Calvert Open 2024
Comments 45 following
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Peter Ludlam June 23 at 1:13am
Hole assignments coming tomorrow morning? All good either way, just curious.
Ryan Lugo June 22 at 9:19pm
Is the creek and beyond ob ?
Andrew S Miller June 22 at 5:56pm
Any chance I could get switched into MA1?
Mark Sherwood June 21 at 10:39am
Please withdraw BB.
sam delp June 18 at 3:45pm
Doubles tonight!
6pm draw
Blue tees with islands on 1 and 10, 13 long pin in preparation for the Open!
Travis Lageman June 12 at 3:27am
What is the refund policy if we sign up on waitlist and don't get in? assuming money back minus handling fee? thx!
Justin Duncan June 10 at 5:12pm
Baskets are now in their positions for the tournament.
First Round will be RED tees. Second Round will be BLUE tees.
1 - A (straight-ish) (Island)
2 - B
3 - B
4 - B
5 - A
6 - B
7 - B
8 - A
9 - B
10 - A (Island)
11 - B
12 - B
13 - B (long position near back path to 14's tee pads)
14 - A
15 - A (old short position near 16's Red/White tee pads)
16 - B
17 - A
18 - B
Doane Richardson June 1 at 1:06pm
Is there any chance we could play the Blue round first and then the Red round second? Some of the old guys are concerned that we, I mean they, won't have much juice left for the second round. Thanks
Charles George May 27 at 3:01am
I’ve attempted to withdraw from this tournament but it seems to not want to let me

Charlie - you’ve gotta give us time to see the request and process it. It’s Memorial Day weekend- we’ve got other stuff going on.
Triston Harrison May 20 at 6:21pm
Will there be a waitlist added?
cards are now posted