2nd Annual Big Bad Wolf
Comments 17 following
About this tournament
C-Tier Singles
1 Round Pick your Tee Time
Pass-through Fees:
$10 Course fee
$2 TD fee
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Jon Marino May 14 at 3:15pm
Did the reports get sent in time for rating updates?
C.J Smith May 10 at 3:11pm
What’s deal with home 10 for ma1? 10s blue tee pad is non existent. Sign is out there but is just mud

We had to work on the dam due to flooding and it won’t be ready until after the tournament

All good. We were just out there practicing today and could not figure out where tee pad was
Johnathan Griffith May 6 at 1:37pm
Will this tournament go ahead no matter what even if there is not a lot of people signed up to play
C.J Smith May 1 at 8:21pm
Is it the blue or white layout?
Philip Skaar April 4 at 12:52am
Pdga event?

It was last year. I assume it will be again. Need more info in the description
I'll be making a post on it today, but it is going to be played from the White Tees for all divisions.