3 new guys showed up this week and id like to welcome them and thank them. Steve, Justin and Curt, i hope you gentlemen join us again next week. justin elected not to pay the back ace pool this week, and there fore, will not be eligible to win the ace pool until he squares up for the back weeks, or an ace is hit and the pool is reset.
that being said, no ace has been hit yet, and the pool jumps to break the triple digits and is at $101 w the addition of the new players this week.
CTP was won by a guy named Matt who joined us for a fun round but did not join the full league. he paid his $2 and won the $17 this week.
total raised by the league thus far is now $154 and the total course fund is up to $1,445.49
you can pay and register for ace race at league. the ace race is sept 20th and the last day to register is sept 4th. it cost $25. register here in the tournaments section.
Ira Fish Fliers Disc Golf Club July 31, 2014 at 6:52am
WK 6
3 new guys showed up this week and id like to welcome them and thank them. Steve, Justin and Curt, i hope you gentlemen join us again next week. justin elected not to pay the back ace pool this week, and there fore, will not be eligible to win the ace pool until he squares up for the back weeks, or an ace is hit and the pool is reset.
that being said, no ace has been hit yet, and the pool jumps to break the triple digits and is at $101 w the addition of the new players this week.
CTP was won by a guy named Matt who joined us for a fun round but did not join the full league. he paid his $2 and won the $17 this week.
total raised by the league thus far is now $154 and the total course fund is up to $1,445.49
you can pay and register for ace race at league. the ace race is sept 20th and the last day to register is sept 4th. it cost $25. register here in the tournaments section.