Crossover Friday Night Flights Fall Championship 2022

PDGA logoFriday, September 30, 2022 at Winton Woods in Cincinnati, Ohio
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Crossover Friday Night Flights Fall Championship 2022 graphic

About this tournament

Crossover Disc Golf presents: "Friday Night Flights Fall Championship 2022".

This will be our last Friday Night Flight of the year.

We did a series of 3 as a test run, and they went very well. We wanted to do 1 last one, and crown our Friday Night Flight Champion.

This tournament will be a PDGA C-Tier 1 rounder with a shotgun start at 545p sharp. We are capping the field at 36 players. This allows 4 players, every other hole. This is good for pace of play, and casuals who are on the course as well.

There must be at least 3 players in a division, unless otherwise approved by TD's. We will move/consolidate as needed.

The cost for all divisions will be $20. You must preregister like a traditional weekend event.

These events are designed to be shorter, efficient and cost friendly. AM's will compete for Crossover Cash which they can exchange for disc golf merchandise. All Open players will be paid via PayPal.

An email will be sent out to all players at least 2 days prior to the event.

More info coming soon....

Refund policy

Crossover Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Winton Woods
Cincinnati, OH   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at
1John Schengber4141$52
2Jesse Diller4242$28
2Kenny Wade4242$28
4Troy Ison4343
5Garrett Heise4545
6Jeff Armstrong4646
1Cheryl Terwilleger5151$18
1Kevin C Kuhn4040
2Jake Daugherty4141
3Barrett Bowen4242
3Brendon Downey4242
3Jamie Escudero4242
6Anthony Wagner4343
6Jason Krueger4343
6Nicholas Toth4343
9Adam Millering4444
9Clete Reinberger4444
9Nicholas Wisman4444
9Paul Kirian4444
1Brian Dargis4343
2Christopher Smith5252
3Greg Toth6464
1Kyle Terwilleger4242
2Matt Walsh4444
3Jeremy Neville4545
4Josh Keiffer4747
5Devin Hoffer4848
6David Highlands4949
6Jonathon Hart4949
8Dustin Dykes5050
8Zach Swensen5050
10Michael Byrd5151
11Ruvim Vorobyov5454
1Dustin Bullins4343
2Daniel Straiton4646
2Gerald King4646
2Kevin Legg4646
5Quinten Seiter5151
1Amber Feldhaus5050
2Emily Kuhn5656
1Mason Pierce5757
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