Lance Hill
Utah, USA • Righty - backhand
Lance's aces

February 3, 2011 with a ESP Buzzz
Just over the right side of the tunnel

January 20, 2011 with a Champion Monarch
2 witnesses
Backed up the Boss, first time I've seen two Ace discs in the basket and my first having two in a day

October 18, 2010 with a Elite Z Buzzz
2 witnesses
same buzz I got twelve with on the 13th

October 14, 2010 with a Star Starfire-L (SL)
$25 cash
3 witnesses

October 13, 2010 with a 2nd 1st Run Elite Z Buzzz
7 witnesses
Just traded for the disc the round before

March 27, 2010 with a R-Pro Skeeter
9 witnesses
Hard anhyzer around the south side of the trees on the left

January 23, 2010 with a Pro Leopard
6 witnesses
Got this one the day after my bank ace on 13. I've aced this hole left and right handed now.

January 22, 2010 with a First Run Champion Boss
7 witnesses
I threw the disc anhyzer it turned over bounced off a tree and straight in the basket.

10/2009 with a Pro Starfire
3 witnesses
Perfect line, all chains.