Great Scott: A Tierra Tribute

PDGA logoSaturday, May 27, 2023 at Tierra Park in Lincoln, Nebraska
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Great Scott: A Tierra Tribute graphic

About this tournament

1 Round - 27 Holes - Shotgun Start

2 Pools: AM & PM

PM POOL: Tee off at 1pm
Open - $55
Advanced - $45
Age Protected - $ 40

AM POOL: Tee off at 9am
Intermediate - $35
Recreational - $30
Novice & Junior - $20

$5 Ace Fund - If no ace is hit during the event, players will throw off for the ace fund. If an individual/individuals hit the ace throw off, they win ⅔ of the ace pot. If no one hits the ace throw off, then it comes down to the CTP. The closest to the pin wins a guaranteed ⅓ of the ace pot. If the closest to the pin is a Disc Gauntlet Bag Tag holder, they win ⅔ of the ace pot. Tag must be present to collect the 2/3 ace pot.

Option during registration to donate to Disc for Life!

Vending provided by Disc Gauntlet

Refund policy

Disc Gauntlet is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. 100% refund up to 15 minutes before the designated tee time.

Refund & Waitlist
Our refund policy allows players to contact us up until 15 minutes before the designated tee time for a full refund. If no players drop out of the event before the designated time all waitlist players will receive a full refund.
In the event a player has not checked in by the designated time we will allow players to be upgraded from the waitlist to the active player list taking the spot on the card of the player who has not arrived.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Jared Crist7272
2Jeremiah Weird7575
3Derek Thurman7676
4John Fink7878
5Jordan Mardis7979
6Zachary Blasingame8484
1Kathy Francis113113
1Chuck Francis7676
2Vail Erickson7878
3Quentin Colwell7979
4Rob Hruska8080
5Sean Yokem8282
6Dalton J Beam8383
7Kaleb Myers8686
8Kyle Erickson8989
9Lucas Briggs9393
1Chris Blake8484
2Scott Campbell8989
1Jeff Beaty8686
2Jon Mills9090
3Randy Gordon102102
1Andrew Chisholm8585
2Mel Joy9191
3Randy Doyle9494
1Markus Miller7676
2Bryce Keller7878
3Mitchell Young8080
4Benjamin "Lunchbox" Langley8181
4Jordan Novak8181
4Josh Duhs8181
4Sam Taylor8181
8Chris Holton8282
9Trevor Klein8383
10Ross Eller8585
10Tyler Brooks8585
12Jon Hames8787
13Maxwell Boettcher9292
14Maria Silva9696
1Ryan Gossard8686
2Jake Sabin8686
2Noah Leutzinger8686
2Thomas Read8686
5Liam Dempsey8787
5Paris Ritter8787
7Cody Pfeiffer9090
8Kyle Linhardt9191
9Steve Hansen9292
10Carter Hodge9696
10Troy Mikkelsen9696
12J.J. Geller9797
13Wyatt Raley9898
14Mark Schwindt9999
15Steven Zarate102102
16Lee Huettner105105
1Gabriel Long Soldier8181
2Isaac French8989
3Tyler Wintholz101101
4Jeffery O’Brien107107
4Ryan Lambert107107
6Eric Hedlund113113
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