Pelham Tuesday League 2017   May 3, 2017 at 2:45am

(5/2) First Round Results Posted!

Thanks for an awesome showing for the season opener tonight! We managed to hit 50 players right out of the gate. It's going to be battle for points this season with everyone coming out tuned up and ready to rumble.

Billy Crane threw a 51 to earn the top spot and 55 points.

Vijay starts off the season with an ACE on Hole #6, good for $38. Ace pot back to Zero.

Noah Proctor snags the Cash CTP on Hole #1, taking home $34.

Breakin' Chains Bonus CTP on Hole #7 went to Nicole Maclean, winner of an Innova logo hat.

AJ Jasper wins the second Bonus CTP on Hole #2, a Breakin' Chains stamped Soft Wizard and mini marker.

Congrats to all!

Here's a glimpse at the top of the pack tonight:

Score Points Name
51 55 Crane, Billy
53 53 Ross, Jon
53 53 Leffler, Zack
54 49 Demarino, Bill
55 47 Kimball, Tim
55 47 Roberts, Nate
55 47 MacLean, Alan
55 47 Faulkner, Blaine
56 42 Jasper, AJ
56 47 Kakkad, Vijay
56 42 Howe, Trevor
56 44 Proctor, Noah
56 42 Marchand, Corey

Check out the rest of the scores and points on the offical DiscGolfScene Leaderboard:

Last but not least, thanks go out to our league sponsor, Breakin Chains Disc Golf Supplies, located in Hookset, NH. Stop by their store or visit them online at
Bring your 2017 PDGC wooden tag and get 10% off everything in the store!

Also, don't forget the Manchester league starts tomorrow (Wednesday) 5/3!