Dan Perez
Texas, USA • Righty - backhand
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-7 50 Nov 12 '11 |
Cherry Creek Park · Canton, TX White tees, 18 holes |
-7 50 Nov 12 '11 |
Cherry Creek Park · Canton, TX White tees, 18 holes |
Dan Perez February 4, 2012 at 8:31am
Just to let everyone know that I got my Crystal Buzz back and along with my new super straight Buzz I plan on rippin cherry creek up!!
Dan Perez February 3, 2012 at 12:47pm
Dido! I really like the shoulder strap stays in place! I have gote to play Lindsey park this week and I shot a -3 on dogwood!Much better than +2.
Wendy Wilkins February 2, 2012 at 7:08pm
congrats on your new bag, i got me one too. I like the extra room. See ya Sat.
Dan Perez February 2, 2012 at 9:39am
Finally got my new disccraft bag! I love it. Gave my old innova bag to Wolf cause he needed a bag even if it was old and worn.

Elite Z Nuke
174g - used
long straight
Elite Z Surge SS
173g - new
long straight
Star XCaliber
174g - worn
long fade drives
Elite X Buzzz
174g - new
Elite Z SS Buzzz
175g - used
200-300' straight or anhiser drives
Supersoft Omega
174g - beat
turnover fade putts
Zero Pure
174g - used
headwind or long putts
Started working on new info board! drawing up some plans now. I should have this done this week so i can present it to the club and the city Andy Mcquiston for approval. Im glad to be of service to the club!