Ira Fish Fliers Disc Golf Club   July 3, 2014 at 7:42am

Week 2 of IFFDGC

This week was week 2 of IFFDGC and we saw some new faces, welcome to Storm, Josh and Jeremy. The new gents all squared up w the ace pool and each of the 3 new guys was a part of the top 2 teams this week. Congrats to team new guy: Storm and Josh who took home first place this week crushing week 1's top score of -6 w a big time -9 score card.

We raised another $12 for the course fund which is currently sitting at $58

Once again, the progressive ace pool has not been broken, however Dylan had a close call on 8 w some tree love and a basket deflection... close call but no dice. He still searches for his first ace ever. The ace pool grows to $33

The players end of the year pay out pool is now up to $29

The show runner him self, Mr. Neil Duffey(this is odd because I'm writing in 3rd person) had the CTP win this week, taking the trophy buzzz away from defending CTP winner: Koz (Anthony Litts)

As always, thank you all for coming out and supporting the fundraising efforts to help improve and expand the course. I encourage you all to tell a friend! And please, DONT FORGET TO SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THE TOURNAMENT ON JULY 20TH!!! All are welcome, and donations are still needed for the prize pool.

See you next wed at 6:30!