The 2023 St. Louis Open Presented by MVP
Added cash $5,000
About this tournament
Welcome to our 18th Annual St. Louis Open Presented by MVP Disc Sports!
Added Cash and Player Pack
For all PROs - $5,000 Added Cash
For all Female PROs - An additional $350 protected added cash (donated by Ashley Pickett's St. Louis Traveling League)
SkyHyzer coverage for the lead card of MPO!
For AMs - A player pack valued at $250!
The AM player pack includes...
- MVP Parsec Laser Rangefinder
- 2 Premium Custom Artwork MVP Discs
- Custom Artwork Shirt
Thursday, August 31st is the last day to sign up and guarantee a player pack. We have ordered extra but those extras will be first come, first served (based on sign up date & time).
If you register by Thursday, August 10th (11:00 PM CDT), you are guaranteed to get the shirt size you signed up for. If you register after that date, you will still receive a shirt, but the size cannot be guaranteed (first come, first served at check-in).
Player pack pickup can be done on Thursday night at check in, Saturday night at the player party, or Sunday during voucher redemption.
Regarding player pack pickup, a friend can pick up your player pack with prior authorization from you (the competitor). Send an email to [email redacted] with the name of the person authorized to pick up your pack and we'll record it.
Course Schedule
POOL A: MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MP55
Friday: Carrollton (18 short/gray baskets for FPO)
Saturday: Logan (6 different pins and multiple different pars for FPO)
Sunday: Logan (6 different pins and multiple different pars for FPO)
Logan layout will start on original hole 13:
Approximate Tee Order: FPO, Masters, MPO
Friday: Logan (MPO layout)
Saturday: Endicott
Sunday: Carrollton (MPO layout)
Logan layout will start on original hole 13:
Friday: Willmore
Saturday: Carrollton (FPO layout)
Sunday: Endicott
Approximate Tee Order: Masters, MA2
Friday: Endicott
Saturday: Unger
Sunday: Lakeside
POOL E: MA4, FA1-4, JRs, MP60+, FP40+, MA50+, FA40+
Friday: Unger
Saturday: Lakeside
Sunday: Willmore
Approximate Tee Order: Mixed Masters, Juniors, MA4, Female Divisions
An email will be sent with course guides to competitors prior to the event.
Sponsorships, Vending, and Volunteering
Hole sponsorships are available for $30, feather banners are available for $250 (you keep after), and we'll have advertising space on the SkyHyzer MPO lead card coverage available - contact Jeff Willems for any sponsorship questions.
Vending is available at the player's party and at the courses during play. Contact Jeff Irwin for vending opportunities.
We are actively seeking volunteers! Contact Charlie Akers and/or Calvin Kinsella or fill out this form to volunteer:
Payouts for amateurs will be in STLDGC vouchers. All junior divisions are trophy only.
Trophies will be at the finishing courses for all divisions. Professionals will be paid via PayPal after the event and amateur vouchers can be redeemed at the Logan Pavilion ( as soon as your full division has completed their final rounds.
Tee times will be posted on Wednesday, September 13th.
Flex starts prior to the start of the tournament will happen and will be announced closer to the event!
Player's Party at Logan University in the Pavilion on Saturday night: Guests welcome to join! This is where the raffle will happen and you do not have to be present to win! Raffle includes 2 Zuca carts, 2 Baskets, 1 Grip A-TS bag, and more!
SkyHyzer will be filming the lead card of MPO. Spectators are welcome at any time - just be courteous of the players!
We will use the ratings update of August 8th to ensure players are in the appropriate divisions. (There is an update on September 12th but you will not be required to move if pre-registered.)
Caddies are allowed, but they are an extension of you as a player (you can get penalized if they don't follow the rules).
Unhit tournament ace pot will roll into 2024 STLO ace pot.
Join our Facebook group to be a part of the community during STLO:
Last year:
Are you a club member? The club ace pot is eligible at all of the club's events to club members (not to mention all of the other benefits)! All proceeds go directly back into our courses and community. Read more and become a member here:
Added Cash and Player Pack
For all PROs - $5,000 Added Cash
For all Female PROs - An additional $350 protected added cash (donated by Ashley Pickett's St. Louis Traveling League)
SkyHyzer coverage for the lead card of MPO!
For AMs - A player pack valued at $250!
The AM player pack includes...
- MVP Parsec Laser Rangefinder
- 2 Premium Custom Artwork MVP Discs
- Custom Artwork Shirt
Thursday, August 31st is the last day to sign up and guarantee a player pack. We have ordered extra but those extras will be first come, first served (based on sign up date & time).
If you register by Thursday, August 10th (11:00 PM CDT), you are guaranteed to get the shirt size you signed up for. If you register after that date, you will still receive a shirt, but the size cannot be guaranteed (first come, first served at check-in).
Player pack pickup can be done on Thursday night at check in, Saturday night at the player party, or Sunday during voucher redemption.
Regarding player pack pickup, a friend can pick up your player pack with prior authorization from you (the competitor). Send an email to [email redacted] with the name of the person authorized to pick up your pack and we'll record it.
Course Schedule
POOL A: MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MP55
Friday: Carrollton (18 short/gray baskets for FPO)
Saturday: Logan (6 different pins and multiple different pars for FPO)
Sunday: Logan (6 different pins and multiple different pars for FPO)
Logan layout will start on original hole 13:
Approximate Tee Order: FPO, Masters, MPO
Friday: Logan (MPO layout)
Saturday: Endicott
Sunday: Carrollton (MPO layout)
Logan layout will start on original hole 13:
Friday: Willmore
Saturday: Carrollton (FPO layout)
Sunday: Endicott
Approximate Tee Order: Masters, MA2
Friday: Endicott
Saturday: Unger
Sunday: Lakeside
POOL E: MA4, FA1-4, JRs, MP60+, FP40+, MA50+, FA40+
Friday: Unger
Saturday: Lakeside
Sunday: Willmore
Approximate Tee Order: Mixed Masters, Juniors, MA4, Female Divisions
An email will be sent with course guides to competitors prior to the event.
Sponsorships, Vending, and Volunteering
Hole sponsorships are available for $30, feather banners are available for $250 (you keep after), and we'll have advertising space on the SkyHyzer MPO lead card coverage available - contact Jeff Willems for any sponsorship questions.
Vending is available at the player's party and at the courses during play. Contact Jeff Irwin for vending opportunities.
We are actively seeking volunteers! Contact Charlie Akers and/or Calvin Kinsella or fill out this form to volunteer:
Payouts for amateurs will be in STLDGC vouchers. All junior divisions are trophy only.
Trophies will be at the finishing courses for all divisions. Professionals will be paid via PayPal after the event and amateur vouchers can be redeemed at the Logan Pavilion ( as soon as your full division has completed their final rounds.
Tee times will be posted on Wednesday, September 13th.
Flex starts prior to the start of the tournament will happen and will be announced closer to the event!
Player's Party at Logan University in the Pavilion on Saturday night: Guests welcome to join! This is where the raffle will happen and you do not have to be present to win! Raffle includes 2 Zuca carts, 2 Baskets, 1 Grip A-TS bag, and more!
SkyHyzer will be filming the lead card of MPO. Spectators are welcome at any time - just be courteous of the players!
We will use the ratings update of August 8th to ensure players are in the appropriate divisions. (There is an update on September 12th but you will not be required to move if pre-registered.)
Caddies are allowed, but they are an extension of you as a player (you can get penalized if they don't follow the rules).
Unhit tournament ace pot will roll into 2024 STLO ace pot.
Join our Facebook group to be a part of the community during STLO:
Last year:
Are you a club member? The club ace pot is eligible at all of the club's events to club members (not to mention all of the other benefits)! All proceeds go directly back into our courses and community. Read more and become a member here:
Refund policy
STLDGC / St. Louis Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. We follow the PDGA policies for refunds:
Important Dates:
Full entry fee refund if withdrawn by 8/16/2023
50% entry fee refund if withdrawn by 8/31/2023
25% entry fee refund if withdrawn before 9/12/2023 (registration close)
No entry fee refund if withdrawn after 9/12/2023 (registration close)
Refunds which are partial will only be partial to the entry fee. All other items are refunded in full.
Example: $150 entry fee + $10 raffle = $160 paid, if withdrawn on 8/28 (50% entry fee refund) your refund would be $85 ($150 * 50% + $10).
Important Dates:
Full entry fee refund if withdrawn by 8/16/2023
50% entry fee refund if withdrawn by 8/31/2023
25% entry fee refund if withdrawn before 9/12/2023 (registration close)
No entry fee refund if withdrawn after 9/12/2023 (registration close)
Refunds which are partial will only be partial to the entry fee. All other items are refunded in full.
Example: $150 entry fee + $10 raffle = $160 paid, if withdrawn on 8/28 (50% entry fee refund) your refund would be $85 ($150 * 50% + $10).