Ira Fish Fliers Disc Golf Club   August 9, 2014 at 8:50am

WK 7

ace pool is at $114, player end of the year pool is at $91 and total raised for the course thus far in league is $181

there was an issue w cali and ftp not being ironed out properly, so it was discussed post round. from here on out, if you draw as a cali for the round, you must declare BEFORE THE ROUND STARTS that both of your shots will be used as ftp, and if you declare both shots, you must pay and additional $2 to the 50/50 ftp pool before you go to start the round. this will be the rule for the remainder of the season.

also, end of the year is becoming clearly problematic, as we go until the 12th of nov. by that time, there won't be light by the time we end out round, much less maybe when we start. so, the motion to shave some time off the end of the season is out, and i would like suggestions. i was thinking end of september or second week of october would work. please leave me your thoughts or talk w me at league.

i will be up north next week for my family reunion camping trip. nick richardon will be running league for me in my absence. thank you very much nick. enjoy the round guys! see ya in two weeks. or at sherwood on sunday ;P

less than 3 weeks to register for the ace race! dead line is sept 4th!