really!?!? Hahahaha wish I could've stuck around longer, but again thank you! You guys didn't have to do anything like this , but it's appreciated. Thank you. Can't wait to get back out and spank your asses on the course hahahaha
Tim kaihlanen September 8, 2017 at 7:07pm
ill be there for sure
Michael Carletta August 31, 2017 at 12:10pm
I'm definitely in, open
Larry Bright Jr. August 13, 2017 at 6:23pm
I can't make it but would like to donate something to the cause. I'll put something together for either raffle or CTP prizes and get it into the hands of one of you.
Mickey Anderson August 13, 2017 at 5:04pm
As we get closer to the date, I ask that you all consider coming out to Osborne Park in Willoughby to support one of our own! Duane has been fighting the good fight and we would like to give back to his family!! Duane has been instrumental in the upkeep and keeping Oz a great little course to play! I ask that you pre register online or comment your intent to show! We are looking for items for CTP's and are hoping to have one for each hole. Please contact Bill "Ninja" Savage, Ryan ... more
Jeff Stanek August 12, 2017 at 7:38pm
I'm looking for revenge Ninja!
I'll bring Shrimp Cocktail and probably a disc or two for ctp.
I'll pay day of if that's okay.

Looking forward to seeing and throwing with my favorite rival!!!!!
duane koczan August 8, 2017 at 7:46pm
Hahaha Pro - Rec!?!? That's funny guys...... thanks!
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro August 8, 2017 at 3:42pm
We need to start propp'n this out fellers!
Post link to fb pages, WOM, at leagues, etc!
Cashless pre-reg!
Bill "The Ninja" Savage July 20, 2017 at 12:40am
We will bring Mrs Ninjas famous peppers and sausage !!!!!
Mickey Anderson July 19, 2017 at 12:37am
Lets help out Duane and his family. He is instrumental in keeping Osborne active and a great place to play! Please contact Bill (Ninja) Ryan (Tex) or Mickey (Brillomick) with any prize donation. Lets start a food list! I am in for Jalapeno Cornbread and a Side dish! Online entry should open in a couple of days!
Robert Hanratty July 13, 2017 at 2:29pm
will try to make this event! Anything to help a brother or sister in disc golf! Clear up that poison sumac!!
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro July 5, 2017 at 3:12am
I'm in!
we really can't wait!!!! Miss you bro!!