Ira Fish Fliers Disc Golf Club   September 4, 2014 at 6:47am

wk idk... this week... sept 3rd

the remaining 3 weeks will be 9 holes only, and we will still start at 6:30.

the proposed final tournament rounds are proposed for saturday sept 27th or sat oct 11th. oct 4th is not an option, as i will be working the brys ace race. please leave your input for final round. remember, we will play 18 at east china course, and follow that, directly, w a 18 hole round at ira. after the round, we could bbq or something if everyone is interested. 50% of the ace pool will be used for pay outs should no ace be hit.

ace pool is currently updated at $160

players pool is current at $127

thank you kevin h for the cash donations to the course fund.

ace race sign up closes thursday (tomorrow) the 4th of sept at 11:59pm. no extra packs will be available.

Anthony Litts   September 4, 2014 at 12:08am

Longs or shorts for the 9 holes? Maybe an everyother hole layout. Long then short back and fort. Then swap the holes for long and short the next time.