David James
Missouri, USA • Lefty - backhand
David's Achievements What are Achievements?
Placed 3rd at 2018 Big Guns Showdown C-tier singles Driven by Innova in the MA3 division
August 25, 2018
Placed 3rd at Smokin Aces presents the Carrollton Classic: Sponsored by Dynamic Discs in the MA3 division
August 4, 2018
Shot a Hot Round at Smokin Aces presents the Carrollton Classic: Sponsored by Dynamic Discs in the MA3 division
Shot a 71 (+5) at Carrollton Park, Carrollton Classic, 18 holes.
August 4, 2018
Aced Hole 1 at Paul A. Schroeder Park with a Elite X Buzzz.
playing 18 Holes, Concrete Pads
March 15, 2018