DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2014 *** 5th Annual ***   May 5, 2014 at 2:13am

DGLA MiCPS-S: Game On - DGLA Players on the Leaderboard

Ok May 3rd has come and gone. Unless i missed a message the leagues and DGLA Player Leaderboard are locked and loaded.

Three players are not yet listed as they have not played rounds yet but their money is in the treasure chest. 18 player from Winter got summer season as well so $5 each carries over into Summer. 11 new Summer season Players with $15 in each. For $255 up for grabs.

At least of these player already have berths so they are not eligible for berths and I suspect a few more will win berths at other events during the summer as ours will not be awarded until early Aug. Lets see how the Players leaderboard shapes up.

For Summer 2013 we had

34 participating leagues
With 617 total players playing rounds through the season.

For summer 2014

40 participating leagues

And in the first month we have had 479 total players playing rounds.

Which is great but I'm looking forward to cresting 600 players.

Image if we had 334in the DGLA Player we would be playing for over $5000. Well the good news to those playing you will get something back since we payout the top 40 players or 40% of the players, which ever is larger.

Next I will be adding HLW dates to all the leagues for dates in June and July - Double Points!

We will also be awarding swag based on the leaderboards during May, June & July - More on that soon and watch for the DGLA MiCPS Treasure Chest for the winners to pick their swag from:

Here is the list of DGLA players - Thanks to all for supporting and let the games begin.

Geoff Bennett
Taggart Anderson
samuel Samsquanch smith
Nate Wheeling
Jerry "Chilly" Chilson
Foz Miller
Jason Kirkaldy
josh koehn
Jake Schooley
Josh "Big Bird" Frisinger
Tim St. Aubin
Scottie Reslock
Wade Calvert
matt schooley
Bo Fought
michael howard
Adam Schneider
Matthew Rice
Scott Sprow
Tara St. Aubin
Ron Howard
Dan K
Ben Ross
Brooke Plantz
Tyler Kind
Ben Bobowski
Joe Arnet
Scott White

Enjoy the rounds - Peace