Congrats to Justin Dean and Jay Moyer, as well as Tim Doherty and Rich Bidinger on shooting a perfect round (-24)!!!!! Tyler Alfano won the cash ctp for $20. Jay Moyer won the Merch ctp for a $10 gift certificate to Dave B's store and a $20 gift certificate to THE DISC GOLF STORE. 3 ACES tonight. Rich Bidinger nailed his first throw of the round on hole #10, Jay Binienda hit hole #19, and Jake Schneider hit hole #9. All 3 players took home $54 each. I believe this is the highest amount of points scored as a whole group to date. Great job to all!!
$20 added to the playoff pot + an additional $12 from Biniendas "dot pot" ($756 total).....$163 in the ACE POOL for next week
"Dave B's store" is more commonly known as OXFORD BEVERAGE (lol). Dont forget to stop in and say thank you for the merchandise contributions to the league this year!