Nathan Eurick

Michigan, USA Righty - Backhand and forehand

Nathan's scores

Nathan has posted 304 scores at 37 courses.
View Nathan's scoring stats »
E 54
August 20, ‘16
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Long tees, 18 holes
-3 51
August 16, ‘16
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 63
July 17, ‘16
Old Airport DGC, 20 hole layout, 20 holes
+3 57
July 10, ‘16
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
July 10, ‘16
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 60
June 19, ‘16
Old Airport DGC, 20 hole layout, 20 holes
+6 78
May 15, ‘16
Memorial Park, Fly Open, 24 holes
+5 77
May 15, ‘16
Memorial Park, Fly Open, 24 holes
+1 55
May 14, ‘16
Chippewa Banks, Tournament layout, 18 holes
+8 62
May 14, ‘16
Chippewa Banks, Tournament layout, 18 holes
-7 47
May 10, ‘16
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
+15 69
May 7, ‘16
Vicksburg Recreation Area, Long tees, 18 holes
+9 63
May 7, ‘16
Vicksburg Recreation Area, Long tees, 18 holes
-2 52
May 3, ‘16
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 48
April 4, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
-3 51
March 26, ‘16
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Long tees, 18 holes
-16 44
March 12, ‘16
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Played with Kaylee n Gary.
1 22 33 34 35 26 27 28 29 210 211 212 413 314 315 216 217 318 2Out 44 / -16
-6 48
January 30, ‘16
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
+1 55
January 12, ‘16
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Short tees, 18 holes
+23 77
January 2, ‘16
Grand Woods Park, Main course, Regular tees, 18 holes
+10 64
January 2, ‘16
Grand Woods Park, Main course, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
December 29, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Short tees, 18 holes
-15 57
December 27, ‘15
Brys Park, Regular tees, 24 holes
-5 49
December 22, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Short tees, 18 holes
-2 52
December 15, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Short tees, 18 holes
-2 52
December 8, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Short tees, 18 holes
+8 68
December 5, ‘15
Willow Metropark, mixed tees, 20 holes
+9 69
December 5, ‘15
Willow Metropark, mixed tees, 20 holes
-4 50
December 1, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Short tees, 18 holes
-11 43
November 30, ‘15
Bandemer Park, White tees and red tees, 18 holes
-8 47
October 12, ‘15
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
-8 46
September 14, ‘15
Cass Benton Hills, Alternate tees, 18 holes
+2 76
September 6, ‘15
Flip City, Pro tees, 24 holes
+4 87
September 6, ‘15
Leviathan, Pro tees, 24 holes
+4 77
September 6, ‘15
Mason County Park, Goliath, Regular tees, 24 holes
-10 44
September 1, ‘15
St. Charles Municipal Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
California round
Played a league as cali
1 22 23 34 25 36 37 38 29 310 211 212 213 214 315 316 217 318 2Out 44 / -10
-4 50
August 24, ‘15
Cass Benton Hills, Alternate tees, 18 holes
-2 52
August 23, ‘15
Seymour Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-14 53
August 14, ‘15
Sanford Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 45
August 11, ‘15
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-14 58
August 9, ‘15
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk, 2013 Chuck D White Tees, 24 holes
-12 60
August 9, ‘15
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk, 2013 Chuck D White Tees, 24 holes
-3 51
August 3, ‘15
Cass Benton Hills, Alternate tees, 18 holes
-3 51
August 1, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
August 1, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
July 21, ‘15
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-7 47
July 12, ‘15
Seymour Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
July 6, ‘15
Cass Benton Hills, Alternate tees, 18 holes
+12 84
June 13, ‘15
Hickory Hills, Original, Regular tees, 24 holes
+4 76
June 13, ‘15
Hickory Hills, Original, Regular tees, 24 holes
+3 58
June 7, ‘15
Wickes Woods, Regular tees, 18 holes
-5 49
June 4, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 45
June 2, ‘15
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-7 47
May 28, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-5 49
May 21, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-16 51
May 15, ‘15
Sanford Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 45
May 14, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
May 12, ‘15
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-11 47
May 11, ‘15
Wickes Woods, Blue tees, 18 holes
-8 48
May 7, ‘15
Goldenrod DGC, Long tees, 18 holes
-12 42
May 5, ‘15
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-7 69
May 3, ‘15
Holly Woods, 24 Holes longs, 24 holes
+9 85
May 3, ‘15
Holly Woods, 24 Holes longs, 24 holes
+8 84
May 2, ‘15
Holly Woods, 24 Tournament Longs, 24 holes
-2 74
May 2, ‘15
Holly Woods, 24 Tournament Longs, 24 holes
-9 45
April 28, ‘15
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-15 52
April 24, ‘15
Sanford Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 48
April 21, ‘15
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-5 50
April 20, ‘15
Wickes Woods, Regular tees, 18 holes
Doubles round Tournament league double
-14 53
April 17, ‘15
Sanford Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-8 46
April 16, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-11 43
April 14, ‘15
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-4 50
April 12, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 52
April 12, ‘15
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
February 7, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Long tees, 18 holes
-8 46
January 24, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Short tees, 18 holes
Doubles round
E 54
January 24, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Long tees, 18 holes
-2 52
January 17, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Short tees, 18 holes
+2 56
January 17, ‘15
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, Short hole 5, 18 holes
-6 50
November 10, ‘14
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 55
November 8, ‘14
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 59
November 8, ‘14
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 47
September 25, ‘14
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 51
September 9, ‘14
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 57
September 2, ‘14
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 48
August 26, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+6 60
August 25, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-4 50
August 12, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
July 1, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 51
June 30, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-12 44
June 25, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 45
June 24, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
June 23, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-7 49
June 18, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 47
June 17, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
June 16, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+3 57
June 10, ‘14
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 55
June 9, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-6 48
June 5, ‘14
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
June 3, ‘14
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
+2 56
June 2, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-11 56
May 30, ‘14
Sanford Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-5 49
May 29, ‘14
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 47
May 28, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+19 93
May 26, ‘14
Flip City, Pro tees, 24 holes
+1 75
May 26, ‘14
Flip City, Pro tees, 24 holes
+7 81
May 25, ‘14
Flip City, Pro tees, 24 holes
+7 81
May 25, ‘14
Flip City, Pro tees, 24 holes
+2 74
May 24, ‘14
Mason County Park, Beauty, Regular tees, 24 holes
+6 78
May 24, ‘14
Mason County Park, Beast, Regular tees, 24 holes
-8 46
May 22, ‘14
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-11 45
May 21, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 51
May 20, ‘14
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-2 52
May 19, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+7 63
May 17, ‘14
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+6 62
May 17, ‘14
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 50
May 14, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
May 13, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 52
May 12, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-12 55
May 9, ‘14
Sanford Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-8 46
May 8, ‘14
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 47
May 7, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 47
May 6, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 52
May 5, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+10 64
May 4, ‘14
Grand Woods Park, West course, Cap City 14, 18 holes
+10 64
May 4, ‘14
Grand Woods Park, West course, Cap City 14, 18 holes
-2 52
May 1, ‘14
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 49
April 30, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 52
April 29, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 53
April 28, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-8 48
April 23, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 47
April 22, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 52
April 21, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-1 55
April 16, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+5 59
April 14, ‘14
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-10 46
April 9, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 45
April 8, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 52
April 1, ‘14
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 54
March 29, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+4 58
March 29, ‘14
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-5 49
March 22, ‘14
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
+10 66
March 1, ‘14
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 53
February 15, ‘14
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
+10 64
January 18, ‘14
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, Short hole 5, 18 holes
E 54
January 18, ‘14
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Short tees, 18 holes
+7 63
October 26, ‘13
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 58
October 26, ‘13
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
September 26, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 53
September 23, ‘13
Old Airport DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
September 14, ‘13
Holly Woods, Original Eighteen, 18 holes
+5 59
September 14, ‘13
Holly Woods, Original Eighteen, 18 holes
-3 51
September 12, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-8 48
September 8, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 36 47 38 39 210 211 212 413 314 215 216 217 218 3Out 48 / -8
-3 69
September 1, ‘13
Leviathan, Am tees, 24 holes
-2 70
September 1, ‘13
West Shore Community College, Labyrinth, Short tees, 24 holes
E 72
September 1, ‘13
Mason County Park, Beauty, Regular tees, 24 holes
-4 50
August 26, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-7 47
August 20, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 52
August 19, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-10 46
August 14, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+6 60
August 12, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-9 47
August 7, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 48
August 6, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-12 44
July 31, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+5 59
July 29, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+17 89
July 27, ‘13
Hickory Hills, Original, Tournament 24 with OB, 24 holes
+10 82
July 27, ‘13
Hickory Hills, Original, Tournament 24 with OB, 24 holes
-8 46
July 23, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 48
July 16, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
July 15, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+3 57
July 13, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
+4 58
July 13, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 48
July 11, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 47
July 10, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-11 43
July 9, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 53
July 8, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+7 61
July 7, ‘13
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Long tees, 18 holes
+3 57
July 7, ‘13
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 48
July 5, ‘13
Ogemaw Hills Recreation Complex, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 53 44 35 36 27 38 39 310 211 312 313 214 315 216 217 318 4Out 52 / -3
-10 44
July 4, ‘13
Central Michigan University, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 36 27 28 29 310 311 212 313 214 215 316 217 218 3Out 44 / -10
-14 42
July 3, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-8 46
July 2, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 57
July 1, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+3 59
June 27, ‘13
Goldenrod DGC, Long tees, 18 holes
-11 45
June 26, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
June 25, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 51
June 24, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-22 50
June 22, ‘13
Brys Park, Regular tees, 24 holes
+4 58
June 17, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-4 50
June 15, ‘13
Central Michigan University, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 45 36 37 28 29 210 211 312 313 214 215 316 317 318 3Out 50 / -4
-14 53
June 14, ‘13
Sanford Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 57
June 13, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+6 60
June 10, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-3 53
June 8, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 59
June 8, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 47
June 6, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-12 44
June 5, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 53
June 4, ‘13
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-2 54
June 3, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-11 56
May 31, ‘13
Sanford Lake Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 48
May 30, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-11 45
May 29, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-10 44
May 28, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 53
May 26, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 53
May 26, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+6 78
May 25, ‘13
Holly Woods, Regular tees, 24 holes
1 42 23 34 45 36 47 48 39 310 311 312 313 314 715 516 317 318 219 320 221 222 423 224 3Out 78 / +6
-11 49
May 24, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Partner: CJ Stewart
Doubles round
-2 52
May 23, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 49
May 22, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-5 49
May 21, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+5 61
May 21, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 53
May 19, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-53 1
May 19, ‘13
Frankenmuth Flats, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 54
May 18, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 55
May 16, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-8 48
May 15, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 53
May 15, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
May 13, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-11 45
May 8, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 55
May 7, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 57
May 6, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
E 60
May 5, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 52
May 4, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 52
May 4, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 52
May 4, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 54
May 3, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 54
May 3, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 57
May 3, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 48
May 2, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 49
May 1, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 53
May 1, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 47
April 30, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 56
April 30, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 20 holes
+3 57
April 30, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 55
April 29, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+2 56
April 29, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 57
April 29, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+7 62
April 27, ‘13
Wickes Woods, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 58
April 26, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+4 60
April 26, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 51
April 25, ‘13
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 47
April 24, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
April 23, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
April 23, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 47
April 22, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
E 56
April 17, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+7 67
April 16, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 61
April 16, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+4 64
April 16, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
April 15, ‘13
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+8 64
April 15, ‘13
Reed Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 55
April 14, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+9 69
April 12, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+5 65
April 12, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+20 75
April 11, ‘13
Wickes Woods, Regular tees, 18 holes
+5 65
April 11, ‘13
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
April 10, ‘13
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
+5 59
April 10, ‘13
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
E 55
April 6, ‘13
Va-Du-Mar Park, Regular tees (1-18), 18 holes
2 round as tourment. i won adv champion at south carolina n i got 128.00 !
1 32 33 34 35 46 37 38 29 210 311 412 313 214 515 316 317 318 3Out 55 / E
-2 53
April 6, ‘13
Va-Du-Mar Park, Regular tees (1-18), 18 holes
1 round as tourment
1 32 43 34 35 36 37 28 29 210 311 612 213 314 315 316 317 218 3Out 53 / -2
+2 56
March 30, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 56
March 30, ‘13
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 59
March 23, ‘13
Goldenrod DGC, Long tees, 18 holes
+4 60
March 23, ‘13
Goldenrod DGC, Long tees, 18 holes
+2 58
March 22, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
play with josh a 1 round
1 32 43 44 55 36 37 28 49 310 311 212 313 314 415 316 217 318 4Out 58 / +2
-3 53
March 22, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
play with josh as 2 round n igot ace on # 5
1 32 43 44 35 16 37 38 49 310 311 212 413 314 215 316 217 318 3Out 53 / -3
-15 39
March 21, ‘13
Pierson Road YMCA, Regular tees 2x, 18 holes
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 39 3Out 20 / -7
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Out 19 / -8
-9 47
March 21, ‘13
Goldenrod DGC, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 36 27 38 39 210 211 312 313 314 215 316 217 318 2Out 47 / -9
-3 53
March 15, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 25 46 37 28 39 310 311 212 413 314 415 316 217 318 4Out 53 / -3
-4 52
February 24, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-2 54
February 24, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-8 46
October 2, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 47
September 26, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
September 20, ‘12
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
September 18, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 49
September 12, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-10 44
September 11, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+5 59
September 10, ‘12
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
-4 52
September 5, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 48
September 4, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-8 48
August 29, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-8 46
August 28, ‘12
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
+7 61
August 27, ‘12
Wickes Woods, White tees, 18 holes
+1 55
August 23, ‘12
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 52
August 22, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-5 49
August 21, ‘12
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-4 50
August 16, ‘12
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
August 14, ‘12
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
+9 83
August 4, ‘12
Flip City, Pro tees, 24 holes
+16 90
August 4, ‘12
Flip City, Pro tees, 24 holes
-6 48
July 31, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
July 24, ‘12
The Pines, Alternate tees (long), 18 holes
-4 50
July 19, ‘12
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 45
July 17, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
+4 58
July 7, ‘12
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
+14 68
July 7, ‘12
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
+16 70
June 30, ‘12
Deerfield Park, Wildwood, Long tees, 18 holes
+11 65
June 30, ‘12
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 63
June 16, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, 21 hole, 21 holes
+11 74
June 16, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, 21 hole, 21 holes
+10 82
June 3, ‘12
Firefighters Park, Firefighters Classic 2012 Shorts, 24 holes
+17 89
June 3, ‘12
Firefighters Park, Firefighters Classic 2012 Longs, 24 holes
+8 81
April 7, ‘12
Hudson Mills Metropark, Monster course, Yellow tees (short), 24 holes
+6 78
April 7, ‘12
Hudson Mills Metropark, Original course, Red tees (short), 24 holes
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