20th Annual Black Fly Fling

PDGA logoSat-Sun, May 20-21, 2023 at Algonquin Disc Golf in South River, Ontario
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

20th Annual Black Fly Fling graphic


Assistant TDJody Slade
Tournament DirectorMicah Streeter

About this tournament

Welcome to the 20th Annual Black Fly Fling!

Returning to the May long weekend in the beautiful South River! This is a PDGA C-tier event.
Four rounds over two days on the 20 hole Black Fly layout at Tom Thomson Park.

We will be getting back to traditions with Friday Random Doubles, Saturday night players dinner, and while it's too cold for an Aquatic Ace will be bringing it on land for some action packed ace runs for spectators and players to enjoy!

Speaking of traditions, you can't play Black Fly without knowing who Dusan Nedelko is. A disc golf hero who raised up all around him. The more you search the more you learn how influential he was in the growth of disc golf and how much he cared for youth and providing them outdoor education. The Dusan Nedelko Foundation — Enabling Youth Through Outdoor Activity (dusansfoundation.org)

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