KC Diva Spring Feeva
Part of 2023 Heartland Women's Series
Comments 23 following
About this tournament
On May 13th 2023, the Kansas City Disc Golf Divas will once again host the annual KC Diva Spring Feeva. This i ...
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Mary-Ann Amador May 8, 2023 at 1:14am
Looking for someone that can caddy for me. I will pay for lunch
Jesse Arzola May 5, 2023 at 6:33pm
Unfortunately, I will need to remove Elle Arzola from this event. We hope everyone has a great weekend and look forward to playing there next year!

Aw that's too bad, we'll miss her but understand things come up.
Kathy Beery May 1, 2023 at 4:06am
If I have someone that wants to caddie for me do I have to get the caddie pack?
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Rhonda Crosby
May 5, 2023 at 6:19pm
Mary-Ann Amador
May 7, 2023 at 11:46pm

They do not have to signup. However you'll want your caddie to plan to provide their own lunch.

If any of you know about someone that can volunteer to caddy for me, I will paid for lunch
Ellie Bryant February 10, 2023 at 4:18pm
Did the location change? I thought I saw Paradise Point again for this year.
You might post out on the Kansas City Disc Golf club page https://www.facebook.com/groups/kcdginc