Centre County Disc Golf Association   July 28, 2020 at 6:11pm


Your club officers are thrilled to update you about fundraising efforts as a club as we work to improve the Harvest Fields Disc Golf Course!

As a club we've raised $6,264.78 over the past few years toward improvements at the Harvest Fields disc golf course at Calvary Church. After spending money on the turf and lumber for our new tees, we still have a balance of $4,248.95 toward our remaining tee supplies and new baskets. We remain optimistic that ongoing conversations with The Disc Golf Foundation, and conversations with local businesses for additional support, will result in those dollars going even further, which will translate into long-range, ongoing "destination-worthy" disc golf at the Harvest Fields course.

And finally, our league-wide Ace Pot Fund now stands at $251. We cap a league ace payout at $100, which means we have more than two full ace payouts ready for the next two players who have bought in to the ace pot and who connect!

If you would like to make an additional contribution to our club funds, become a Harvest Hole Sponsor, or have ideas for other fundraising, please contact one of our club officers (Tricia Lafferty, Edgar Boord, Chris Anderson, Ben Wideman, or Derek Aggleton)