Monday Night Handicap Singles   March 6, 2014 at 12:25pm

That Time Of Year

Mondays just got more fun! CCDG is happy to announce the return of Monday Night League. Starting March 10th at 4pm the longest annual running league around will start back up. The start time will be adjusted as it begins to stay light later. Winslow started a new handicap system at the end of last season that will continue this season and will make the payouts more evenly based and help to eliminate sandbaging. So come on out.

[member not found]   March 10, 2014 at 3:09pm

So what is the new Handicaping method?

Robert Littrell   March 10, 2014 at 3:41pm

Its the pdga system. Winslow can explain it better than I can. But more importance on being consistent over time rather than always having to beat your handicap more than someone else beats theirs. But again Winslow can explain it better than I can.