Eastside ACE RUN League   September 17, 2014 at 5:53am

Two perfect scores tonight!!

Congrats to Justin Dean and Jay Moyer, as well as Tim Doherty and Rich Bidinger on shooting a perfect round (-24)!!!!! Tyler Alfano won the cash ctp for $20. Jay Moyer won the Merch ctp for a $10 gift certificate to Dave B's store and a $20 gift certificate to THE DISC GOLF STORE. 3 ACES tonight. Rich Bidinger nailed his first throw of the round on hole #10, Jay Binienda hit hole #19, and Jake Schneider hit hole #9. All 3 players took home $54 each. I believe this is the highest amount of points scored as a whole group to date. Great job to all!!

$20 added to the playoff pot + an additional $12 from Biniendas "dot pot" ($756 total).....$163 in the ACE POOL for next week

Derek Stockford   September 17, 2014 at 12:26pm

"Dave B's store" is more commonly known as OXFORD BEVERAGE (lol). Dont forget to stop in and say thank you for the merchandise contributions to the league this year!